

单词 游说
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anti-choice〕the anti-choice lobby 反对自由堕胎的游说团剑桥高阶〔anti-life〕the anti-life lobby 赞成堕胎的游说团体剑桥高阶〔anti-nuclear〕the anti-nuclear lobby/movement 反核游说团体/运动剑桥高阶〔antiabortion〕an antiabortion lobbyist 反堕胎的院外游说者英汉大词典〔barnstorm〕his barnstorming campaign for the governorship of Louisiana他为竞选路易斯安那州州长而进行的巡回游说活动外研社新世纪〔canvass〕canvass a district for votes 为争取选票在选区进行游说英汉大词典〔canvass〕go canvassing 游说英汉大词典〔canvass〕to canvass for votes.向人游说以争取选票。牛津同义词〔debate〕the ongoing debate between environmentalists and the road-building lobby over the future of our countryside 环境保护主义者和游说修建公路的团体之间正在进行的有关我们乡村未来的讨论朗文当代〔gun〕the powerful gun lobby in the US 美国强大的反禁枪游说势力牛津搭配〔imposition〕listened to the telephone solicitor but resented the imposition. 听着电话游说者讲话但对其要求感到厌烦美国传统〔lobbying〕the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, a housing lobby group. 民权律师委员会,一个住房政策游说团体柯林斯高阶〔lobby〕a mass lobby of Parliament by women's organizations 妇女团体对议会的集体游说朗文当代〔lobby〕a player who has lobbied hard to be included in the team's starting lineup 到处尽力游说想要进入首发阵容的运动员韦氏高阶〔lobby〕a powerful environmental lobby group 一个强大的环境游说团体朗文当代〔lobby〕a recent lobby of Parliament by pensioners 领养老金者近来在议会的游说牛津高阶〔lobby〕an organization that has been lobbying Congress for reform of the tax laws 一直游说国会进行税法改革的组织韦氏高阶〔lobby〕an organization that has been lobbying for reform of the tax laws 一直游说政府进行税法改革的组织韦氏高阶〔lobby〕an organization which lobbies for the right to electronic privacy为争取电子隐私权而游说的一个组织外研社新世纪〔lobby〕lobbied the bill through Congress; lobbied the bill to a negative vote. 游说国会通过提案;游说否决提案美国传统〔lobby〕lobbying for stronger environmental safeguards; lobbied against the proliferation of nuclear arms. 为加强环境保护而游说;反对核武器扩散而游说美国传统〔lobby〕the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, a housing lobby group民权律师委员会, 一个住房政策游说团体外研社新世纪〔lobby〕the anti-foxhunting lobby 反对猎狐的游说团体朗文当代〔lobby〕the anti-smoking lobby 反吸烟游说团体剑桥高阶〔lobby〕the banking lobby; the labor lobby. 银行游说团;劳工游说团美国传统〔lobby〕the environmental lobby.就环境问题向议员进行的游说运动。牛津同义词〔lobby〕the gun/tobacco lobby 枪支/烟草游说团韦氏高阶〔lobby〕the road-users lobby.向议员游说的一群道路使用者。牛津同义词〔lobby〕to lobby your MP.游说你们的下院议员。牛津同义词〔officialdom〕lobby Saudi officialdom 向沙特阿拉伯官员们游说英汉大词典〔organizer〕his campaign organisers who are canvassing for last minute support. 为他作最后一刻游说以获取支持的竞选组织者柯林斯高阶〔peripatetic〕peripatetic candidates 四出游说的候选人英汉大词典〔pro-choice〕the pro-choice lobby 主张堕胎合法的游说团体朗文当代〔right-to-die〕the growing right-to-die lobby within the USA 美国国内越来越庞大的支持死亡权利的游说团体朗文当代〔saturation〕canvass a district to saturation 在选区游说拉票遍至每一角落英汉大词典〔spiel〕a sales spiel 滔滔不绝的推销游说剑桥高阶〔voter〕attempts to appeal to undecided voters 游说未作出决定的选民的努力牛津搭配a campaign to persuade households to adopt digital television 游说家庭采用数字电视的广告活动牛津商务




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