

单词 游泳
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔backwash〕backwash a swimming pool 冲洗游泳池英汉大词典〔bathe〕to bathe in the sea.在海里游泳。牛津同义词〔champion〕a champion boxer/skier/swimmer 拳击/滑雪/游泳冠军韦氏高阶〔champion〕a champion jockey/boxer/swimmer 获得冠军的赛马骑师/拳击手/游泳运动员牛津高阶〔chlorinated〕swimming in chlorinated pools在加氯消毒过的泳池里游泳外研社新世纪〔chlorinate〕chlorinate water in a swimming pool 给游泳池池水加氯消毒英汉大词典〔contrary〕swim in a direction contrary to the current 逆水游泳英汉大词典〔deep-water〕deep-water swimming 深水游泳剑桥高阶〔forbid〕rules that prohibit swimming in the reservoir; 禁止在水库游泳的规定;美国传统〔gala〕a swimming gala 游泳比赛剑桥高阶〔go〕go hunting [swimming, shopping, hiking, walking, dancing, sightseeing] 去打猎[游泳、购物、远足、散步、跳舞、观光]文馨英汉〔grip〕a drowning swimmer now safely in the grip of a lifeguard. 溺水的游泳者现已被救生员牢牢抓住美国传统〔heat〕heated swimming pools. 温水游泳池柯林斯高阶〔indoor〕an indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池朗文当代〔indoor〕an indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池牛津高阶〔intermediate〕an intermediate swimmer 中等水平的游泳者韦氏高阶〔intermediate〕an intermediate swimming class 中级游泳班韦氏高阶〔long-distance〕a long-distance runner/swimmer 长跑/长距离游泳运动员麦克米伦高阶〔one-piece〕a one-piece swimsuit. 连身游泳装美国传统〔open-air〕an open-air swimming pool 户外游泳池麦克米伦高阶〔outdoor〕an outdoor (swimming) pool 室外游泳池文馨英汉〔outdoor〕an outdoor swimming pool 室外游泳池牛津高阶〔overhand〕an overhand pitch; an overhand stroke. 肩上投球;(游泳时)手大力拨水的一划美国传统〔poor〕a poor swimmer 不擅游泳的人牛津高阶〔pursuit〕pursuits such as swimming and tennis 如游泳和打网球之类的爱好朗文当代〔session〕a session at the swimming-baths.在室内游泳池上的一课。牛津同义词〔splash〕to splash one's hands in the swimming pool在游泳池中把水拍得四溅21世纪英汉〔stroke〕swim in easy strokes (with a fast stroke) 从容自在地 (快速地) 划水游泳英汉大词典〔style〕learn different styles of rowing (swimming) 学会各种不同的划船方法(游泳式样) 英汉大词典〔sub-aqua〕sub-aqua swimming 水下游泳英汉大词典〔swimmer〕a shallow pool for non-swimmers 供不会游泳的人用的浅水池牛津高阶〔swimming pool〕a public swimming pool 公共游泳池韦氏高阶〔swimming pool〕an indoor/outdoor swimming pool 室内/室外游泳池剑桥高阶〔swimming pool〕an open-air swimming pool 露天游泳池牛津高阶〔swimming〕a swimming club/lesson 游泳俱乐部/课麦克米伦高阶〔swimming〕swimming lessons. 游泳课柯林斯高阶〔swim〕a swim meet(= a swimming competition between teams) 游泳比赛牛津高阶〔swim〕to swim in the sea 在大海中游泳牛津搭配〔teacher〕the school swimming coach 学校游泳教练朗文当代〔throw〕threw the life preserver to the struggling swimmer; 把救生圈抛给正在挣扎的游泳者;美国传统




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