

单词 没有达到
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD ENOUGH〕The new design doesn't come up to our usual standards. 新的设计没有达到我们通常的标准。朗文写作活用〔LEVEL〕I'm afraid you haven't quite reached the standard required for the job. 恐怕你的水平没有达到这份工作所要求的标准。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕For the second year in a row, the city's water supply has failed to meet minimum purity requirements. 本市的供水已经连续第二年没有达到最低要求的纯净度。朗文写作活用〔appreciate〕I appreciate what the artist is trying to do, but I think the painting fails to do it.我明白画家所要表现的东西,但我认为这幅画没有达到目的。韦氏高阶〔approach〕England never approached the state of political collapse which France then faced.英国从来没有达到法国当时面临的那种政治崩溃的状态。麦克米伦高阶〔appropriate〕The manager should take appropriate action if safety standards are not being met.如果没有达到安全标准,经理应该采取适当的措施。麦克米伦高阶〔base〕All we got was base pay—we didn't reach profitability levels to award a bonus.我们只拿到了基本工资,因为没有达到可发奖金的盈利水平。牛津高阶〔come up to〕The film didn't come up to our expectations.这部电影没有达到我们的预期。外研社新世纪〔desired〕The plan failed to achieve the desired result.该方案没有达到预期的效果。外研社新世纪〔disenchanted〕University life had not lived up to his expectations. He had become disenchanted and was considering dropping out.大学生活没有达到他的预期, 他感到幻灭并在考虑退学。外研社新世纪〔examiner〕The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners.考官认为,下列考生没有达到要求。剑桥高阶〔expectation〕Her new car has not lived up to her expectations.她的新车没有达到她的期望。牛津搭配〔expectation〕What should you do when an employee's performance is below expectation? 在雇员的业绩没有达到期望值时,你会怎样做 ?牛津搭配〔fall from〕The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you.你的作业没有达到我们对你预期的水平。21世纪英汉〔fall〕He would sack any of his staff who fell short of his high standards.他会将没有达到他高标准的员工都开除掉。朗文当代〔flatly〕Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.利兹本想开个玩笑,结果却没有达到效果。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.他对于这个运动员的崇拜还没有达到要学他吸毒的程度。柯林斯高阶〔grade〕She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the grade.她渴望当一名舞蹈演员, 但没有达到要求。外研社新世纪〔house〕There had not been enough members to make a house.出席的议员还没有达到法定人数。外研社新世纪〔ideal〕He hasn't lived up to his high ideals.他没有达到自己的高标准。韦氏高阶〔lapse from〕She has lapsed from the high standard we have come to expect of her.她没有达到我们希望她达到的高水准。21世纪英汉〔let〕To fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.使失望:没有达到所期望的;使沮丧美国传统〔level〕The book is not suitable for students below degree level.这本书不适合没有达到学位水平的学生。牛津搭配〔live up to〕The film didn't live up to my expectations.这部电影没有达到我的期望。外研社新世纪〔manifest〕The party has manifestly failed to achieve its goal.这一政党显然没有达到自己的目标。牛津高阶〔mark〕Although it contains a certain amount of truth, this theory ultimately misses the mark.这个理论虽然有一定的真实性,但是从根本上说还是没有达到目的。朗文当代〔mark〕His work hasn't been up to the mark.他的工作没有达到标准。韦氏高阶〔match fit〕He is not 100 percent match fit and needs to be playing week in, week out. 他的比赛适能还没有达到百分之百,需要一周又一周地参加比赛才行。剑桥高阶〔measure up to〕He failed to measure up to her high standards.他没有达到她的高标准。外研社新世纪〔measure up to〕The party did not measure up to their expectations.聚会没有达到他们的期望。21世纪英汉〔measure〕Last year's intake just didn't measure up.去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。牛津高阶〔meet〕The scheme does not meet its objectives .方案没有达到预期目标。朗文当代〔meet〕They failed to meet their target/goals.他们没有达到目标。韦氏高阶〔mile〕Yet this book misses the mark by a mile.可是这本书远远没有达到目的。外研社新世纪〔miss〕Their efforts to improve quality have somewhat missed the mark.他们想努力提高质量,但没有达到目的。朗文当代〔nursery school〕A school for children, usually between the ages of three and five, who are not old enough to attend kindergarten.托儿所:通常指从三岁到五岁,还没有达到上幼儿园年龄的儿童学校美国传统〔par〕Your work is not up to par this week.你这星期的工作没有达到标准。英汉大词典〔potential〕Many students do not reach their potential.很多学生没有达到他们的潜力。文馨英汉〔promise〕Her invention failed to fulfil its initial promise.她的发明没有达到最初的期望。麦克米伦高阶〔require〕Several students failed to reach the required standard.有几名学生没有达到规定的标准。牛津高阶〔require〕The work isn't up to the standard I require.这工作没有达到我所坚持要达到的标准。英汉大词典〔rigorous〕The work failed to meet their rigorous standards.工作没有达到他们的严格标准。牛津高阶〔satisfy〕She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。牛津高阶〔scratch〕Some of this work isn't up to scratch.这项工作有些没有达到标准。朗文当代〔scratch〕The team didn't come up to scratch.该队没有达到要求。外研社新世纪〔seaworthiness〕It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.它没有达到安全性和适航性的要求标准。外研社新世纪〔seaworthiness〕It didn't reach required standards of safety and seaworthiness.它没有达到安全性和适航性的规定标准。柯林斯高阶〔shortfall〕A failure to attain a specified amount or level; a shortage.缺少:没有达到一个特定的数量或水平;不足美国传统〔short〕The group's professionalism fell far short of what I had expected.该小组的专业水平远远没有达到我的期望。麦克米伦高阶〔short〕They were three short of a majority, so the vote wasn't passed.他们差3票没有达到法定多数,所以这次表决没有通过。麦克米伦高阶〔size〕She doesn't size up to my expectations.她没有达到我的期望。21世纪英汉〔sour〕Not measuring up to the expected or usual ability or quality; bad.不合格的:没有达到期望的或通常能力或质量的;坏的美国传统〔standard〕The building work had not been completed to a satisfactory standard.这项建筑工程没有达到令人满意的水平。牛津搭配〔summit〕I certainly haven't reached the summit of my career.当然,我还没有达到事业的巅峰。剑桥高阶〔understeer〕To turn less sharply than the operator would expect. Used of vehicles, especially automobiles.转向不足:没有达到操作者希望的明显转动。用于车辆,特别是汽车美国传统〔up to scratch〕Your last essay wasn't up to scratch/didn't come up to scratch.你上一篇文章没有达到要求。剑桥高阶〔up〕Her latest book isn't up to her usual standard.她的新作没有达到她平常的水准。牛津高阶〔up〕I didn't think last night's performance was up to her usual standard.我觉得昨晚的演出没有达到她的正常水平。朗文当代〔up〕It's not up to your usual standard.这没有达到你通常的标准。外研社新世纪〔visiting terms〕I know him but I'm not on visiting terms with him.我认识他, 但还没有达到可以去拜访的熟悉程度。外研社新世纪His concern about saving the rain forest doesn't extend (= reach) as far as actually doing anything about it.他对拯救热带雨林的关心还没有达到真为它作点儿什么的程度。剑桥国际Students who fail to meet the requirements (of the course) will fail.没有达到(课程)要求的学生将会不及格。剑桥国际Temperatures barely reached above zero all day.全天的气温几乎没有达到零度以上。剑桥国际The corporation failed to meet its self-declared target of completing the deal by the end of this week.公司没有达到公开宣称的要在本星期末完成交易的目标。剑桥国际The drinking water in several regions of the country does not meet European purity standards.这个国家的几个地区的饮用水没有达到欧洲的洁净标准。剑桥国际The product does not live up to the extravagant (= very great and not realistic) claims of the advertisers.这种产品没有达到广告商们所大事吹嘘的水平。剑桥国际The proprietors of the hotel are being taken to court over failures to meet various safety regulations.旅馆老板们因为没有达到各项安全规章的要求而被告上法庭。剑桥国际They lost the franchise when they failed to meet the required standards of service.由于没有达到服务标准的要求,他们丧失了经营特许权。剑桥国际Your last essay wasn't up to scratch/didn't come up to scratch (= was not as good as usual). You really ought to make more effort.你上一篇作文没有达到通常的标准。你真的应该好好努力才行。剑桥国际Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作没有达到我的期望。译典通




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