

单词 海角
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alava〕A cape of northwest Washington State just south of Cape Flattery. It is the westernmost point of the coterminous United States.阿拉瓦角:美国华盛顿州西北部的海角,位于弗莱特利角的正南。它是美国本土的最西端美国传统〔Ann〕A peninsula of northeast Massachusetts projecting into the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Gloucester.安海角:美国马萨诸塞州东北部的一个半岛,伸入格洛斯特东北的大西洋中美国传统〔Bras d'Or Lake〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting deeply into Cape Breton Island in southeast Canada.布拉斯德奥湖:大西洋的一个海湾,深嵌入加拿大东南部的布雷敦岛海角美国传统〔Chelyuskin〕A cape of north-central Siberian U.S.S.R on the Taimyr Peninsula. It is the northernmost point of Asia.车里斯金海角:苏联西伯利亚的海角,位于泰梅尔半岛上。是亚洲最北端美国传统〔Columbia〕A cape on the northern coast of Ellesmere Island. It is the northernmost point of Canada.哥伦比亚角:艾勒米尔岛北海岸的一海角,是加拿大的最北端美国传统〔Comorin〕A cape at the southernmost point of India projecting into the Indian Ocean.科摩林角:印度最南端的海角,伸入印度洋中美国传统〔Dezhnev〕A cape of extreme northeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. on the Bering Strait opposite Alaska. It is the easternmost point of Asia.达日尼夫角,东角:苏联远东地区东北端的海角,在白令海峡上与阿拉斯加相对,是亚洲的最东点美国传统〔Gallinas〕A cape of northern Colombia, the northernmost point of South America.加利纳斯角:哥伦比亚北部一海角,是南美洲的最北角美国传统〔Hafun〕A promontory of northeast Somalia on the Indian Ocean. It is the easternmost point of Africa.哈丰角:索马里东北部伸入印度洋的一个海角,它是非洲的最东点美国传统〔La Hague〕A promontory of northwest France at the northwest tip of the Cotentin Peninsula on the English Channel.拉哈格岬:法国西北部的一个海角,位于科唐坦半岛西北端,与英吉利海峡相临美国传统〔Lindesnes〕A cape of extreme southern Norway projecting into the North Sea.林海角:挪威最南端的海角并伸入北海美国传统〔Morris Jesup〕A cape of northern Greenland on the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost point in the world.莫里斯杰沙角:格林兰岛北部一海角,位于北冰洋中。它是世界的最北端美国传统〔North Cape〕A promontory on an island of northern Norway west of Cape Nordkyn. It is considered the northernmost important extremity of the continent of Europe.新西兰北岛的北端:北挪威诺尔辰角西部岛上的海角,被认为是欧洲大陆最北的重要末端美国传统〔Race〕A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.莱思角:加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸美国传统〔Roca〕A cape of western Portugal on the Atlantic Ocean west-northwest of Lisbon. It is the westernmost extremity of continental Europe.罗卡角:葡萄牙西部一海角,位于里斯本西北偏西的大西洋上。该海角是欧洲大陆的最西端美国传统〔Sable〕A cape at the southwest tip of Florida. Part of Everglades National Park, it is the southernmost extremity of the U.S. mainland.沙布尔角:佛罗里达西南顶端的海角。是埃弗格莱兹国家公园的一部分,也是美国大陆最南端美国传统〔San Lucas〕A cape of western Mexico at the southern tip of Baja California extending into the Pacific Ocean.圣卢卡斯角:墨西哥西部一个伸入太平洋内的海角,位于加利福尼亚半岛南端美国传统〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡美国传统〔Wrath〕A promontory at the northwest extremity of the Scottish mainland.拉斯角:苏格兰大陆西北端的海角美国传统〔York〕A cape of northwest Greenland in northern Baffin Bay. It was used as an exploration base by Robert E. Peary, who discovered its famous iron meteorites.约克角:格林兰岛西北一海角,位于巴芬湾北部,在此地发现著名铁陨星的罗伯特·E.·皮里将这作为一勘探基地美国传统〔bill〕Portland Bill 波特兰岬(在英格兰南部Dorsetshire的海角)文馨英汉〔cape〕A point or head of land projecting into a body of water.海角,岬:伸入一片水域的陆地尖端或一角美国传统〔cape〕The distance from cape to cape was eighteen leagues.海角间的距离是18里格。外研社新世纪〔end〕I'd go to the ends of the earth to be with him.哪怕走到天涯海角我也要和他在一起。朗文当代〔end〕I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要再见她一面。牛津高阶〔end〕I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.我要跟随你到天涯海角。英汉大词典〔end〕Sweden seemed a desperate outpost at the ends of the earth.瑞典好像是一个位于天涯海角的极其偏远的国度。外研社新世纪〔foreland〕A projecting land mass; a promontory.岬,海角:一大块凸出的陆地;海角美国传统〔ness〕A cape or headland.岬:海角或岬美国传统〔promontory〕Abbr. prom.A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland.缩写 prom.岬,海角:伸出到水体中的陆地或岩石的高脊;岬或海角美国传统〔push〕The cape pushes out into the sea.海角突入海中。英汉大词典〔spit〕A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.海峡,海角:延伸到海水中的陆地的狭长一端美国传统〔unto〕I will search unto the ends of the earth for thee.我要寻你到天涯海角。韦氏高阶〔weather〕The ship weathered the cape.船安全绕过了海角。英汉大词典Thank you for shopping Land's End.感谢您光临“天涯海角”。牛津商务The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific. 该宅邸高高地座落于太平洋的一个海角上。译典通




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