

单词 潦倒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFE〕She ended her days in poverty. 她在穷困潦倒中度过余生。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕In the film, Williams plays a down-on-his luck salesman whose wife has left him. 影片中,威廉斯饰演一个穷困潦倒、被妻子抛弃的销售员。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕We bought the necklace from an old man who was down on his luck and in need of a penny or two. 我们从一个穷困潦倒的老头那里买了这条项链,他需要一点钱。朗文写作活用〔abjectly〕Both of them died in abject poverty.他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。柯林斯高阶〔abject〕They live in abject misery/poverty.他们的生活痛苦不堪/穷困潦倒。韦氏高阶〔basis〕I've always worked on the basis that if I don't know anything technical I shan't be any worse off.我一贯认为,即便我对技术一窍不通,我也不会比现在更穷困潦倒。柯林斯高阶〔carrion〕They were the ugly, the broken, the carrion. These people were grotesques.他们丑陋、潦倒、令人生厌, 这是些怪异的人。外研社新世纪〔come down in the world〕It is sad to see how he has come down in the world.看到他落魄潦倒让人很难过。韦氏高阶〔decline〕He has declined to a disgraceful state.他已落泊潦倒。英汉大词典〔degradation〕They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象, 他们感到心里极不舒服。外研社新世纪〔degradation〕They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.目睹困苦、潦倒的景象,他们感到心里极不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔deprivation〕Many of the people suffered severe deprivation.这些人中有许多生活穷困潦倒。牛津搭配〔down-and-out〕He looked down-and-out.他看上去穷困潦倒。英汉大词典〔down-and-out〕He looked unshaven, shabby, and down-and-out.他看上去胡子拉碴、衣衫褴褛, 一副穷困潦倒的样子。外研社新世纪〔down-and-out〕He looked unshaven, shabby, and down-and-out.他看上去胡子拉碴、衣衫褴褛、穷困潦倒。柯林斯高阶〔down-and-out〕Lacking funds, resources, or prospects; destitute.穷困潦倒的:缺乏基金、资源或前途渺茫的;缺乏的美国传统〔down-and-out〕No one would help him when he was down-and-out.他穷困潦倒时,没有人愿意帮助他。韦氏高阶〔down-and-out〕Nobody loves you when you're down and out.你穷困潦倒的时候没人喜欢你。剑桥高阶〔down-and-out〕One who is down-and-out.穷困潦倒的人美国传统〔down-and-out〕They distributed canned food to down-and-outs.他们分配罐装食物给穷困潦倒的人。文馨英汉〔down〕Afflicted by misfortune.不走运地,穷困潦倒地:由于不幸而遭受厄运的折磨美国传统〔drink〕Drink was his downfall.他的潦倒是因为纵酒。英汉大词典〔flotsam〕Vagrant, usually destitute people.无业游民:通常指穷困潦倒的人美国传统〔fortune〕Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.疾病或厄运会让你变得穷困潦倒。朗文当代〔gutter〕Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.结果他非但没有锒铛入狱或是穷困潦倒,反而功成名就。柯林斯高阶〔gutter〕Men like him usually ended up in jail – or the gutter.像他这样的男人,下场通常是坐牢 — 要不就是穷困潦倒。朗文当代〔hobo〕A homeless person, especially an impoverished vagrant.流浪汉:无家可归的人,尤指穷困潦倒的流浪者美国传统〔low〕He has been brought low by misfortune.他因遭厄运而穷困潦倒。英汉大词典〔luck〕The streets were filled with people down on their luck or looking for work in the big city.街道上满是穷困潦倒的人, 或是在大城市寻找工作的人。外研社新世纪〔luck〕When someone is down on their luck, friends are very difficult to find.一个人穷困潦倒的时候,很难找到朋友。朗文当代〔mess〕After the divorce he was a real mess and started drinking too much.离婚后他潦倒透顶,而且开始酗酒。剑桥高阶〔penury〕He died in penury in 1644.1644 年他穷困潦倒而死。朗文当代〔penury〕They faced penury unless they could secure employment very soon.除非能很快找到工作, 否则他们就会面临穷困潦倒的境地。外研社新世纪〔pinched〕He had that pinched look that suggests poverty and lack of nourishment.他面容那么消瘦,说明他穷困潦倒、营养不良。剑桥高阶〔return〕He returned a ruined man after five years' absence.他离开5年后穷极潦倒回来了。英汉大词典〔ruin〕When Maria died, she was a ruin not only in body but in spirit.玛丽亚死时不仅贫困潦倒, 精神也彻底垮了。外研社新世纪〔squalor〕He was out of work and living in squalor.他失业了,生活潦倒。柯林斯高阶〔term〕They had, in their terms, been reduced to poverty.用他们的话来说,他们已经穷困潦倒了。麦克米伦高阶〔worry〕His last years were overshadowed by financial worry.他生命的最后几年穷困潦倒, 十分惨淡。外研社新世纪〔worry〕His last years were overshadowed by financial worry.他生命的最后几年穷困潦倒,十分惨淡。柯林斯高阶A decade of misgovernment has bankrupted the country.十年的治理不当使这个国家穷困潦倒。剑桥国际He plays the classic anti-hero who drops out of society to join a world of impoverished artists and writers.他饰演了典型的反英雄,这个人物脱离了社会,加入到穷途潦倒的艺术家和作家的圈子里。剑桥国际I met up with a real down-and-out who's been sleeping on the streets for 20 years.我遇上了一个真正穷困潦倒的人,他在街上已经睡了20年。剑桥国际Old Sam is poor now, but he has seen better days. 老山姆现在很潦倒,可他以前曾风光过。译典通Since he lost his job he's really let himself go.自从失业以后,他着实是一副萎靡不振、穷途潦倒的样子。剑桥国际Young people on the dole (= receiving money because they are unemployed) are often bored and frustrated.靠救济金过日子的年轻人经常无精打采,落魄潦倒。剑桥国际




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