

单词 流落街头
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔barefoot〕poor children going barefoot in the street 光着脚流落街头的穷孩子牛津高阶〔derelict〕derelicts living on the streets 流落街头的乞丐牛津高阶〔destitute〕destitute children who live on the streets. 流落街头的贫困儿童柯林斯高阶〔destitute〕destitute children who live on the streets流落街头的贫困儿童外研社新世纪〔otherwise〕men who want to provide positive role models for kids who might otherwise be out on the streets. 想为那些可能会流落街头的孩子树立榜样的人柯林斯高阶〔runaway〕teenage runaways living on the streets 流落街头的离家出走的青少年牛津高阶〔safety net〕people who have fallen through the safety net and ended up homeless on the streets 未能享受保障措施终致流落街头的人牛津高阶〔street〕a plan to keep teenagers off the streets 不让青少年流落街头的计划牛津搭配〔street〕the problems of young people living on the streets 年轻人流落街头的种种问题牛津高阶〔street〕young people living on the streets 流落街头的年轻人朗文当代




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