

单词 炙烤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bake〕Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。外研社新世纪〔bake〕Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。柯林斯高阶〔barbecue〕To roast, broil, or grill (meat or seafood) over live coals or an open fire, often basting with a seasoned sauce.烤炙:在燃煤或户外的火上浇油和调味汁烧烤或炙烤(肉类或海鲜)美国传统〔blazing〕We quickly grew tired in the blazing sunshine.在阳光的炙烤下,我们很快就变得疲惫不堪。剑桥高阶〔bleach〕The bones of oxen were bleaching in the sun beside the trail.小路旁边,一堆牛骨在阳光的炙烤下正慢慢失去颜色。剑桥高阶〔carbonado〕To score and broil (fish, fowl, or meat).将(鱼、家禽或肉)划上刀花并炙烤美国传统〔decrepitate〕To roast or calcine (crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.煅烧:炙烤或煅烧(水晶石或盐)直到发出毕毕剥剥的声音或停止爆裂的声音美国传统〔earthed〕The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.公路蜿蜒数英里,穿过炙烤的大地、灌木丛和仙人掌。柯林斯高阶〔grill〕I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it.我会炙烤培根,而不是油煎。剑桥高阶〔intensity〕The sun beat down with fierce intensity.太阳热辣辣地炙烤着大地。牛津搭配〔pitilessly〕John Steinbeck used the dust and the pitiless skies as the backcloth to his novel.约翰·斯坦贝克把尘土和烈日炙烤的天空用作小说的背景。柯林斯高阶〔roast〕Waking at 3pm, I find Jo roasting herself on the shoreline.下午三点钟醒来时, 我发现乔正在海岸边接受太阳的炙烤。外研社新世纪〔rotisserie〕A shop or restaurant where meats are roasted to order.烤肉馆,烤肉铺:一种有炙烤好的肉供订购的商店或餐馆美国传统〔scorch〕Death toll rises as heat wave scorches southern Europe.由于热浪炙烤, 欧洲南部死亡人数上升。外研社新世纪〔shashlik〕A dish consisting of marinated cubes of lamb or beef grilled or roasted on a spit, often with slices of eggplant, onion, and tomato; shish kebab.烤肉串:一种用在烤肉叉上炙烤或烘烤的腌制过的小块羊羔肉或牛肉,与茄子、洋葱及西红柿薄片组成的一道菜;烤牛、羊肉串美国传统〔unrelieved〕The sun baked down on the concrete, unrelieved by any breeze.太阳炙烤着水泥地面, 没有一丝风让人觉得凉爽些。外研社新世纪〔unrelieved〕The sun baked down on the concrete, unrelieved by any breeze.太阳炙烤着水泥,热度没有因为任何微风而有所减轻。柯林斯高阶The sun was roasting us. 太阳炙烤著我们。译典通Their traditional sausages are delicious grilled or barbecued.他们的老式香肠经过炙烤或烧烤,味道十分鲜美。剑桥国际




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