

单词 没有涉及
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cleft lip〕A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip, with or without involvement of the palate.唇腭裂,兔唇:为先天的畸形。其特色为上唇有一个垂直裂缝或一对裂缝,有或没有涉及到颚美国传统〔cover〕The law does not cover all crimes.法律并没有涉及所有罪行美国传统〔elaboration〕He gave her the facts, without including any elaboration.他把事实告诉了她, 但没有涉及任何细节。外研社新世纪〔flow over〕Office politics just seem to flow over him.同事之间相互勾心斗角的事似乎并没有涉及他。21世纪英汉〔pious hope/wish〕His speech contained no practical solutions, just the pious hope that the war would end soon.他的演讲没有涉及实际的解决方案,只是不切实际地憧憬战争会早日结束。韦氏高阶〔purview〕The moral dilemmas of the early settlers are beyond the purview of this book.这本书没有涉及早期殖民者的道德困境问题。韦氏高阶〔talk around sth〕He just kept talking around the subject and didn't tackle the main issues.我觉得他只是不着边际地说了一通,没有涉及主要问题。剑桥高阶〔touch〕What you say does not touch the point at issue.你说的话没有涉及到争议点。英汉大词典In the course I'm taking, there's no opportunity for specialization (= limiting my studying or work to one particular area) until the final year.我所上的课中没有涉及专业知识,直到最后一年情况才有所改观。剑桥国际




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