

单词 热潮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Buy your tickets early and avoid the rush. 你们要早些买票,以避开争购热潮。朗文写作活用〔Latin〕The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide.全球掀起拉丁音乐热潮。柯林斯高阶〔START〕The arrival of the railroads after the Civil War produced a huge building boom in California. 内战以后铁路的出现,在加州掀起了一股巨大的建筑热潮。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Something about the sticky humid weather made people feel a little angry. 闷热潮湿的天气似乎使人感到有点恼火。朗文写作活用〔airless〕The afternoon was hot, sticky and airless.那个下午闷热潮湿。柯林斯高阶〔bandwagon〕So what is really happening as the information bandwagon starts to roll?那么当信息热潮席卷而来时, 到底发生了什么呢?外研社新世纪〔bandwagon〕The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll.世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。牛津高阶〔bandwagon〕The keep-fit bandwagon started rolling in the mid 80s.八十年代中期,健身热潮开始涌动。朗文当代〔binge〕The Bank would have to raise interest rates in the coming months to bring the borrowing binge to an end.英格兰银行将不得不在未来几个月里提高利率以终结贷款热潮。外研社新世纪〔bricks and mortar〕Market uncertainties have been driving the rush to invest in bricks and mortar.市场的不确定性引发了投资房产的热潮。韦氏高阶〔clammy〕It was a hot, clammy day.那是炎热潮湿的一天。剑桥高阶〔craze〕The jogging craze began in the 1970s.慢跑锻炼的热潮始于 20 世纪 70 年代。朗文当代〔equatorial〕The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.亚马孙雨林的赤道气候炎热潮湿。剑桥高阶〔fad〕They began a fad for slogan T-shirts.他们掀起了印有口号的T恤衫的流行热潮。外研社新世纪〔fever〕The whole country was in the grip of election fever.全国掀起了选举热潮。麦克米伦高阶〔flurry〕There was a sudden flurry of interest in the book.这本书曾经掀起一阵热潮。牛津搭配〔flush〕Hot drinks can cause hot flushes.喝热饮料可引致发热潮红。牛津搭配〔frenzy〕The film put America's moviegoers into a feeding frenzy.这部影片让美国影迷进入了一轮看电影的热潮。朗文当代〔halt〕The President has called for a halt to the wave of emigration.总统呼吁暂停移民国外的热潮。朗文当代〔headlong〕In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.在一窝蜂的购房热潮中,很多人都负了债。剑桥高阶〔hot〕It was a hot, humid summer day.这是个炎热潮湿的夏日。柯林斯高阶〔humid〕New York is very hot and humid in the summer.纽约的夏天炎热潮湿。剑桥高阶〔humid〕Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.游客们有时会遭遇炎热潮湿的天气状况。外研社新世纪〔humid〕Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.游客会遇到炎热潮湿的天气状况。柯林斯高阶〔lethargic〕A hot, humid day makes people feel lethargic.炎热潮湿的天气使人倦怠。英汉大词典〔muggy〕It was muggy and overcast.天气闷热潮湿,而且天色阴沉。柯林斯高阶〔muggy〕It's very muggy out today.今天外面十分闷热潮湿。韦氏高阶〔popularization〕Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the US.欧文·布罗考在美国引发了花样滑冰热潮。柯林斯高阶〔quality〕The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality.最近炎热潮湿的天气正影响着空气的质量。朗文当代〔run〕There was a run on tickets for the new film.新电影引发了抢票热潮。外研社新世纪〔rushed〕The shop's opening coincided with the Christmas rush.这家商店的开张正好赶上了圣诞的抢购热潮。柯林斯高阶〔rush〕There was a rush to acquire German marks.发生了一阵争购德国马克的热潮。英汉大词典〔sticky〕It was hot and sticky and there was nowhere to sit.天气闷热潮湿,连个可以坐的地方都找不到。朗文当代〔sticky〕It was hot and sticky.天气闷热潮湿。外研社新世纪〔stifling〕I can't bear this stifling humidity.我受不了这种闷热潮湿。剑桥高阶〔stratosphere〕The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere.科技热潮使得股价飙升到极高的水平。牛津高阶〔tidal wave〕The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.这场波及全国的爱国热潮还对那场工会运动起到了推波助澜的作用。外研社新世纪〔tidal wave〕The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.这场波及全国的爱国热潮还对那场工会运动起到了推波助澜的作用。柯林斯高阶〔watch〕In the rush to go folkloric watch out for collision of cultures.在民俗化的热潮中,要提防不同文化的冲突。 英汉大词典〔whip sb into sth〕The final speech had the desired effect, whipping the listeners into a patriotic fervour.最后的演讲取得了预期的效果,在听众中激起了一股爱国热潮。剑桥高阶In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.在匆忙的购房热潮中,许多人都负了债。剑桥国际It was a hot, clammy day.这是个炎热潮湿的一天。剑桥国际Low interest rates were responsible for the consumer boom (= period when people spend a lot).低利率引致消费热潮。牛津商务New York is very hot and humid in the summer.夏天的纽约非常炎热潮湿。剑桥国际The mobile phone boom created both winners and losers.移动电话热潮既创造了赢家也产生了输家。牛津商务The people at the toy shop expect to shift (= sell) a lot of stock in the run-up to Christmas.玩具店的员工希望能在圣诞节的购物热潮中卖掉一大堆的库存货物。剑桥国际The region is experiencing a wave of investment.这个地区正掀起一股投资热潮。牛津商务The shares have lost 78% of their value since the peak of the retail investment boom.自零售投资热潮达到高峰以来,股价下跌了 78%。牛津商务There was a rush for the concert tickets. 出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。译典通There's been a rush for (= sudden popular demand for) tickets.兴起了抢购票子的热潮。剑桥国际Today's budget figures caused frantic trading on the international commodities mar qket.目前的预算数字引起了世界商品市场上的交易热潮。剑桥国际We've been riding the wave of the Italian food craze.我们一直得益于意大利食品热潮。牛津商务




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