

单词 法院
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Supreme Court〕supreme court The highest court in most states within the United States. Also called In this sense, also called high court supreme court 最高法院:美国国内大多数州的最高法院 也作 在此意义上也可称作 high court美国传统〔above〕be referred to the court above 被提交上级法院英汉大词典〔accession〕upon his accession to the Supreme Court 在他进入最高法院任职之际韦氏高阶〔appellate〕a federal appellate judge 联邦上诉法院法官英汉大词典〔appellate〕an appellate court 上诉法院;高等法院文馨英汉〔apprentice〕a judicial apprentice 法院见习生英汉大词典〔below〕the judgment of the court below 下级法院的判决英汉大词典〔bench〕an election that benched sb. in the district court 使某人当上地方法院法官的一次选举英汉大词典〔bench〕the magistrate’s bench.治安法院。牛津同义词〔cassation〕the Court of Cassation (法国的)最高法院文馨英汉〔ceilinged〕a high-ceilinged court chamber 天花板很高的法院会议厅英汉大词典〔circuit〕a circuit court/judge 巡回法院/法官牛津高阶〔defy〕defied the court order by leaving the country; played his trumpet past midnight, defying the neighbors. 以出国逃避法院程序;整夜吹他的喇叭,不理会邻居美国传统〔division〕a court in the seventh division 第七区的一个法院英汉大词典〔empower〕a court empowered to review the decisions of a lower court 被授权可以重审低级法院裁决的法院麦克米伦高阶〔fate〕the fate of an appeal to a higher court 向上级法院上诉的结果英汉大词典〔hall〕the Hampden County Hall of Justice 汉普顿县法院韦氏高阶〔hearing〕a court hearing.法院审讯。牛津同义词〔judge〕a High Court judge 高等法院的法官牛津高阶〔judge〕a US Supreme Court judge 美国最高法院法官剑桥高阶〔judgment〕the judgment handed down today by the Supreme Court 最高法院今天宣布的判决麦克米伦高阶〔judicature〕the Supreme Court of Judicature (英国)最高法院英汉大词典〔judicial〕a judicial sale 法院判决的拍卖文馨英汉〔justice〕a court of justice 法院英汉大词典〔justice〕the battle for Taylor to face justice before the High Court 争取让泰勒在高等法院受审的斗争牛津搭配〔justiciable〕justiciable disputes. 可由法院解决的争端美国传统〔juvenile〕a juvenile court 少年法院(法庭)朗文当代〔law court〕a decision handed down by a law court 法院下达的裁决韦氏高阶〔learned〕my learned friend (或brother) 我的精通法律的同行(律师在下议院、法院等场合对同行的尊称)英汉大词典〔precedent〕precedents for what courts will accept as 'fair' 法院认为可以称得上“公平”的判例朗文当代〔recourse〕have recourse to the courts. 已求助于法院美国传统〔repose〕repose the judicial power in a supreme court 将司法行政权授予最高法院英汉大词典〔reversal〕the reversal of a decision of a lower court 对下级法院判决的撤销英汉大词典〔seat〕a seat on the federal court 联邦法院的席位韦氏高阶〔supreme〕the Supreme Court 最高法院剑桥高阶〔vacancy〕select a woman to fill a Supreme Court vacancy 选拔一名妇女填补最高法院的空职英汉大词典〔venal〕a venal court official 一名腐败的法院官员韦氏高阶〔versus〕the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade 最高法院关于罗对韦德诉讼案的裁决朗文当代〔v〕the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v Wade 1973年最高法院对罗诉韦德案的裁决剑桥高阶applying to court for the discharge of a bankrupt 向法院申请取消破产债务恢复经营牛津商务




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