

单词 纤维状
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agate〕A fine-grained, fibrous variety of chalcedony with colored bands or irregular clouding.玛瑙:颗粒均匀的纤维状玉髓的多种形式,具有彩色的条带或者不规则的云状花纹美国传统〔bagasse〕The dry, fibrous residue remaining after the extraction of juice from the crushed stalks of sugar cane, used as a source of cellulose for some paper products.甘蔗渣:从被挤榨的甘蔗中榨出汁后残留的干的纤维状的渣滓,用于某些纸张生产的植物纤维素来源美国传统〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔chrysotile〕A fibrous mineral variety of serpentine forming part of commercial asbestos.纤蛇纹石:构成商业石棉的一种纤维状的蛇纹岩美国传统〔coconut〕The fruit of the coconut palm, consisting of a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.椰子:椰子树的果实,由纤维状外壳围绕一个大种子组成美国传统〔crocidolite〕A fibrous, lavender-blue or greenish mineral, a sodium iron silicate that is used as a commercial form of asbestos.青石棉:一种纤维状的淡紫蓝色或淡绿色矿物,是被作为工业用石棉使用的纳铁硅酸盐美国传统〔fascia〕Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.【解剖学】 筋膜:一层或一束纤维状连接组织,包裹、隔离或连结肌肉、器官和身体其它的软结构美国传统〔fibroid〕Composed of or resembling fibrous tissue.由纤维组成的,纤维状的:由纤维组成的或类似纤维组织的美国传统〔fibrous〕Having, consisting of, or resembling fibers.纤维的:含纤维的,由纤维组成的,纤维状的美国传统〔fibrous〕He had surgery to remove fibrous scar tissue in his knee.他做手术切除了膝盖上的纤维状疤痕组织。韦氏高阶〔filiform〕Having the form of or resembling a thread or filament.丝状的,纤维状的:具有或象线或细丝形状的美国传统〔gumma〕A small, rubbery granuloma that has a necrotic center and is enclosed by an inflamed, fibrous capsule. It is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis.梅毒瘤:一种小的橡胶肉牙瘤,中心坏死,周围包裹着一层发炎的纤维状外囊。为梅毒的后期症状美国传统〔keloid〕A red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.瘢痕瘤:一种红的、隆起的纤维状疤痕组织,是在治疗损伤中由于过度的组织修补或外科伤口而引起的美国传统〔smaragdite〕A fibrous green amphibole mineral occurring in rocks such as eclogite.绿闪石:产于岩石中的纤维状绿色角闪石矿物,如榴辉岩美国传统〔tendon〕A band of tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment.腱:将肌肉连接在其骨骼关节处的粗硬的无弹性的纤维状组织束美国传统〔thready〕Consisting of or resembling thread; filamentous.丝状的:由线组成的或类似线的;纤维状的美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔wool〕A filamentous or fibrous covering or substance suggestive of the texture of true wool.羊毛覆盖物:丝质的、纤维状的表层或物质,表明真正的羊毛质地美国传统




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