

单词 毒品走私
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕The gang hit on a seemingly foolproof way of getting drugs into the country. 该团伙无意中发现了一个看似万无一失的办法,能将毒品走私进入该国。朗文写作活用〔Colombian〕A young Colombian woman risks her life smuggling drugs to the US.一名哥伦比亚年轻女子冒着生命危险把毒品走私到美国。外研社新世纪〔DO/NOT DO〕There is growing evidence of drug-smuggling activities in and around the port. 越来越多的证据显示,在港口以及附近一带有毒品走私活动。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕The President is fully committed to the battle against the drug traffickers. 总统全身心地致力于对抗毒品走私贩。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Andres is the mastermind behind a huge drug-smuggling operation. 安德烈斯是一个庞大的毒品走私集团的主脑。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Six members of a drug-smuggling gang were arrested after an 18-month undercover police operation. 经过警方18个月的秘密行动,一个毒品走私团伙的六名成员被捕。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Customs officials claim to have uncovered a major drug-trafficking ring. 海关官员称已破获一个很大的毒品走私团伙。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕In Thailand the penalty for drug trafficking is death. 在泰国,毒品走私要判死刑。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The drug smugglers used innocent travellers to carry the drugs through customs. 毒品走私者利用无辜旅客将毒品带过海关。朗文写作活用〔arrest〕Six men are under arrest in connection with the drug smuggling operation.6人因涉嫌毒品走私而被捕。麦克米伦高阶〔bilateral〕France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.法国和德国已经签署了一项双边协定以防止毒品走私。剑桥高阶〔collude〕Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.几名海关官员被控与毒品走私贩子相勾结。朗文当代〔community〕Drug trafficking is a matter of considerable concern for the entire international community (= all the countries of the world).毒品走私是整个国际社会都相当关注的问题。剑桥高阶〔drug〕The government has pledged to fight drug smuggling.政府已承诺要与毒品走私作斗争。麦克米伦高阶〔dupe〕The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.这些女孩受毒品走私贩欺骗为他们运送海洛因。剑桥高阶〔dupe〕The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.那些女孩被毒品走私犯利用为他们携带海洛因。21世纪英汉〔execution〕Convicted drug traffickers may face execution.毒品走私犯可能会被处以死刑。麦克米伦高阶〔finger〕People who have fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.指认毒品走私犯的几个人被暗杀了。外研社新世纪〔front〕The organization was used as a front for drug trafficking.该组织被当成幌子掩护毒品走私活动。外研社新世纪〔guise〕They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.他们挂着职业介绍所的牌子,实际上在从事毒品走私活动。朗文当代〔hunt〕The police spend a lot of time hunting drug smugglers.警方花大量的时间抓捕毒品走私犯。外研社新世纪〔infiltration〕The police tried to prevent infiltration by drug traffickers.警方尽力防止毒品走私分子的渗入。牛津搭配〔link〕Police have evidence linking Bates to a drug-importation operation.警察有证据表明贝茨和一次毒品走私入境行动有牵连。麦克米伦高阶〔mastermind〕The bombings were masterminded by a known drugs smuggler.爆炸是由一个臭名昭著的毒品走私分子操纵的。柯林斯高阶〔mastermind〕The bombings were masterminded by a known drugs smuggler.爆炸是由一个臭名昭著的毒品走私贩策划的。外研社新世纪〔narcotrafficking〕The smuggling and distribution of illegal drugs.毒品交易,毒品运送:毒品走私与销售美国传统〔payoff〕Soldiers in both countries supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.两国士兵都用毒品走私贩的贿赂来贴补收入。柯林斯高阶〔payoff〕The soldiers supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.士兵们通过毒品走私犯的贿赂来充实自己的腰包。外研社新世纪〔reach〕The UN's drugs watchdog says traffickers are using the Internet to strike deals beyond the reach of the law.联合国毒品监管机构说毒品走私者使用互联网交易, 法律鞭长莫及。外研社新世纪〔smuggling〕He was arrested in connection with drug smuggling.他因涉及毒品走私而被捕。朗文当代〔spring a trap〕Police sprang a trap on the drug smugglers.警方设圈套逮捕了毒品走私犯。韦氏高阶〔undercover〕It was an undercover operation designed to catch drug smugglers.这是一次旨在抓捕毒品走私犯的秘密行动。外研社新世纪Drug trafficking is a matter of considerable concern for the entire international community (=all the countries of the world).毒品走私是整个国际社会都相当关注的问题。剑桥国际Guards go over every vehicle at the border to prevent drugs being smuggled into the country.卫兵在边境上仔细检查每一辆车子,防止毒品走私入境。剑桥国际In some countries people caught smuggling drugs are given the death sentence.在某些国家,抓获的毒品走私犯被处以死刑。剑桥国际The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.这些女孩子被毒品走私犯欺骗了,替他们携带了海洛因。剑桥国际The murdered man is thought to have been involved in drug smuggling.被害者被认为与毒品走私有关。剑桥国际The police raid on the house was part of an operation to track down international drug smugglers.警方对这所房子发动的突袭是追捕毒品走私犯行动的一部分。剑桥国际The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic. 两国达成协议控制毒品走私。译典通They're involved in a drug-smuggling racket.他们卷进了毒品走私买卖。剑桥国际




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