

单词 流过
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔babble〕a brook that trickled and babbled through a weedy bed潺潺流过长满草的河床的涓涓溪流外研社新世纪〔beside〕a hill with stream beside旁边有溪水流过的小山外研社新世纪〔brawl〕the river brawling by 哗哗流过的河水英汉大词典〔bubble〕a brook bubbling over rocks 汩汩地流过岩石的小溪英汉大词典〔course〕the blood coursing through my veins 快速流过我静脉的血液韦氏高阶〔cross-country〕a river meandering cross-country 蜿蜒流过田野的河流英汉大词典〔curve〕the stream describing many curves through the valley 曲曲弯弯流过峡谷的小溪英汉大词典〔electrosensitive〕electrosensitive paper 电敏纸(能在电流从中流过时成像)英汉大词典〔flow〕the rate of flow of water through the pipe 水流过管道的速率牛津搭配〔funnel〕tourists funneling slowly through customs. 旅游者象水流过漏斗一样慢慢地经过了海关检查美国传统〔gurgle〕the gurgle of a brook over rocks 小溪在岩石上流过的潺潺声英汉大词典〔interaction〕the interaction processes of chimpanzees 黑猩猩之间的交流过程牛津搭配〔overload〕the overload of electric current 电流过载英汉大词典〔purl〕a brook purling over massy stones一条小溪打着漩涡地流过长着青苔的石头21世纪英汉〔twine〕a stream twining through the forest. 蜿蜒着流过森林的溪流美国传统




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