

单词 特别是
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Jacquerie〕jacquerie A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one. jacquerie 农民起义,农民暴动:农民暴动,特别是指血腥大暴动美国传统〔affectation〕an air of authority. In the plural, however, it suggests affectation and especially a wish to seem more important than is actually the case: 一副有权威的样子。 然而,用于复数时则表示做作,特别是比实际情况更为重要的愿望: 美国传统〔butterfly〕butterflies A feeling of unease or mild nausea caused especially by fearful anticipation. butterflies 因害怕而发抖:特别是由于可怕的预感而引起的不适感觉或轻度的恶心呕吐美国传统〔demolition〕demolitions Explosives, especially when designed or used as weapons. demolitions 炸药:炸药,特别是指设计为或用作武器的炸药美国传统〔duck〕ducks Clothing made of duck, especially white trousers. ducks 用帆布做的衣物,特别是白裤子美国传统〔element〕elements The forces that constitute the weather, especially severe or inclement weather: elements 要素,自然力量:形成气候,特别是恶劣或严寒气候的自然力量:美国传统〔incite〕foment civil insurrection. Toabet is to approve, encourage, and support actions, especially those in violation of what is right or proper: 煽动平民造反。 Abet 指赞同、鼓励并支持某些行为, 特别是错误与不正当的: 美国传统〔institute〕institutes A digest of the principles or rudiments of a particular subject, especially a legal abstract. institutes 法学概要:某一特殊学科的原则或基础的摘要,特别是法学的概要美国传统〔newbie〕one of the hardest aspects of the Internet for users, especially the so-called 'newbies'因特网用户, 特别是网上新手遇到的最困难的问题之一外研社新世纪〔sphere〕exchanges with other countries, particularly in cultural, scientific, and economic spheres 与其他国家的交流,特别是在文化、科学和经济领域剑桥高阶〔spinning〕the wholly improper political spin given to the report, particularly by The New York Times. 报道中带有的根本不恰当的政治倾向,特别是《纽约时报》的报道柯林斯高阶




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