

单词 特别是
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IOU〕A promise to pay a debt, especially a signed paper stating the specific amount owed and often bearing the letters IOU.借据:还债的许诺,特别是指一张签了名的纸,上面写清了具体的钱数并常有IOU这几个字母美国传统〔RECENTLY〕Illicit drug use - notably marijuana - has been increasing in recent years, especially among the young. 近年来使用违禁药品—特别是大麻—的人数在增加,尤其是青年人。朗文写作活用〔Zugunruhe〕The migratory drive in animals, especially birds. 迁徙兴奋:动物大规模的迁徙,特别是鸟类美国传统〔acne〕An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.痤疮,粉刺:皮脂腺或皮肤的毛囊发炎,特别是脸上小脓疱的溃烂美国传统〔aeronomy〕The study of the upper atmosphere, especially of regions of ionized gas.高层大气物理学:对有关高层大气,特别是离子化大气层的研究美国传统〔amah〕A housemaid, especially a wet nurse, in India and the Far East.阿妈:印度和远东的女佣,特别是奶妈美国传统〔among〕Unemployment is quite high, especially among young people.失业情况相当严重,特别是在年轻人当中。柯林斯高阶〔amorous〕Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.色情的,好色的:被爱强烈吸引或耽于情欲的,特别是性爱的美国传统〔aspirational〕High-end smartphones have become aspirational status symbols, especially among the young.对那些一心要跻身富贵阶层的人而言,特别是在年轻人当中,高端智能手机已经成为社会地位的象征。剑桥高阶〔basin〕An open, shallow, usually round container used especially for holding liquids.盆:一种敞口的,浅的,通常为圆形的容器,特别是用来盛液体美国传统〔basket case〕A person, especially a soldier, who has had all four limbs amputated.残障者,截肢的人:截去四肢的人,特别是被截去四肢的士兵、战士美国传统〔batten〕Chiefly British A narrow strip of wood used especially for flooring.【多用于英国】 木板条:特别是用来铺地板窄木条美国传统〔bay〕A crown or wreath made especially of the leaves and branches of the laurel and given as a sign of honor or victory.桂冠:特别是用月桂树的叶子和枝叶做成的皇冠或花环,作为荣誉或胜利的表示美国传统〔bed〕A rock mass of large horizontal extent bounded, especially above, by physically different material.地层:一个水平的大岩石区域,特别是在它的上面邻接的是不同物质的材料美国传统〔bootleg〕A product, especially alcoholic liquor, that is illicitly produced, distributed, or sold.私酒:一种被禁止生产、分送或出售的产品,特别是酒类美国传统〔canny〕Careful and shrewd, especially where one's own interests are concerned.谨慎的:小心而精明的,特别是当涉及到某人自己的利益时美国传统〔catch〕Something that catches, especially a device for fastening or for checking motion.门闩,钩子:可钩住的物体,特别是用于拴紧东西或控制运动状态的装置美国传统〔charm〕The house had its charms, not the least of which was the furniture that came with it.这房子有其诱人之处, 特别是里面的家具。外研社新世纪〔chokehold〕A restraining move in which one person seizes another around the neck in a tight grip, typically from behind.掐脖子:一个人特别是从后面紧紧掐住另一个人的脖子从而阻止他做某事的一种动作美国传统〔chorea〕Any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face.舞蹈病:特别是在臂、腿及脸部出现的无法控制的、无规律的肌肉运动为症状的各种神经系统紊乱美国传统〔commendation〕Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends.奖品,奖状:称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状美国传统〔contracture〕An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.挛缩:一种异常且常为永久性的缩短,如肌肉或瘢痕组织,会导致扭曲或变形,特别是身体关节处美国传统〔curtain wall〕A nonbearing wall, often of glass and steel, fixed to the outside of a building and serving especially as cladding.帷幕墙:没有支撑的墙壁,通常是玻璃或钢铁做的,固定在建筑物的外面,特别是做包覆用美国传统〔cylindrical〕Of, relating to, or having the shape of a cylinder, especially of a circular cylinder.圆柱形的,圆筒状的:圆筒状的,与圆柱形有关的,或具有圆柱体形状的,特别是圆形的柱体美国传统〔dark comedy〕A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss.黑色喜剧:有忧郁或有令人不安的元素的喜剧,特别是一出其中角色会遭遇无法挽回的丧失的戏剧美国传统〔demolition〕The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.摧毁:破坏或摧毁的行为或过程,特别是指通过爆破进行的破坏活动美国传统〔differentia〕An attribute that distinguishes one entity from another, especially an attribute that distinguishes one species from others of the same genus.差异:将一个事物与其它事物区分开的特性,特别是指相同种类的物质区分开的特性美国传统〔difficulty〕Often difficulties A troublesome or embarrassing state of affairs, especially of financial affairs. 常作 difficulties 窘境:很麻烦的或窘迫的事务,特别是指经济事务美国传统〔distillery〕An establishment for distilling, especially for distilling alcoholic liquors.蒸馏室;酿酒厂:用于蒸馏的装置,特别是指酒精蒸馏美国传统〔distract〕The students are easily distracted, especially when they're tired.学生们容易分心,特别是他们累的时候。韦氏高阶〔drag queen〕A man, especially a performer, who dresses as a woman.装扮成女性的男性,特别是男演员美国传统〔ellipsis〕A mark or series of marks ( . . . or · · · , for example) used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words.省略号:写作或绘画中使用的表示省略一个或一串的标记(例如,. . .或 · · ·),特别是字母或单词美国传统〔emir〕A prince, chieftain, or governor, especially in the Middle East.酋长:王子、酋长或统治者,特别是在中东地区美国传统〔estate〕Social position or rank, especially of high order.社会等级:社会地位或等级,特别是指较高社会地位美国传统〔fingerprint〕An impression on a surface of the curves formed by the ridges on a fingertip, especially such an impression made in ink and used as a means of identification.指纹印,指纹:指尖隆起部分形成的曲线表面的印记,特别是用墨水取下的印并用作鉴别的形式美国传统〔ground〕Informal To restrict (someone) especially to a certain place as a punishment.【非正式用语】 限制:限制某人特别是将某人限制在某处作为惩罚美国传统〔gymnast〕A person who is trained and skilled in gymnastics, especially one who engages in competition.体操运动员:一个受过体操训练,技巧成熟的人,特别是指那些参加比赛的人美国传统〔gynandromorph〕An organism having both male and female characteristics, especially an insect exhibiting a mixture of male and female tissues or sex organs.雌雄嵌体:一种同时具有雄性和雌性特征的生物,特别是那种雄性和雌性组织或性器官混杂的昆虫美国传统〔haslet〕The heart, liver, and other edible viscera of an animal, especially hog viscera.内脏:一种动物特别是公猪的心、肝及其它可食用的内脏美国传统〔hidden〕Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。柯林斯高阶〔illuminator〕One that illuminates, especially a device for producing, concentrating, or reflecting light.照明者,照明器:照明的仪器,特别是指一种产生、集中或反射光亮的装置美国传统〔in particular〕Heavy rains, in the central valley in particular, have driven up the price of lettuce.大雨,特别是中部山谷地区的大雨,使生菜价格上涨。韦氏高阶〔inquest〕A judicial inquiry into a matter usually held before a jury, especially an inquiry into the cause of a death.审讯,验尸:通常是在陪审团面前所做的对某事的法庭调查,特别是对死因的调查美国传统〔intervale〕A tract of low-lying land, especially along a river.洼地:一大片地势低的土地,特别是沿河的滩地美国传统〔intolerant〕Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.不容异说的:不愿容忍意见或信仰,特别是宗教信仰方面存在差异的美国传统〔invitational〕An event, especially a sports tournament, restricted to invited participants.邀请赛:限指被邀请方参加的事件,特别是体育赛事美国传统〔isle〕An island, especially a small one.一座岛屿,特别是一座小岛美国传统〔jab〕To poke or thrust abruptly, especially with something sharp.猛刺:猛然地戳或刺,特别是指用尖锐的器具美国传统〔jocular〕He is a jocular man, especially around women.他好开玩笑,特别是当著女人的面。文馨英汉〔magnify〕To increase the apparent size of, especially by means of a lens.扩大外观上的尺寸,特别是利用透镜美国传统〔mush〕A journey, especially by dogsled.旅行,特别是驾狗拉雪橇的旅行美国传统〔mush〕To travel, especially over snow with a dogsled.旅行:旅行,特别是架着狗拉雪橇在雪地上旅行美国传统〔orient〕Orient The countries of Asia, especially of eastern Asia. Orient 东亚各国:亚洲的一些国家,特别是东亚的国家美国传统〔orlop〕The lowest deck of a ship, especially a warship, having at least four decks.最下层甲板:至少有四层甲板船的最下层甲板,特别是军舰类美国传统〔ornithosis〕Psittacosis, especially as contracted by human beings from birds.饲鸟病:鹦鹉热,特别是指人类从鸟类传染而得的一种病美国传统〔pallet〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A temporary bed made from bedding arranged on the floor, especially for a child.【多用于美国南部】 简陋的床:在地板上搭成的一种临时的床,特别是为小孩美国传统〔palter〕To quibble, especially in bargaining.讨价还价:诡辩,特别是在讨价还价中美国传统〔particularly〕I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half.我很欣赏那部剧,特别是后半段。牛津高阶〔pneumatology〕The doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the belief in spirits intervening between human beings and God.灵物学:关于精神性的存在和物质现象的学说或研究,特别是对人类和上帝间精神交汇的信仰美国传统〔pomade〕A perfumed ointment, especially one used to groom the hair.润发脂,头油:一种加过香料的油膏,特别是用来梳理头发的一种油膏美国传统〔pot metal〕A cast iron used especially in making pots.制锅用铸铁:特别是指用来制造锅子的铸铁美国传统〔prolocutor〕A presiding officer or chairperson, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church.议长,会议主持者:担任主持的官员或主席,特别是指英国国教教士会议的下议院议长美国传统〔psychokinesis〕The production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, purportedly by the exercise of psychic powers.心灵致动:据称是通过使用精神的力量,使物体特别是无生命的和遥远的物体移动或控制它们运动美国传统〔range〕To arrange or dispose in a particular order, especially in rows or lines.排列,配置:组织成特定的顺序,特别是排成行或列美国传统〔red fire〕Any of various combustible compounds, especially salts of lithium or strontium, that burn bright red and are used in flares and fireworks.红火焰:一种火焰为明红色且用于火炬和焰火可燃化合物,特别是锂盐和锶盐美国传统〔redcoat〕A British soldier, especially one serving during the American Revolution.英国士兵:英兵,特别是在美国独立战争中服役的英国士兵美国传统〔redistrict〕To divide again into districts, especially to give new boundaries to administrative or election districts.重新分区:重新划分地区,特别是赋予行政或选举地区新的边界美国传统〔redneck〕Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.红脖子,乡下佬:对属于农村劳动阶层,特别是美国南方这一阶层白人的贬称美国传统〔reducing agent〕A substance that chemically reduces other substances, especially by donating an electron or electrons.还原剂:以化学方法还原其它物质的物质,特别是通过赋予被还原物一个或数个电子美国传统〔reedman〕A player of reeds, especially a jazz saxophonist or jazz clarinetist.簧乐器乐师:演奏簧乐器的人,特别是爵士乐队中萨克斯或单簧管演奏者美国传统〔referee〕One to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision, or an opinion as to the thing's quality.被问询者:特别是为了解决、决定或对某物质量的看法而被询问的人美国传统〔reflexology〕The study of reflex responses, especially as they affect behavior.反射学:对反射反应,特别是影响人类行为的反射反应的研究美国传统〔regurgitate〕To cause to pour back, especially to cast up (partially digested food).反胃:造成回翻,特别是反胃(部分消化的食物)美国传统〔reinsure〕To insure again, especially by transferring in whole or in part a risk or contingent liability already covered under an existing contract.分保:再次保险,特别是在已存在的合同中已经受到保险的风险或意外责任全部或部分地转移出去美国传统〔relief〕Aid in time of danger, especially rescue from siege.救难:危险时刻的援助,特别是从围困中解除出来美国传统〔régisseur〕A stage director, especially of a ballet.舞台导演:舞台导演,特别是芭蕾舞的导演美国传统〔scrub suit〕A two-piece garment of lightweight cotton, worn by hospital staff especially when participating in surgery.手术衣:医护人员特别是在动外科手术时,所穿两件式的轻质棉布衣着美国传统〔snowplow〕A plowlike device or vehicle used to remove snow, especially from roads and railroad tracks.扫雪机:用来扫雪,特别是扫除道路和铁路轨道上的雪的犁状装置或车辆美国传统〔soil〕To make dirty, particularly on the surface.弄脏:弄脏,特别是地表面美国传统〔specially〕It can become extremely hot and dry, specially in a small glasshouse.空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。柯林斯高阶〔steer〕I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.我认为很多人,特别是女性,都会回避这些敏感问题。柯林斯高阶〔superintendent〕A janitor or custodian in a building, especially in an apartment house.看门人:在一幢房子里,特别是在一座公寓里,照管楼房的工友或管理员美国传统〔territory〕Biology An area occupied by a single animal, mating pair, or group and often vigorously defended against intruders, especially those of the same species.【生物学】 地盘:由单个动物、一对配偶或一群动物占据的区域,占有者经常对侵入这一区域者进行反击,特别是对同类侵入者美国传统〔thereof〕Please refer to the Regulations and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof.请参看条例,特别是其中的第99款和第100款。剑桥高阶〔thoracolumbar〕The inflammation associated with this disease can lead to decreased spinal extension, particularly in the thoracolumbar junction.与这一疾病相关的炎症可能会导致脊椎,特别是胸腰部脊椎,伸张程度减弱。剑桥高阶〔time〕For some it was awful, for others, particularly the young, it was the time of their lives.对某些人来说,那糟透了;而对其他人,特别是年轻人来说,那是他们无比开心的日子。柯林斯高阶〔tome〕A book, especially a large or scholarly one.著作:一本书,特别是厚大的或学术书籍美国传统〔torpedo-boat destroyer〕A large, heavily armed torpedo boat used in combat especially against other torpedo boats.鱼雷驱逐舰:一种装备着大量武器的重型鱼雷舰艇,用于战斗中,特别是用在与其它鱼雷艇作战美国传统〔understeer〕To turn less sharply than the operator would expect. Used of vehicles, especially automobiles.转向不足:没有达到操作者希望的明显转动。用于车辆,特别是汽车美国传统〔vesicle〕Anatomy A small sac or cyst, especially one containing fluid.【解剖学】 泡囊:一种小囊或泡,特别是包含液体的美国传统〔vestment〕A garment, especially a robe or gown worn as an indication of office or state. 衣服,服装:显示职位或身份的一种衣服,特别是长袍美国传统〔zero hour〕The scheduled time for the start of an operation or action, especially a combat operation of great size.进攻发动时刻:运作或行动开始的预定时间,特别是大规模的军事进攻美国传统〔zoogeography〕The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution.动物地理学:对动物的地域划分进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划分的原因和影响美国传统〔zygomatic process〕Any of three processes that articulate with the zygomatic bone, especially the process from the temporal bone that articulates to form the zygomatic arch.颧突:与颧骨结合的三个突起中的任一个,特别是与颞骨相连而形成颧骨的突起美国传统I've been (feeling) a bit down this week, especially after my team lost to Spurs.这星期我 有点不高兴,特别是在我们队输给了“马刺队”后。剑桥国际She's got a lot on her plate -- especially with two new projects starting this week.她有很多工作要做,特别是这个星期她又开始了两个新项目。剑桥国际Some birds, especially thrushes, have speckled breasts (= their fronts are pale with many small darker-coloured marks).一些鸟,特别是歌鸫,它们的前胸布满了斑点。剑桥国际The children really enjoyed seeing the things in the museum, specially the dinosaurs.孩子们很喜欢看博物馆里的东西,特别是恐龙。剑桥国际The minister said that the government planned to develop exchanges with other countries, particularly in cultural, scientific and economic spheres.部长说政府计划发展同其他国家的友好交流关系,特别是在文化、科技和经济领域。剑桥国际The organization had many enemies, most notably among feminists. 这个组织有许多敌人,特别是在男女平等主义者中。译典通




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