

单词 潮湿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chinook〕A moist, warm wind blowing from the sea on the northwest U.S. coast.奇努克风:从海洋吹向美国西北部海岸的潮湿暖风美国传统〔DECAY〕The cupboards were damp and full of moldy old clothes. 衣柜很潮湿,全是些发霉的旧衣服。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕If a garage has a porous floor, it can become extremely damp. 车库的地板如果是透水性的,会很潮湿。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The climate stays hot and humid all summer long. 整个夏天,气候一直炎热、潮湿。朗文写作活用〔HOUSE〕Stella and Keith moved into a cold, damp flat together. 斯特拉和基思一同搬进了一套阴冷潮湿的公寓房里。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕The preferred method was to cut the grass early in the morning when it was still wet. 最可取的方法是在早晨趁草仍潮湿的时候割草。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The turtles lay their eggs in the damp sand where they are safe from predators. 海龟把蛋产在潮湿的沙地里,在那里它们就安全了,不会被其他动物捕食。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Her clothes were sticking to her, but the humid air didn't seem to bother Ralph. 她的衣服都黏在身上,但是潮湿的空气并不让拉尔夫觉得难受。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Something about the sticky humid weather made people feel a little angry. 闷热潮湿的天气似乎使人感到有点恼火。朗文写作活用〔a〕It's been a very wet June.今年6月一直都特别潮湿。剑桥高阶〔boot〕It's cold and musty, and damp to boot.这个地方很冷, 有股霉味, 而且还很潮湿。外研社新世纪〔cake〕As temperatures dropped, the wet snow caked.随着温度的下降,潮湿的雪结成了块美国传统〔change〕It's going to be wet and muddy, so bring a change of clothes.天气潮湿,道路泥泞,所以要带一套换洗的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔cheerless〕The kitchen was dank and cheerless.厨房潮湿阴郁。外研社新世纪〔cohere〕Particles of wet sand cohere.潮湿的沙粒会粘在一起。英汉大词典〔condition〕The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions.这种植物最适合在阴凉、潮湿的环境下生长。牛津高阶〔condition〕Warm, wet weather can create ideal conditions for plant diseases.温暖潮湿的天气会给植物病害创造理想的环境。牛津搭配〔conveyor belt〕The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.潮湿的砖头通过传送带运到另一间棚屋来烘干。外研社新世纪〔crinkle〕The humid air crinkled her hair.潮湿的空气使她的头发拳曲。英汉大词典〔dampness〕The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.森林的潮湿令他感到身体不适。外研社新世纪〔damp〕Damp had stained the walls.墙上留下了潮湿的痕迹。朗文当代〔damp〕It was a damp, misty morning.那是一个潮湿而又雾气蒙蒙的早晨。剑桥高阶〔dank〕The kitchen was dank and cheerless.厨房里阴冷潮湿,没有一点生气。柯林斯高阶〔descend〕Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.当我们往下走去地窖时,四周愈见阴冷潮湿。柯林斯高阶〔distil〕Some water distilled over the rocks from the moist undergrowth.岩石下潮湿的草丛使岩石上渗出水滴。21世纪英汉〔feed up〕I'm fed up with this wet weather.我讨厌这种潮湿的天气。21世纪英汉〔filthy〕It's a filthy night to be out.今天晚上出去又冷又潮湿。朗文当代〔fire〕Damp gunpowder will not fire.潮湿的火药不会起火。21世纪英汉〔flourish〕These plants flourish in a damp climate.这些植物在潮湿的气候下长势茂盛。牛津高阶〔foggy〕Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.早上的雨夹雪过后天气潮湿多雾。柯林斯高阶〔fomentation〕A substance or material used as a warm, moist medicinal compress; a poultice.热敷布:一种用作温暖潮湿的药物敷布的物质或材料;糊状敷剂美国传统〔frozen〕It was cold and damp; he pulled up his collar and was aware of being frozen stiff.天气阴冷潮湿, 他把衣领竖起来, 感觉自己快被冻僵了。外研社新世纪〔get〕It's been getting more and more humid all afternoon.整个下午天气变得越来越潮湿。麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕The ground was very wet and soft.土壤非常潮湿松软。外研社新世纪〔handle〕The car handles well, even on wet roads.这辆汽车很好开,即使在潮湿的路上也没问题。朗文当代〔hang〕It's a hang of a wet day.天气十分潮湿。英汉大词典〔heavy〕The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.外面的空气沉滞、潮湿而闷热。柯林斯高阶〔hefty〕It's hefty damp in here.这里潮湿极了。英汉大词典〔high〕It's very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads are wet.在潮湿的路面上高速驾驶是很危险的。剑桥高阶〔hiss〕The tyres hissed over the damp concrete.轮胎哧溜驶过潮湿的水泥地。英汉大词典〔hot and sticky〕The weather was hot and sticky.天气又热又潮湿。韦氏高阶〔hot〕It was a hot, humid summer day.这是个炎热潮湿的夏日。柯林斯高阶〔humid〕New York is very hot and humid in the summer.纽约的夏天炎热潮湿。剑桥高阶〔humid〕The day is overcast and humid.天气多云潮湿。柯林斯高阶〔humid〕Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.游客会遇到炎热潮湿的天气状况。柯林斯高阶〔itch〕The fungi that cause jock itch thrive in warm, moist places.能引起股癣的真菌在温暖潮湿的环境中大量繁殖。牛津搭配〔magnify〕Their noises were magnified in the still, wet air.他们的喧闹声在无风而潮湿的空气中显得更吵了。外研社新世纪〔moisture〕The state or quality of being damp.潮湿:潮湿的状态或性质美国传统〔moist〕He was kept prisoner in a cold, dank cell.他被囚禁在阴冷潮湿的牢房里。韦氏高阶〔moist〕The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions.在温暖潮湿的条件下,鸡蛋会孵化得更快一些。韦氏高阶〔mould〕Cheese moulds in warm wet weather.在暖和潮湿天气乳酪会发霉。英汉大词典〔muggy〕It was muggy and overcast.当时天阴着, 潮湿闷热。外研社新世纪〔muggy〕Warm and extremely humid.湿热的:温暖且十分潮湿的美国传统〔oozy〕Exuding moisture.潮湿的:散发着潮气的美国传统〔oppressively〕It was an oppressively humid day.那是潮湿难耐的一天。韦氏高阶〔part〕The forest is, for the most part, dark and wet.森林通常黑暗而潮湿。外研社新世纪〔place〕A damp flat is no place for someone with asthma.潮湿的套房不适合患有哮喘病的人居住。麦克米伦高阶〔pottery〕Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat.陶器:用潮湿粘土成形然后再加热变硬做成的器皿,如花瓶、罐、碗或盘子美国传统〔powerful〕It was powerful humid.天气非常潮湿美国传统〔puddle〕A tempered paste of wet clay and sand that serves as waterproofing when dry.胶土:一种用潮湿的粘土或沙子制成的晾干后可用作防水物的炼硬的糊状物美国传统〔puddling〕Compaction of wet material, such as clay, in order to make a watertight paste.和泥:将黏土等潮湿的物质捣密以制成防水浆美国传统〔record〕This month has been the wettest on record .这个月是有记录以来最潮湿的一个月。朗文当代〔reservation〕My one reservation concerns the performance of the vehicle in wet conditions.我的一个疑虑是车辆在潮湿环境下的性能。牛津搭配〔rust〕Iron exposed to damp air will rust.放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。21世纪英汉〔sand〕They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water's edge.他们全都光着脚走过潮湿的沙地来到水边。柯林斯高阶〔sap〕His health was sapped by the damp climate.潮湿的气候损害了他的健康。英汉大词典〔sky〕The skies were overcast, and it was chilly and damp.天空阴沉,寒冷而潮湿。朗文当代〔slake〕To combine (lime) chemically with water or moist air.使石灰熟化:将(石灰)与水或潮湿的空气进行化学混和美国传统〔smell〕The air smelt damp and musty.空气中有股潮湿的霉味。英汉大词典〔soil〕This kind of plant grows well in moist soil.这种植物适宜生长在潮湿土壤里。韦氏高阶〔sticky〕It was hot and sticky.天气闷热潮湿。外研社新世纪〔sticky〕It's sticky outside.外面又热又潮湿。韦氏高阶〔strip〕They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass.他们把衣服全都脱掉, 躺在潮湿的草地上。外研社新世纪〔strip〕They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass.他们脱光衣服,躺在潮湿的草地上。柯林斯高阶〔swelteringly〕It's swelteringly hot by day, freezing at night.白天潮湿闷热, 夜晚寒冷刺骨。外研社新世纪〔toil〕People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.在昏暗潮湿的工厂辛苦劳作的人们累得无力再去享受家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔tropical〕Hot and humid; torrid.炎热的:炎热而潮湿的;酷热的美国传统〔trowel〕Pebbles are cast and trowelled into the wet surface of the concrete.用镘刀将鹅卵石铺在潮湿的混凝土表面。外研社新世纪〔turnoff〕The wet conditions proved a turn-off for some spectators.潮湿的环境结果让某些观众十分扫兴。牛津搭配〔unstick〕The damp gradually unstuck the wallpaper.潮湿逐渐使墙纸剥离。英汉大词典〔useless〕The tent is useless in wet conditions.在潮湿的环境下,帐篷毫无用处。韦氏高阶〔wet look〕This season's wet look is great for short hair.这种季节的潮湿气候非常适合留短发。麦克米伦高阶〔wet〕The American winter was cold, wet and windy.美国的冬天寒冷、潮湿且多风。外研社新世纪〔wriggle〕A snake wriggled across the wet path.一条蛇从潮湿的小路上蜿蜒而过。21世纪英汉A lot of the wetness will evaporate before the rain reaches the plant's roots.大量潮湿在雨水到达植物根部之前就蒸发了。剑桥国际Christmas is often mild and wet in this country.在这个国家,圣诞节的天气通常温和而又潮湿。剑桥国际Copper, brass and bronze are all affected by verdigris if they are exposed to moist air for a long period of time.假如铜、黄铜和青铜长时间暴露在潮湿的空气中,它们都会受到铜绿的影响。剑桥国际First, let's set the scene --it was a dark, wet night with a gale blowing in from the sea.首先,我们来描述一下背景----那是一个漆黑而潮湿的夜晚,海风呼啸而来。剑桥国际Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds. 温度和潮湿会使种子发芽。译典通In August, New York often has hot, humid and enervating weather.八月,纽约天气常常又热又潮湿,使人无精打采。剑桥国际It was a hot sunny day, but it was so humid that my clothes were sticking to me.这是个炎热的晴日,但天气太潮湿,我的衣服和人都粘在了一起。剑桥国际It was a hot, clammy day.这是个炎热潮湿的一天。剑桥国际She has been preparing for the strength-sapping humidity of the rainforest by training in her parents’greenhouse.她在父母的温室中进行训练,为雨林中那消耗体力的潮湿作准备。剑桥国际The damp climate here disagrees with my mother. 这儿潮湿的气候不适合我母亲。译典通The dampness in the basement damaged his books. 地下室的潮湿将他的书损坏了。译典通The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.亚马孙雨林的赤道气候又炎热又潮湿。剑桥国际Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable. 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。译典通There was a suboptimal performance of all the test shoes on wet surfaces.所有测试过的鞋子在潮湿表面上的表现都不是最理想的。牛津商务This area was very marshy before the drainage system was installed.这个地区在装了排水系统之前是十分潮湿的。剑桥国际This sort of wet weather plays hell with my chest. 这种潮湿天气对我的肺有害。译典通




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