

单词 法衣
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Geneva gown〕A loose black academic or clerical gown with wide sleeves.黑色大袖法衣:学者或牧师穿的带宽袖的黑色宽松法衣美国传统〔canonicals〕The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy.法衣:按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服美国传统〔chimere〕A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.主教法衣:宽松无袖的长袍。特别指英国国教的主教所穿的美国传统〔cincture〕A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.腰带,环带:腰带或饰带,特别是系在牧师法衣上或僧侣及修女法衣上的腰带美国传统〔cope〕A long ecclesiastical vestment worn over an alb or surplice.长袍:一种传教士所穿的长袍,穿在白长袍或白法衣外面美国传统〔cotta〕A short surplice.短的白色宽法衣美国传统〔dalmatic〕The wide-sleeved garment worn over the alb by a deacon, cardinal, bishop, or abbot at the celebration of Mass.法衣:在弥撒庆典上,执事、红衣主教、主教和修道士穿的套在白长袍上的衣袖宽大的服装美国传统〔humeral veil〕A vestment resembling a shawl worn over the shoulders by a subdeacon during High Mass and by a priest when holding the monstrance.(天主教教士的)披肩:一种类似披肩的法衣,由副执事在做大弥撒和教士来执圣餐盘时披在肩上美国传统〔maniple〕An ornamental silk band hung as an ecclesiastical vestment on the left arm near the wrist.弥撒带:佩带于左臂靠近手腕处的装饰性丝带,如教堂法衣美国传统〔mantelletta〕A knee-length, sleeveless vestment worn by Roman Catholic prelates.无袖法衣:罗马天主教高级教士所穿的及膝的无袖法衣美国传统〔orphrey〕A band of elaborate embroidery decorating the front of certain ecclesiastical vestments.精制的刺绣品:装饰于特定基督教法衣前部的精心制作的刺绣品美国传统〔rochet〕A white ceremonial vestment made of linen or lawn, worn by bishops and other church dignitaries.白色法衣:一种主教或其他高级神职人员穿的由亚麻布或上等细布制成的白色礼服美国传统〔rosary〕Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand.埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。柯林斯高阶〔sacristy〕A room in a church housing the sacred vessels and vestments; a vestry.圣器室:收藏神圣容器或法衣的教堂里的一间房子;法衣圣器储藏室美国传统〔sendal〕A thin, light silk used in the Middle Ages for fine garments, church vestments, and banners.森德尔绸:中世纪的一种又薄又轻的绸料,供做精制衣服、教堂法衣和旗帜美国传统〔soutane〕A cassock, especially one that buttons up and down the front.黑色法衣:法衣,尤指那种前面从上到下有饰扣的法衣美国传统〔surplice〕A loose-fitting, white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves, worn over a cassock.白法衣:教士穿的白色、宽松、无袖长袍,套在外衣外面美国传统〔vestiary〕A dressing room, cloakroom, or vestry.穿衣室、藏衣室或者法衣室美国传统The Buddhist monks were wearing saffron robes.佛教和尚穿着桔黄色的法衣。剑桥国际The judge was wearing a black cope. 这位法官穿著一件黑色的法衣。译典通




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