

单词 潜行
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔drug up〕The addict prowled about for a place to drug up.瘾君子到处潜行找个地方吸毒。21世纪英汉〔gumshoe〕To move about stealthily; sneak.悄无声息地走:偷偷地活动;潜行美国传统〔hunter〕The hunters stalked their prey.猎人潜行追踪猎物。柯林斯高阶〔killer〕For years the killer stalked Detroit and its suburbs undetected.多年来,这位杀手神不知鬼不觉地潜行于底特律及其郊区。牛津搭配〔prowl〕At night, adult scorpions prowl the desert for (= trying to catch) insects.在夜晚,成年蝎子在沙漠里潜行觅食昆虫。剑桥高阶〔prowl〕He moved like a tiger prowling the jungle.他像丛林中潜行的老虎一样悄悄前行。韦氏高阶〔prowl〕Many wild animals prowl at night.许多野兽夜出潜行觅食。英汉大词典〔prowl〕The act or an instance of prowling.潜行:潜行的动作或事例美国传统〔prowl〕Tigers prowl through the forest in search of their prey.老虎在森林里潜行以寻找猎物。外研社新世纪〔prowl〕Wolves prowl the forest.狼群在森林里潜行觅食。英汉大词典〔scare away/off〕The dog scared the prowler away.狗把图谋不轨的潜行者吓跑了。韦氏高阶〔skulk〕The wolf skulked about in the woods.狼在树林里潜行。英汉大词典〔sneak〕An instance of sneaking; a quiet, stealthy movement.潜行:偷偷摸摸行动的例子;安静,诡秘的行动美国传统〔sneak〕To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way.溜,潜行:安静,偷偷地前进或行动美国传统〔stealth〕Sometimes tigers rely on stealth, creeping towards their victims.有时候老虎依靠偷偷摸摸的动作,潜行着向猎物接近。英汉大词典〔steal〕To move, carry, or place surreptitiously.潜行:秘密运动、运送或设置美国传统〔the〕The cat was on the prowl.那只猫悄然潜行。韦氏高阶At night, adult scorpions prowl the desert for (= trying to catch) insects.在夜晚,长成成虫的蝎子在沙漠里潜行觅食昆虫。剑桥国际




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