

单词 比赛后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FALL〕One of the horses collapsed from exhaustion after the race. 其中一匹马在比赛后因精疲力竭而倒下了。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕A couple of fights broke out near the stadium after the game. 比赛后在体育场附近发生了几场斗殴。朗文写作活用〔amuse〕It never fails to amuse me how excited people can get about winning a game.人们赢得比赛后的那股兴奋劲儿,总是让我觉得好笑。牛津搭配〔bail〕Ryan's late goal bailed out his team.瑞安在比赛后阶段得的一分拯救了他的球队。牛津高阶〔beer〕The beer flowed freely after the game.比赛后人们痛饮啤酒。牛津搭配〔bounce back〕After losing the first three games of the series, they bounced back to win their next eight games.在输掉头三局比赛后,他们重整旗鼓,一下子连扳八局。韦氏高阶〔brag〕After winning the race, she couldn't stop bragging.赢了比赛后,她就没完没了地吹嘘自己。韦氏高阶〔bruise〕His ego was badly bruised when he lost the race.他输了比赛后,自尊心受到重创。韦氏高阶〔cock-a-hoop〕The team was cock-a-hoop about/over winning the game.球队赢了比赛后很是得意。韦氏高阶〔control〕There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now in control of the situation.比赛后发生了一些暴力事件,但是现在警方已控制了局势。牛津高阶〔deflated〕After losing the game, Kelly felt pretty deflated.输掉这场比赛后,凯利非常沮丧。麦克米伦高阶〔deflate〕They were totally deflated by losing the game.他们输掉比赛后彻底丧失了信心。剑桥高阶〔disconsolate〕The players were disconsolate after losing what should have been an easy game.输掉了一场本应该轻松取胜的比赛后,全体队员都感到十分沮丧。剑桥高阶〔entrain〕Immediately after the game the team entrained for New York.球队在比赛后立即乘火车去纽约。英汉大词典〔exchange〕It's traditional for the two teams to exchange shirts after the game.比赛后两队队员交换球衣,这是传统。剑桥高阶〔figure〕After losing their first six games, they won the next ten. Go figure.他们在输掉前六场比赛后,赢了后十场,这简直不可思议。韦氏高阶〔harsh〕Harsh words were spoken in the dressing room after the match.比赛后,更衣室里有人说了些难听的话。麦克米伦高阶〔high〕He was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。牛津高阶〔hook up〕We are planning to hook up after the game.我们正打算比赛后碰个面。韦氏高阶〔hook up〕We plan to hook up with our friends after the game.我们打算比赛后和朋友们碰个面。韦氏高阶〔huff〕She went off in a huff after losing the game.输掉比赛后,她气呼呼地走开了。牛津搭配〔lick〕They've had a couple of days to lick their wounds after back-to-back losses to New Jersey and Washington.在连续输掉了对新泽西队和华盛顿队的比赛后, 他们休整了两三天。外研社新世纪〔lie〕After five games the German team are lying second.经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。牛津高阶〔morgue〕The locker room was a morgue after the team lost yet another game.球队又输掉了一场比赛后,更衣室里死气沉沉。韦氏高阶〔on/at every corner〕After the game, police were stationed on every corner.比赛后,城里各个路口都安排了警察。剑桥高阶〔overall〕The overall winner, after ten games, will receive $250,000.10场比赛后,总冠军将获得25万美元。剑桥高阶〔pace〕I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。牛津搭配〔person/force to be reckoned with〕When he won his first three matches, the other players realized that he was a force/man to be reckoned with.当他赢得前三场比赛后,其他选手都意识到他不可小觑。韦氏高阶〔razz〕Eddie was razzed by his teammates after the game.比赛后埃迪被他的队友嘲笑。朗文当代〔recall〕I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India.在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备。柯林斯高阶〔relegation〕After losing their last three home games, they are now facing a relegation battle.在输掉三场主场比赛后,他们现在面临一场保级战。剑桥高阶〔ride high〕Our school team are really riding high after winning the game.我们的校队打赢那场比赛后真是神气十足。21世纪英汉〔riot〕Students rioted after their team lost the football game.学生们在他们的橄榄球队输掉比赛后,发生了骚乱。韦氏高阶〔sick as a parrot〕He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match.他的球队输掉比赛后,他非常失望。剑桥高阶〔snap〕His hitting streak was snapped at 18 games.他的连续安打纪录在18场比赛后终结。韦氏高阶〔soft〕After losing a couple of soft games, any win was essential.输掉了两场容易打的比赛后,任何胜利都很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔spirit〕Seb was still in high spirits after winning the race.塞勃赢了比赛后情绪仍然高昂。朗文当代〔stiff〕I've been feeling stiff after playing seven straight games.连续打了七场比赛后, 我就一直感觉身体酸疼。外研社新世纪〔stunt〕After racing professionally, he did some stunt driving for films.参加完职业比赛后,他为电影作过一些特技驾驶。麦克米伦高阶〔swarm〕During the summer, tourists swarm the little beachside town.比赛后,成千上万的足球迷涌进了球场。剑桥高阶〔thirsty〕I felt/was hot and thirsty after the basketball game.篮球比赛后我又热又渴。剑桥高阶〔tirade〕The coach directed a tirade at the team after the loss.输掉比赛后,教练狠狠地批评了球队。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕The police were expecting trouble after the match.警方预料比赛后会有骚乱。牛津高阶〔ugly〕There were ugly scenes following the match.比赛后发生了暴力事件。麦克米伦高阶〔unrestricted〕He had been an unrestricted free agent after four seasons in Switzerland.在瑞士打完四个赛季的比赛后, 他成了一名无合同约束的自由人。外研社新世纪〔vengeance〕After losing the first three games, the team came back with a vengeance to win the next four.输掉前三场比赛后,这支队全力反击,力争赢得后四场比赛。韦氏高阶〔victory〕The winners took a victory lap after the race.比赛后获胜者绕场一周。牛津搭配〔violent〕There was a violent clash/confrontation between rival supporters after the match.那次比赛后两队的支持者发生了暴力冲突。剑桥高阶〔wallow〕He loves to wallow in a hot bath after a game.他在比赛后喜欢泡个热水澡。牛津高阶〔word〕Both competitors had words (= argued) after the match.两名参赛者在比赛后发生了争吵。剑桥高阶After he won the competition, his whole family lived in clover for the rest of their lives. 他赢得比赛后,他全家从此过著优裕的日子。译典通And that very decisive defeat puts them out of contention for this year's championship finals.输掉那场关键的比赛后他们进入今年冠军决赛的目标无法实现了。剑桥国际Atlanta threw a ticker-tape parade for the team after they won the World Series.运动队赢得世界系列比赛后,亚特兰大举行了抛掷彩纸的庆祝游行。剑桥国际He said that no one could beat him, but he had to eat his words after losing several games. 他说没人能打败他,可是输了几场比赛后,他只好收回自己说的话。译典通I feel hot and thirsty after my game of squash.软式网球比赛后我又热又渴。剑桥国际I was completely stonkered after that game of squash.我在那场壁球比赛后筋疲力尽。剑桥国际The press heaped insults on the team's manager after the team had lost six games in a row.在球队连续输了6场比赛后,新闻界对球队经理大加辱骂。剑桥国际




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