

单词 照样
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THERE/NOT THERE〕It doesn't matter if no one is around - I'm still not going through a red light. 附近没有人无所谓,我照样不会闯红灯。朗文写作活用〔alloy〕She had no misgivings to alloy her delight.她没有疑虑,照样开开心心。英汉大词典〔coarsely〕The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.她在的时候,士兵们还是照样说粗俗的笑话,都懒得收敛。柯林斯高阶〔compliment〕They didn't take a lot of notice of me, and I returned the compliment.他们对我爱理不理的,我就照样回敬。朗文当代〔exist〕The world exists, whether you like it or not.不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。21世纪英汉〔experience〕In my experience, very intelligent people can still make terrible mistakes.依我的经验来看,绝顶聪明的人照样会犯严重的错误。麦克米伦高阶〔gaily〕They gaily went on talking after the film had started.电影开演后他们照样毫无顾忌地说话。朗文当代〔lead〕You go first, I'll take my lead from you.你领头,我来照样做。牛津高阶〔likewise〕He tried to do likewise.他试图照样做。文馨英汉〔nerveless〕A few nerveless men slept soundly.几个神经坚强的人照样呼呼大睡。英汉大词典〔protest〕The building work will go ahead, despite protests from local residents.尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行。牛津高阶〔prune〕We can go ahead and reform without you, you desiccated old prune!没有你我们照样可以改革, 你这个死板的老笨蛋!外研社新世纪〔rest〕Life went on as usual in the rest of the world.在世界的其他地方,人们照样过着各自的生活。英汉大词典〔sag〕The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.这件衬衫的袖口洗后照样挺括, 不变形。外研社新世纪〔sag〕The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.这件衬衫的袖口洗后照样挺括,不变形。柯林斯高阶〔same〕Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all the same.马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。柯林斯高阶〔stagger〕Education, however, has managed to stagger on in spite of these pleasant diversions.不过,娱乐归娱乐,学习还是照样进行不误。英汉大词典〔usual〕Despite her problems, she carried on working as usual.尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。牛津高阶〔watch〕Watch what I do, and then do the same.看我怎么做,然后照样做。 英汉大词典Education, however, has managed to stagger on in spite of these pleasant diversions. 不过,娱乐归娱乐,教育还是照样进行不误。译典通I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate. 我可以一个月不去上课还照样毕业。译典通I have steeled myself to manage without it. 我已下了最大决心,没有它也照样做。译典通I quite like wine but I could live without it.我非常喜欢酒,但没有酒我照样能过活。剑桥国际I told him to watch me and do likewise. 我叫他仔细看著我,并且照样做。译典通Sentimentalists hark back to the last century as a time when genius flowered unsupported by the state.易于伤感的人回忆起上个世纪,那时候天才没有国家的支持照样焕发才华。剑桥国际When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon follow suit.一旦有一家航空公司降低了机票价格,其他的都往往会照样行事。剑桥国际




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