

单词 没有问题
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMINE〕I've looked over all the records and they seem okay. 我翻过所有的记录,好像都没有问题。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR. 假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕He didn't have any more questions. 他没有问题了。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕I had no problems getting acquainted with the girls, but the guys were a little harder. 我和女孩子们认识没有问题,但这些男人就稍稍困难些了。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕The teacher stopped and looked around to see if there were any questions. 老师停下来环视四周,看看大家有没有问题。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕I thought if I told Mark everything, it would be OK. That was a bad miscalculation. 我本以为把一切都告诉马克就没有问题了。可这种估计大错特错了。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕I have no further questions at this time, your honor. 现在我没有问题了,法官大人。朗文写作活用〔OK〕I'll just check that the car's okay - that noise from the engine doesn't sound good! 我要检查一下汽车有没有问题——发动机的声音听起来不妙!剑桥高阶〔POSITION/RANK〕It's not the staff that are the problem. It's the people above them. 员工没有问题,问题出在他们的上级。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The men said they had no problems taking orders from women senior to them in rank. 那些男性称,听从比他们级别高的女性没有问题。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕In rehearsal, everything went smoothly, even the difficult fight scenes. 排演的时候一切都很顺利,就连打架这样难演的场面也没有问题。朗文写作活用〔adjust〕He had no problems in adjusting at the new school.他在适应新学校方面没有问题。21世纪英汉〔any〕She asked if we had any questions.她问我们有没有问题。牛津高阶〔be in the clear〕The police breathalysed Andy last night, but he was in the clear.警察昨晚对安迪进行了呼气酒精检测,不过他没有问题。剑桥高阶〔check〕His credit record checks out.他的信用记录证实没有问题。朗文当代〔clearly〕The Audit Commission said that the ministry was in the clear.审计署称该政府部门没有问题。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕All the tests came back clear.所有化验结果都显示没有问题。麦克米伦高阶〔conclusion〕At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me.节目结束的时候,我问孩子们有没有问题想问我。柯林斯高阶〔dispute〕I don't think her ability is in dispute - what I question is her attitude.我相信她的能力没有问题,但我怀疑她的态度。剑桥高阶〔far〕As far as money's concerned, there shouldn't be a problem.至于钱,应该没有问题。朗文当代〔follow〕He followed the doctor's advice and had no further trouble.他接受了医生的建议,后来就没有问题了。朗文当代〔for〕Are you all right for money? 钱你没有问题吧?朗文当代〔good〕Don't worry about it, man – it's all good.别担心了,伙计,没有问题的。朗文当代〔herself〕She kept telling herself that nothing was wrong.她不断地告诉自己一切都没有问题。剑桥高阶〔honesty〕Her honesty was never in question.她的正直从来没有问题。麦克米伦高阶〔impose〕Are you sure it's all right for me to come tonight? I don't want to impose.你肯定我今天晚上来没有问题吗?我不想太麻烦你。剑桥高阶〔insist〕Others will insist that all is well.其他人会坚持说一切没有问题。外研社新世纪〔knowledge〕She’s got enough knowledge to do the job.以她的知识水平,干这份工作没有问题。牛津同义词〔know〕Farrar let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solutions.法勒已公开表示,他认为所提出的解决方案没有问题。朗文当代〔kosher〕It all seems perfectly kosher.一切似乎都完全没有问题。牛津搭配〔matter〕There's nothing the matter with you – you're just tired.没有问题麦克米伦高阶〔probably〕It'll probably be OK.这大概没有问题。牛津高阶〔quietly〕He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time.他心里暗暗相信这次必定没有问题。剑桥高阶〔score〕I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score.我很容易就怀上了孩子。至少在那方面我没有问题。柯林斯高阶〔sell〕It's all right for Washington, but will it sell in small-town America? 这在华盛顿没有问题,但在美国的小城镇中能被接受吗?朗文当代〔sound〕Firms wishing to take part in the programme must be able to show that they are financially sound.希望加入该计划的公司必须能证明自己的财务没有问题。麦克米伦高阶〔sound〕Was she of sound mind (= not mentally ill) at the time of the incident? 事故发生时,她精神没有问题吧?剑桥高阶〔too〕Too right, mate, the guy needs his head examined!太对了, 伙计, 这个小子应该检查检查自己脑子有没有问题!外研社新世纪〔wisely〕It would be wise to get his eyes checked to ensure there is no problem.最好检查一下他的眼睛,确保没有问题。柯林斯高阶〔wise〕It would be wise to get his eyes checked to ensure there is no problem.最好把他的眼睛检查一下, 以确保没有问题。外研社新世纪He had a suspicion the certificate was a forgery, but on closer inspection, it seemed okay.他怀疑证书是伪造的,但经进一步查看,它似乎没有问题。剑桥国际The police breathalysed Andy last night, but he was in the clear (=was not guilty).警察昨晚对安迪进行了呼吸测试,但他是没有问题的。剑桥国际




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