

单词 烤肉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COOK〕the smell of roasting meat 烤肉的气味朗文写作活用〔backyard〕a backyard barbecue 后院烤肉野宴牛津高阶〔barbecue〕invite several friends to the ranch for a barbecue 邀请几位朋友到农场举行烤肉野餐英汉大词典〔baste〕to baste the meat while cooking烤炙时往烤肉上滴油21世纪英汉〔coconut〕the smell of roasted meats mingled with spices, coconut oil and ripe tropical fruits. 烤肉掺杂着香料、椰子油和熟透的热带水果的味道柯林斯高阶〔crackling〕cracklings The crisp bits that remain after rendering fat from meat or frying or roasting the skin, especially of a pig or a goose. cracklings 脆皮:在熬油、油煎或烤肉皮后剩余下来的松脆小片,尤指猪的和鹅的美国传统〔en brochette〕lamb en brochette. 串在烤肉叉上的羊肉美国传统〔grill〕a Mexican grill 墨西哥烤肉店韦氏高阶〔grill〕grilled meat and shrimp 烤肉和烤虾牛津高阶〔joint〕the Sunday joint(= one traditionally eaten on a Sunday) 礼拜天吃的大块烤肉牛津高阶〔lard〕a roast larded with bacon 掺了熏猪肉片的烤肉韦氏高阶〔meaty〕a meaty roast with little bone 多肉少骨的烤肉英汉大词典〔roasting〕the smell of roasting meat 烤肉的味道韦氏高阶〔roast〕a traditional Sunday roast 传统的周日烤肉朗文当代〔roast〕cold roast 冷烤肉 英汉大词典〔roast〕roast meat on a spit 用铁叉烤肉 英汉大词典〔roast〕the Sunday roast 星期日的烤肉牛津高阶〔roast〕the delicious smell of meat roasting 烤肉的香味朗文当代〔roast〕the smell of roasting meat 烤肉的香味牛津高阶〔rotisserie〕a chicken cooked on a rotisserie = a rotisserie chicken 用转轮烤肉炉制作的烤鸡韦氏高阶〔social〕a barbecue social 烤肉聚餐会英汉大词典〔spit〕lamb roasted on a spit 烤肉扦子上烤的羔羊肉麦克米伦高阶〔thermometer〕a digital/meat thermometer 数字/烤肉温度计韦氏高阶




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