

单词 潜伏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔couch〕To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk.隐蔽,埋伏:潜伏或隐蔽时躺下;埋伏美国传统〔dormancy〕The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.病毒潜伏于神经组织里直到被激活。柯林斯高阶〔dormant〕The groups have lain dormant for years.那些集团已潜伏了好多年。英汉大词典〔dormant〕The virus can lie dormant for up to ten years.潜伏麦克米伦高阶〔dormant〕The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.这种病毒在激活之前一直潜伏在神经组织中。外研社新世纪〔hibernate〕To be in an inactive or dormant state or period.冬眠时期:处于一种不活动的或潜伏的状态或时期美国传统〔hibernate〕You should hibernate before I contact with you.在我与你联系之前,你得潜伏不动。21世纪英汉〔idea〕Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity.思想,概念:思想活动的产物,它是存在或潜伏于大脑中的想法或概念美国传统〔immediate〕The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.全球气温上升的后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。牛津高阶〔incubate〕A cold takes three days to incubate.感冒的潜伏期为三天。外研社新世纪〔incubate〕Hepatitis has a long incubation period.肝炎有很长的潜伏期。朗文当代〔incubate〕The illness has an incubation period of up to 11 days.该病有长达 11 天的潜伏期。柯林斯高阶〔incubate〕The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.病毒在初次感染以后可以潜伏长达 10 天。柯林斯高阶〔incubate〕The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.该病毒在最初感染后可潜伏长达十天。外研社新世纪〔incubate〕The virus will incubate in the body for several days before the patient experiences any symptoms.在病人出现任何症状之前,这种病毒会在人体内潜伏几天。韦氏高阶〔incubation〕Medicine The development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.【医学】 潜伏:从病原体进入体内到症状最初出现的感染发展过程美国传统〔incubation〕The disease then goes into a long period of incubation.该病随后进入漫长的潜伏期。外研社新世纪〔incubation〕The illness has an incubation period of ten days.该病有十天的潜伏期。文馨英汉〔infect〕A computer virus may lurk unseen in a computer's memory, calling up and infecting each of the machine's data files in turn.计算机病毒可潜伏在计算机存储器中,依次调出并感染计算机中的每一个数据文档。剑桥高阶〔insidious〕High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.高血压是一种鲜现症状的潜伏性疾病。剑桥高阶〔insidious〕Most people with this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected.大多数患有这种潜伏恶疾的人都不知道自己染病了。韦氏高阶〔instruction〕He remained under cover and waited for further instructions from headquarters.他继续潜伏,等候总部的进一步指示。牛津搭配〔latency period〕A latent period.潜伏期美国传统〔latency〕The state or quality of being latent.潜伏:潜在的状态或特征美国传统〔latent period〕The interval between exposure to an infectious organism or a carcinogen and the clinical appearance of disease.潜伏期:从传染性物质或致癌物质暴露与临床病症出现之间的间隔期美国传统〔latent〕The virus remains latent in the body for many years.这种病毒会在体内潜伏许多年。朗文当代〔lurch〕The driver of the stagecoach knew that the thieves were lying at the lurch somewhere along the road.公共马车的赶车人知道拦路贼正在路边的什么地方潜伏着。英汉大词典〔lurk〕A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.有条鳄鱼就潜伏在水面下。牛津高阶〔lurk〕A snake was lurking in the grass.一条蛇正潜伏在草丛中。英汉大词典〔lurk〕Danger lurks around every corner.每个角落里都潜伏着危险。剑桥高阶〔lurk〕Fascism is always lurking somewhere.法西斯主义总是潜伏在某处。外研社新世纪〔lurk〕Then we spotted a tall man lurking in the bushes outside.接着我们发现一个高个儿男子潜伏在外面的灌木丛中。外研社新世纪〔lurk〕To lie in wait, as in ambush.潜伏:如在伏击时潜伏等待美国传统〔manifestly〕The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.这种病毒潜伏两周时间才会发作。柯林斯高阶〔manifest〕The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.这种病毒潜伏两周时间才会发作。外研社新世纪〔masked〕Latent or hidden, as a symptom or disease.潜伏的,潜藏的:潜伏的或潜藏的,如症状或疾病美国传统〔may〕Scientists know that cancer may not show up for many years.科学家们知道癌症可能会潜伏多年。柯林斯高阶〔menacingly〕Huge crocodiles lurk menacingly in the rivers.巨鳄虎视眈眈地潜伏在河水中。外研社新世纪〔mocking〕Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.嘲笑声的背后潜伏着一种越来越强烈的不安。柯林斯高阶〔monster〕They say some monster pike lurk in the big waters of Wabamun.他们说有一只巨型狗鱼潜伏于沃伯门湖辽阔的水域中。外研社新世纪〔mooch〕To skulk around; sneak.潜伏;行为鬼崇美国传统〔normalcy〕Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.在这一切正常的表象下潜伏的是将使这个家庭四分五裂的毒瘾。柯林斯高阶〔perdu(e)〕The spy remained perdu(e).间谍还潜伏着。英汉大词典〔prowler〕If you think there is a prowler outside, dial 999.如果你觉得屋外有潜伏的人, 拨打999。外研社新世纪〔prowler〕The police were called after a prowler was spotted near their home.发现有个人潜伏在他们家附近后就叫来了警察。朗文当代〔skulk〕One who hides, lurks, or practices evasion.躲避者:躲避、潜伏或逃避责任的人美国传统〔skulk〕To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk.偷偷摸摸:由于懦弱或坏心眼而躲躲闪闪;潜伏美国传统〔slow infection〕An infection having a long incubation period, as that caused by a slow virus or by a prion.慢性感染:由慢性病毒引起的一种传染病,有很长的潜伏期美国传统〔underlie〕There were deeper tensions underlying last week's outburst.上星期的爆发背后潜伏着更为深刻的紧张局势。英汉大词典〔undetected〕The disease often goes/remains undetected for many years.这种疾病经常潜伏多年而不被察觉。牛津高阶A new treatment causes the disease to enter a latent phase during which all symptoms disappear, but the sufferer will never be fully cured.新的治疗方法使疾病进入潜伏期,全部症状虽然消失了,但病人将不能完全康复。剑桥国际A prowler who had molested several women was caught by police last night.一个潜伏杀害了几个妇女的罪犯昨晚被警方逮捕了。剑桥国际Beneath the surface of contemporary West Indian life lurk memories of slavery.透过当代西印度的表面生活仍潜伏着对奴隶制的回忆。剑桥国际In smallpox, there is an incubation period of 8-18 days between initial infection and first symptoms.天花从感染到出现症状之间有8到18天的潜伏期。剑桥国际The incubation period of the disease is unusually elongated.疾病的潜伏期出乎寻常地被拖长。剑桥国际There have been reports of a masked man prowling in the neighbourhood.有报告说一个蒙面人在附近潜伏行动。剑桥国际There were half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth. 在林下灌丛中潜伏著五六只狐狸。译典通While incubating, this type of virus is very resistant to pharmaceutical treatment.在潜伏期,这种病毒对药物治疗有很强的抗药性。剑桥国际




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