

单词 游行队伍
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CIRCLE〕The procession follows a circular route through the town, and finishes back in the park. 游行队伍按环形路线在镇上走了一圈,最后回到公园。朗文写作活用〔CROWD〕The two groups of demonstrators converged on Hyde Park. 两支游行队伍在海德公园会合。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Not surprisingly, there was a large student contingent at the demonstration. 毫不奇怪,游行队伍里有一个很大的学生代表团。朗文写作活用〔away〕The music faded away as the procession moved slowly up the street.随着街上的游行队伍渐渐远去,音乐声也渐渐听不见了。剑桥高阶〔by〕We stood and applauded as the parade went/passed by.游行队伍走过时我们站起来鼓掌。韦氏高阶〔chase〕The children all chased off after the procession.孩子们都跑去跟在游行队伍的后面。英汉大词典〔clap〕Londoners came out on to the pavement to wave and clap the marchers.伦敦居民从家里涌到人行道上,向游行队伍挥手、鼓掌。柯林斯高阶〔crane〕He craned forward to see the procession.他伸长脖子看游行队伍。剑桥高阶〔crush〕We were caught in the crush at the parade.我们在游行队伍中被挤得无法动弹。英汉大词典〔drag〕The parade dragged by endlessly.游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。21世纪英汉〔drumbeat〕I could hear the drumbeat of a parade down the street.我能听见街上游行队伍的鼓声。韦氏高阶〔effervesce〕The crowd waiting to see the parade effervesced with excitement.等着看游行队伍的人群情绪激动,兴高采烈。英汉大词典〔end with〕The parade will end with a marching band.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。韦氏高阶〔end〕A brass band ended the parade.游行队伍的最后是铜管乐队。英汉大词典〔end〕A marching band will end the parade.游行乐队将排在游行队伍的最后。韦氏高阶〔entangle〕He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled in/with a carnival parade.他去商店买面包,却被裹挟进狂欢节游行队伍里去了。剑桥高阶〔essential〕Processions are an essential feature of all festivals.游行队伍是所有节日的一大特色。外研社新世纪〔fall away〕The sound of the parade fell away in the distance.游行队伍的声音渐渐消失在远处。韦氏高阶〔fixture〕He's been a fixture in the parade for many years.多年以来,他总出现在游行队伍中。韦氏高阶〔flock〕They came in flocks to see the procession.他们成群结队来看游行队伍。牛津高阶〔flower girl〕A young girl who carries flowers in a procession, especially at a wedding.女花童:在游行队伍中、尤其是婚礼上拿花的小女孩美国传统〔go〕The parade went by us.游行队伍从我们身边走过。英汉大词典〔halt〕The parade halted by a busy corner.游行队伍在一个热闹的拐角处停下了。朗文当代〔head〕Jenny marched proudly at the head of the procession.珍妮自豪地走在游行队伍的前列。朗文当代〔invade〕People invaded the streets in victory processions almost throughout the day.几乎一整天,大街上都挤满了欢庆胜利的游行队伍。柯林斯高阶〔knowledge〕I arrived late, safe in the knowledge that no demonstration leaves on time.我很晚才到, 因为我确信没有示威游行队伍能按时出发。外研社新世纪〔lead〕A firetruck was leading the parade.一辆消防车在游行队伍前面开道。朗文当代〔lead〕The queen led the procession. My name led the list.女王走在游行队伍的前列。我的名字排在第一位美国传统〔lead〕The school band led the parade.学校的铜管乐队走在游行队伍前列。英汉大词典〔lift up〕Curious shoppers lifted up their children to take a closer look at the parade.好奇的顾客们举起他们的孩子, 让他们更仔细地看看游行队伍。外研社新世纪〔lumber〕The parade lumbers through town once a year.游行队伍每年都会有一次浩浩荡荡的穿城游行。韦氏高阶〔marcher〕There were hundreds of marchers in the parade.游行队伍中有数百名示威者。韦氏高阶〔march〕Hundreds of people marched in the parade.数百人在游行队伍中齐步前进。韦氏高阶〔march〕The farmers halted the march outside the presidential palace.农民们在总统官邸外停下了游行队伍。牛津搭配〔march〕The march was broken up by police in riot gear.游行队伍被身穿防暴服的警察强行驱散。牛津搭配〔march〕They led a march in support of affirmative action.他们走在游行队伍前面,支持维权行动。韦氏高阶〔march〕We marched peacefully through the streets.我们的游行队伍平静地穿过一条条街道。牛津搭配〔marshal〕The parade's grand marshal carried an elaborately carved staff.游行队伍的领队手持一根雕刻精美的指挥杖。剑桥高阶〔mass〕A mass of people followed the procession.一大群人跟在游行队伍后面。麦克米伦高阶〔mishap〕The parade was very well organized and passed without mishap.游行队伍组织得很好,通过时没有发生意外。剑桥高阶〔parade〕An organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion.游行,游行队伍:节日或纪念日中有组织的公共队列美国传统〔pour down〕The youngsters poured down the street to see the parading procession.年轻人涌上街头看游行队伍。21世纪英汉〔presence〕The march went ahead in spite of the overwhelming police presence.游行队伍不顾众多警察在场继续前进。牛津搭配〔procession〕I want to see the procession.我想看看游行队伍。外研社新世纪〔procession〕It's a religious procession to the local Hindu temple.这是一支向当地印度教神庙进发的宗教游行队伍。外研社新世纪〔procession〕The mayor of the town led the procession to the central square.镇长率领游行队伍来到了镇中心的广场。牛津搭配〔procession〕The procession made its way through the streets.游行队伍沿街而行。外研社新世纪〔procession〕The solemn procession wound its way through the narrow streets.庄严的游行队伍迂回地穿过狭窄的街道。牛津搭配〔range〕The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession.观众沿游行队伍经过的路线成行排开。英汉大词典〔roadway〕Police cleared the roadway for the parade.警方为游行队伍腾出了车行道。韦氏高阶〔rough〕If I were to make a rough guess, I might say there were 100,000 people at the parade.要是让我粗略估计一下,我会说游行队伍中有10万人。韦氏高阶〔scuffle〕Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.支持和反对独立的两支游行队伍间爆发了激烈的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔sedate〕The procession moved at a sedate pace.游行队伍肃穆地缓缓前进。牛津同义词〔shoulder〕The child sat on her father's shoulders to watch the parade go by.孩子骑在她爸爸肩上观看游行队伍经过。牛津搭配〔sight〕The procession was an impressive sight.游行队伍非常壮观。牛津同义词〔snake〕The three-mile procession snaked its way through the richest streets of the capital.3 英里长的游行队伍弯弯曲曲地穿过了首都最繁华的街道。柯林斯高阶〔snake〕The three-mile procession snaked its way through the richest streets of the capital.三英里长的游行队伍弯弯曲曲地穿过了首都最繁华的街道。外研社新世纪〔standard〕Two men carried the standard in the royal parade.在盛大的游行队伍中,两个男子打着旗子。英汉大词典〔stately〕The procession made its stately progress through the streets of the city.游行队伍缓慢而庄严地穿过城市的街道。牛津高阶〔stretching〕The procession stretched for several miles.游行队伍长达数英里。柯林斯高阶〔tableau〕The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。牛津高阶〔tag〕Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.兴奋的孩子们紧跟在马戏团游行队伍后面直到游行路线的终点美国传统〔tail after〕Some boys tailed after the parade.有些小男孩儿紧紧跟在游行队伍后面。21世纪英汉〔tail〕The Santa Claus float tailed the parade.圣诞老人的活动彩车行进在游行队伍的末尾。英汉大词典〔tail〕The Santa Claus float tailed the parade.圣诞老人花车排在游行队伍的后面美国传统〔tail〕The children tailed after the parade.孩子们跟在游行队伍后面。英汉大词典〔town〕The whole town turned out to watch the procession.全镇的人都出来观看游行队伍。朗文当代〔trainbearer〕An attendant who holds up the train of a robe or gown, as in a procession.挽裙裾者:捧起罩袍或长袍的裙裾的侍从,如在游行队伍中的美国传统〔trash〕The marching turned to trashing.游行队伍开始动手捣毁东西了。英汉大词典〔turn〕A vast crowd turned out to watch the procession.有一大群人出来观看游行队伍。牛津高阶〔twirler〕The baton twirlers preceded the marching band in the parade.游行队伍中走在行进乐队前面的是挥举着指挥仗的领队。韦氏高阶〔underfoot〕Many people were trampled/crushed underfoot when the police tried to break up the demonstration.当警察试图驱散游行队伍时,许多人被踩在脚下/挤倒在地。剑桥高阶〔vantage point〕From my vantage point on the hill, I could see the whole procession.从我在山上的有利位置我可以看到整个游行队伍。朗文当代〔watch〕They stopped to watch the procession go by.他们停下来观看游行队伍走过。牛津搭配〔wave〕The leader of the parade waved a flag.游行队伍的带头人挥舞着一面旗帜。韦氏高阶〔way〕The procession snaked its way through the town.游行队伍蜿蜒穿过小镇。牛津搭配〔wend〕The procession wended its way through the streets.游行队伍穿过街道前进。21世纪英汉〔wend〕The procession wended its way through the streets.游行队伍缓缓地穿过街道。朗文当代〔worm〕A stranger wormed his way into the paraders.一个陌生人悄悄混入了游行队伍。21世纪英汉A car headed the procession. 一辆汽车为游行队伍开路。译典通A young boy holding a lighted candle led the procession.一个手拿点着了的蜡烛的小男孩在游行队伍前面带路。剑桥国际From where we stood, we had a grandstand view of the parade.从我们站的地方,我们可以清楚地看到游行队伍的全部。剑桥国际He craned forward to see the procession.他伸长脖子去看游行队伍。剑桥国际He stood near the front to get a better view of the procession.为了看游行队伍看得更清楚他尽量靠前站。剑桥国际He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled in / with a carnival parade.他去商店买面包,却被卷入了狂欢游行队伍,不得脱身。剑桥国际I shinned up a tree to get a better view of the procession. 我爬上一棵树,好把游行队伍看得更清楚些。译典通The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade. 身著整齐校服的男学生走在游行队伍的前列。译典通The crowd ranged itself along the route of the procession.人群排列在游行队伍经过的沿线。剑桥国际The demonstrators will march through the heart of the capital.示威者的游行队伍将穿过首都中心。剑桥国际The floats in the parade were decked out with flags. 游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。译典通The local youth band will lead the parade this weekend.本周末当地的青年乐队将走在游行队伍的前面。剑桥国际The march involved not just local lefties and students but also elderly residents.游行队伍中不仅有当地的左翼分子和学生而且还有中老年居民。剑桥国际The military band led the parade. 军乐队走在游行队伍的前面。译典通The music faded/died away as the procession moved slowly up the street.随着游行队伍在大街上缓慢移动,音乐声越来越小。剑桥国际The parade passed along slowly. 游行队伍慢慢地向前行进。译典通The procession formed (up) and moved off slowly.游行队伍列好队,慢慢地走去。剑桥国际The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace.游行队伍稳步走过街道。剑桥国际The young man walked at the head of the parade. 那年轻人走在游行队伍最前面。译典通Two police motorcyclists brought up the rear (= formed the last part) of the demonstration.两名骑摩托车的警察跟在示威游行队伍的最后。剑桥国际We hurrahed as the astronauts rode by in the parade. 当太空人在游行队伍里驱车而过时,我们大声欢呼。译典通




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