

单词 永生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕I will remember your kindness to my dying day. 你的好意,我永生不忘。朗文写作活用〔ALWAYS〕The possibility of eternal life is a principal belief of many religions. 存在永生是许多宗教的主要信仰。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕It was an experience she would never forget. 那次经历她永生难忘。朗文写作活用〔Memnon〕An Ethiopian king killed by Achilles and made immortal by Zeus.门农:埃塞俄比亚之王,为阿喀琉斯所杀,被宙斯赐予永生美国传统〔NEVER〕The view was spectacular - I'll never forget it. 那风景美丽极了—我永生难忘。朗文写作活用〔Penelope〕The wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus. Penelope was made immortal by Circe.珀涅罗珀:奥德赛的妻子,忒勒马科斯之母喀耳刻使她永生不死美国传统〔Rasta〕The LP was called Rastas Never Die.这张大碟的名字是“拉斯塔法里永生”。柯林斯高阶〔eternally〕The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.整个宇宙在无限的空间中永生。柯林斯高阶〔eternally〕Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.所有相信上帝的人都会获得永生。柯林斯高阶〔eternal〕Do you believe in eternal life? 你相信永生吗?文馨英汉〔eternal〕Of or relating to spiritual communion with God, especially in the afterlife.永生的:永远与上帝同在的,尤指后世美国传统〔eternity〕I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.我向来觉得永生的想法很可怕。柯林斯高阶〔eternity〕The timeless state following death.永生美国传统〔everlasting〕Almighty and everlasting God全能永生的上帝外研社新世纪〔everlasting〕He believes in everlasting life (或life everlasting after death).他相信永生。英汉大词典〔experience〕I did meet him once and it was an experience I shall never forget.我的确跟他见过一面,那是我永生难忘的一段经历。剑桥高阶〔forever〕No one can live forever.无人能永生美国传统〔forever〕She was convinced that she would live forever.她确信她将获得永生。韦氏高阶〔grateful〕I'm eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.我们设法在战争爆发前到了那里,我对此永生感恩。牛津搭配〔immortality〕He found/achieved immortality through his films.他在他的电影里获得了永生。韦氏高阶〔immortality〕It was in the power of the gods to confer immortality upon mortals.只有神具有赋予人永生的力量。牛津搭配〔immortality〕Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.有些宗教里有肉体永生的信条。牛津搭配〔immortal〕The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.人们认为法老是神, 因此是永生的。外研社新世纪〔neither〕It was an experience that neither of us will ever forget.这是一次我们俩都永生难忘的经历。麦克米伦高阶〔once〕Once known, his face is never forgotten.曾经认识,他的面容让人永生难忘美国传统〔predestine〕God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.上帝预定某些人永生而另一些人永远不能得救。21世纪英汉〔rotifer〕Any of various minute multicellular aquatic organisms of the phylum Rotifera, having at the anterior end a wheellike ring of cilia.轮虫:轮虫门的任一种头部顶端有一圈轮状纤毛的微小多细胞永生生物美国传统〔send-off〕The department gave Tom a send-off he won't forget! 部门为汤姆举办了一个让他永生难忘的欢送会!朗文当代Christians believe that the soul lives forever. 基督徒相信灵魂永生。译典通Humanists do not believe in an afterlife or immortality.人本主义者不相信来世和永生。剑桥国际Nobody lives forever. 没有人会永生。译典通Temporal power and wealth are more important to many people than a spiritual promise of life after death.现世的权力和财富对许多人来说比死后精神的永生更重要。剑桥国际The Greek gods were immortal and so could not die.希腊诸神是永生的,因此不会死亡。剑桥国际The Greeks believed in the immortality of their gods. 希腊人相信他们的神是永生的。译典通What celebrations there were on that never-to-be- forgotten day (= that day which will never be forgotten)! 在那个永生难忘的日子里庆祝活动多么美好啊!剑桥国际When Achilles was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡。译典通




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