

单词 纤细
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waisted〕Sarah looked slender-waisted, fragile and very beautiful.萨拉纤纤细腰,弱不禁风,楚楚动人。柯林斯高阶〔LIKE〕The slight, nervous-looking young gymnast won the hearts of a whole nation. 这位身材纤细、面容紧张的年轻体操选手赢得了全国人民的心。朗文写作活用〔NEXT TO〕Dirk went and stood by her side, his arm around her slender waist. 德克走过去站到她的身边,一手揽着她纤细的腰。朗文写作活用〔ankle〕She has long legs and slender ankles.她双腿修长,脚踝也很纤细。牛津搭配〔antelope〕Any of various swift-running ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, native to Africa and Asia and having long horns and a slender build.羚羊:一种奔跑速度极快的反刍类羚羊科哺乳动物,产于非洲和亚洲,体形纤细有长角美国传统〔brush〕The artist has used tiny brush strokes.画家运用纤细的笔触作画。牛津搭配〔canaliculus〕A small canal or duct in the body, such as the minute channels in compact bone.小管:体内细小的渠道或导管,如密质骨中纤细的管道美国传统〔canescent〕Biology Covered with short, fine whitish or grayish hairs or down; hoary.【生物学】 带灰白绒毛的,斑白的:覆盖短而纤细的浅白到浅灰色毛或绒毛的;灰白色的美国传统〔carriage〕Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.她双腿修长, 腰肢纤细, 身姿挺拔。外研社新世纪〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔crackle〕To become covered with a network of fine cracks; craze.表面上出现网状纤细的裂纹;出现细微裂纹美国传统〔delicately〕He had delicate hands.他有一双纤细的手。柯林斯高阶〔delicate〕Her bones felt as delicate as a bird's.她的骨头摸上去像小鸟的骨头一样纤细。牛津搭配〔delicate〕Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate.她的手腕和脚踝长得纤细又优雅。朗文当代〔effeminate〕Characterized by weakness and excessive refinement.柔弱的:以纤弱和过于纤细为特征的美国传统〔elongate〕Her body slimmed and elongated from dancing.她参加跳舞后,身材变得纤细苗条了。21世纪英汉〔fallopian tube〕Either of a pair of slender ducts through which ova pass from the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system of human beings and higher mammals.输卵管:人以及高等哺乳动物的雌性生殖系统的一对纤细的管子之一,通过它将卵从卵巢传递至子宫美国传统〔fine〕She's got very fine hair.她头发纤细。外研社新世纪〔finger〕He noticed her long delicate fingers.他注意到她纤细修长的手指。剑桥高阶〔flax〕The fine, light-colored textile fiber obtained from this plant.亚麻纤维:从这种植物中获得的纤细的浅色纺织纤维美国传统〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔gossamer〕Something delicate, light, or flimsy.轻而薄的物品:纤细的,轻盈的或轻而薄的东西美国传统〔gracile〕Gracefully slender.纤细而优美的美国传统〔hairline fracture〕A minor fracture in which the bone fragments remain in alignment, appearing on x-ray film as a fine line.毛细裂缝:骨骼断片仍保持一直线的细微骨折,在X光线照射片中出现者为极纤细的线美国传统〔hairline〕A very slender line.细长的线:一根非常纤细的线美国传统〔ice needle〕A thin ice crystal floating high in the atmosphere in certain conditions of clear, cold weather.冰针:一种在某些晴朗、寒冷的气象条件下飘浮在大气层高空的纤细状冰晶美国传统〔insubstantial〕Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent.她的四肢非常纤细,几乎是透明的。柯林斯高阶〔matchstick〕A short, slender piece of wood from which a match is made.火柴杆:用短而纤细的木做成的火柴杆美国传统〔matchstick〕Something similar to a matchstick, as in slenderness or strength.火柴杆似的东西,如在纤细或长度上美国传统〔ponytail〕Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.她纤细的长发在脑后梳成了马尾辫。柯林斯高阶〔probang〕A long, slender, flexible rod having a tuft or sponge at the end, used to remove foreign bodies from or apply medication to the larynx or esophagus.除鲠器,食管探子:纤细而可弯曲的长圆棒,其一端有一小片海绵或毛撮,用来去除喉部或食管的外来异物或给喉部或食道上药美国传统〔puberulent〕Covered with minute hairs or very fine down; finely pubescent.被微柔毛的:覆有细毛或非常柔软绒毛的;有很纤细的绒毛的美国传统〔rhizoid〕A slender rootlike filament by which mosses, liverworts, and fern gametophytes attach to the substratum and absorb nourishment.假根:一种纤细的似根丝状体,苔藓、地钱及蕨类的配子体通过它附着于基质并吸收营养美国传统〔sarmentose〕Having slender, prostrate stolons, as in the strawberry.具有匐茎的:生有纤细的蔓延的葡萄根的,例如草莓美国传统〔show off〕Her dress showed off her tiny waist.连衣裙让她的腰显得越发纤细。外研社新世纪〔show off〕She had made Helen a dress which showed off her tiny waist.她给海伦做了件很显她纤细腰身的连衣裙。柯林斯高阶〔skin〕Jenny is small and slender with porcelain skin.珍妮身材小巧纤细,皮肤白皙光滑。牛津搭配〔slab-sided〕Informal Tall and slim; lanky.【非正式用语】 瘦长的:高而纤细的;过分瘦长的美国传统〔slenderize〕To make or become slender or more slender.使苗条:使…纤细或更纤细,变得纤细或更纤细美国传统〔slender〕He put his hands around her slender waist.他双手搂住了她纤细的腰。剑桥高阶〔slender〕She had long slender fingers.她手指修长纤细。牛津搭配〔slight〕Small and slender in build or construction; delicate.纤细的,瘦小的:外型或结构矮小纤细的;娇气的美国传统〔slim〕Her waist was slim.她腰肢纤细。英汉大词典〔slim〕Small in girth or thickness in proportion to height or length; slender.苗条的,修长的:与高度或长度相比周长或厚度小的;纤细的美国传统〔stiletto〕A small dagger with a slender, tapering blade.细短剑:一种具有纤细并逐渐变尖的锋刃的小匕首美国传统〔stylet〕A slender, pointed instrument or weapon, such as a stiletto.小尖刀:纤细尖利的工具或武器,例如匕首美国传统〔subtle〕So slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive.纤细的,细小的,微妙的:太细小而难以观测或分析的;难以捉摸的美国传统〔syrinx〕Zoology The vocal organ of a bird, consisting of thin vibrating muscles at or close to the division of the trachea into the bronchi.【动物学】 咽鼓管:鸟的发声器官,由气管与支气管分界处或接近此分界处的纤细颤动肌肉组成美国传统〔tower〕A tall, slender structure used for observation, signaling, or pumping.塔状物:高耸纤细的建筑物,用于观察、发信号或泵压美国传统〔twiggy〕Resembling a twig or twigs, as in slenderness or fragility.细枝样的:像细枝一样的,如在纤细脆弱上美国传统He had the longer slender fingers of a pianist.他有着钢琴家那比较长而纤细的手指。剑桥国际He has lovely fine blond hair just like his father.他和他父亲一样,长着一头可爱、纤细的金黄色头发。剑桥国际He noticed her long delicate fingers.他注意到了她修长纤细的手指。剑桥国际He put his hands around her slender waist.他双手搂住她纤细的腰。剑桥国际She has long delicate fingers. 她有著长而纤细的手指。译典通The plant's leaves are long and slender.这种植物的叶子长而纤细。剑桥国际




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