

单词 炸土豆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bag〕She ate a bag of chips.她吃了一袋炸土豆条。牛津高阶〔chip〕All main courses are served with chips or baked potato.所有的主菜都配有炸土豆条或烤土豆。牛津高阶〔crisp〕Chiefly British A potato chip.【多用于英国】 炸土豆片,炸薯片美国传统〔demolish〕The children demolished their burgers and chips.孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃了汉堡包和炸土豆条。牛津高阶〔devil〕Go on, be a devil. Have another packet of crisps!来, 怕什么, 再吃包炸土豆片!外研社新世纪〔different〕It's different to have jam with fried potatoes.用果酱蘸炸土豆总很奇怪。牛津同义词〔fish and chips〕Fried fillets of fish and French-fried potatoes.炸鱼加炸土豆条:炸鱼片和法式炸土豆条美国传统〔home fry〕A potato that has been peeled, boiled, sliced, and then fried in butter, oil, or shortening. Often used in the plural.家常炸土豆片:削皮,煮熟,切片的土豆然后在油和黄油中炸过或变松脆的土豆条,常用复数美国传统〔pass ... on〕I'll pass on the fried potato crisp, but take the porridge.炸土豆片我不吃了,粥还是要喝的。21世纪英汉〔potato chip〕A thin slice of potato fried in deep fat until crisp and then salted. Often used in the plural.炸土豆片:在油中炸至松脆然后加盐的马铃薯薄片。常用作复数美国传统〔pulverize〕The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato.这些炸土豆是土豆泥球做成的。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕The oil in which the fish is fried is strained off and used to cook potatoes.煎鱼的油在过滤之后用来炸土豆了。剑桥高阶〔swill down〕I cram egg, toast, bacon, and fried potatoes into my mouth, swilling it all down with coffee.我把鸡蛋、吐司、熏肉和炸土豆塞进嘴里, 用咖啡把它们一股脑儿顺下去。外研社新世纪A potato crisp is a CRISP.炸土豆片剑桥国际As a part of their latest marketing wheeze they've planted fifty-pound notes in a number of the crisp packets.作为最新营销策略的一部分,他们将50英镑的钞票放进了许多油炸土豆片的小袋子里。剑桥国际Gimme a hamburger and fries.给我一份汉堡包和油炸土豆。剑桥国际He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.他每餐都吃大量的炸土豆条。剑桥国际He polished off a huge pie and a mountain of chips.他匆匆吃了一块大馅饼和一大堆炸土豆片。剑桥国际I'd like a cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry milk shake to go, please.请来一份外卖的干酪汉堡包、炸土豆和草莓奶昔。剑桥国际I'd like cod and chips, please.请给我来鳕鱼和油炸土豆条。剑桥国际I've just bought a new deep-fat fryer for frying chips.我刚买了一个大而深的新油炸锅,可以炸土豆条。剑桥国际She ate a stodgy meal of meat pie and chips.她饱餐了一顿肉馅饼和炸土豆片。剑桥国际The fish was OK, but the chips were a tad greasy.那鱼不错,可是炸土豆条有些油腻。剑桥国际They ordered five portions of chips.他们要了5份炸土豆片。剑桥国际You can buy crisps and whatnot at the bar.你可以在酒吧买油炸土豆片等东西。剑桥国际




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