

单词 求医
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English〕I asked the doctor to give me my diagnosis in English, not medical jargon.我要求医生用常规英语告诉我诊断结果,而不是一堆医学术语。韦氏高阶〔LOOK FOR〕If you are at all worried about your symptoms, you should seek medical advice. 如果你很担心自己的这些症状,就应该求医。朗文写作活用〔aid〕One in seven women seeks medical help to aid conception.七分之一的女性寻求医疗手段帮助怀孕。外研社新世纪〔beg〕He begged the doctor for medicine.他请求医生开药。韦氏高阶〔check over〕He asked the doctor to check him over.他请求医生给他作全身检查。21世纪英汉〔circulation〕Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。柯林斯高阶〔complaint〕The symptom or distress about which a patient seeks medical assistance.病症:病人寻求医疗救助的症状或病痛美国传统〔consult〕The association will consult with GPs, academics, patients, and politicians.协会将征求医生、学者、患者和政要们的意见。外研社新世纪〔godsend〕Pharmacists are a godsend when you don't feel sick enough to call the doctor.生病了但不严重、无需求医的时候,药店能帮上大忙。柯林斯高阶〔opinion〕Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.即使近期做过一次常规体检,也应当征求医生的意见。柯林斯高阶〔opinion〕Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.即使近期做过常规体检, 你也应当征求医生的意见。外研社新世纪〔quack〕I went everywhere for treatment, tried all sorts of quacks.我四处求医,看过了各种各样的江湖郎中。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕The emergency nurse can treat minor injuries without reference to a doctor.急救护士不必征求医生的意见就可处理轻伤。牛津高阶〔seek〕If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.如症状持续下去,便需求医。朗文当代〔seek〕You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.要是胸痛或气短,得马上寻求医疗救助。韦氏高阶〔wrongly〕It is wrong that we have to tell ill people to go somewhere else to look for treatment.我们不得不让病人到别处求医的做法是不可取的。柯林斯高阶Federal law requires doctors to do everything they can to save a premature baby unless death is imminent or the infant has a terminal illness.联邦法律要求医生尽一切可能挽救早产儿,除非婴儿即将死亡或患有非常严重的疾病。剑桥国际The Hippocratic oath obliges doctors not to give information about their patients to people who are not involved in treating them.希波克拉底誓言要求医生不能把有关他们病人的消息透露给与病人治疗无关的人。剑桥国际There has been little progress towards finding a cure for the disease.寻求医治这种疾病方法的研究没有什么进展。剑桥国际They are victims of a legal system in which the odds are heavily stacked against the individual seeking damages/redress for a medical injury.他们是法律制度的受害者,该制度对寻求医药事故赔偿的个人极为不利。剑桥国际Using my portable phone, I called 911 to summon emergency medical help.我用手提电话打 911请求医疗急救。剑桥国际




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