

单词 海盗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕The Pirates jumped to a 22-2 lead, and Georgetown never got closer than 16 points after that. 海盗队的比分一下子升到以22比2领先,之后乔治敦队就再也没有将比分拉近到16分之内。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The Vikings attacked villages along the coast and set them on fire. 北欧海盗袭击了沿海的村庄后将其付之一炬。朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕Our mother kept a box of old castoffs and we spent hours dressing up, pretending to be princesses or pirates. 母亲有一箱旧衣服,我们把自己装扮成公主或海盗,一扮就是几小时。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕At the end of the film the prisoners are rescued, and the pirates come to a sticky end. 影片的结局是俘虏获救了,海盗则丧了命。朗文写作活用〔Jolly Roger〕A black flag bearing the emblematic white skull and crossbones of a pirate ship.海盗黑旗,骷髅旗:海盗船上的黑旗,饰有白色头骨和交叉股骨的象征性图案美国传统〔PRETEND〕When I was young we played at pirates whenever we were on the beach. 小时候,我们只要去沙滩就要玩海盗游戏。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Twelve months later, the captain of Sea Rover pushed his luck once too often. 12个月以后,“海盗船”的船长贪心不足又去冒了险,可这次未能幸免。朗文写作活用〔Rollo〕Norse chieftain and the first duke of Normandy.罗洛:古斯堪的纳维亚海盗头子及诺曼底公国的第一位公爵美国传统〔Spanish Main〕The section of the Caribbean Sea crossed by Spanish ships in colonial times. The treasure-laden ships were often raided by English buccaneers.加勒比海:殖民地时期西班牙商船来往的一段海域,英国海盗常袭击加勒比海装有财宝的船美国传统〔anticipatable〕Did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?是北欧海盗在哥伦布之前就发现美洲的吗?21世纪英汉〔anticipate〕Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America.北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。英汉大词典〔beach〕The pirates beached the ship on the island.海盗将船驶到岛上。韦氏高阶〔believe〕Let's make believe (that) we're pirates.我们假扮海盗吧。剑桥高阶〔black flag〕A Jolly Roger.海盗旗美国传统〔blackmail〕Tribute formerly paid to freebooters along the Scottish border for protection from pillage.勒索贡物:从前为防止海盗抢劫,沿苏格兰边境向海盗上贡之物美国传统〔board〕The pirate ship boarded the ship.海盗船靠拢轮船。21世纪英汉〔board〕The pirates tried to board the ship, but we fought them off.海盗试图登船,但我们击退了他们。韦氏高阶〔broadside〕The broadside caught the pirates.舷炮击中海盗。英汉大词典〔conquer〕Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.11世纪早期,整个英格兰再次被北欧海盗征服。柯林斯高阶〔corsair〕A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.海盗:海盗,特别是沿北非伊斯兰教各国的海盗美国传统〔corsair〕A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.海盗船:一种很快的海盗船,通常有官方允许美国传统〔costume party〕She went to a costume party dressed as a pirate. 她扮成海盗参加了一个化妆舞会。剑桥高阶〔dress〕The boys were all dressed up as pirates.这些男孩子都装扮成了海盗。牛津高阶〔evil〕He suffered an evil fate at the hands of Vikings.他在北欧海盗的手里吃尽了苦头。外研社新世纪〔flourish〕Dressed as a pirate, he entered the stage flourishing his sword.他穿着海盗服,耀武扬威地舞着剑走上舞台。韦氏高阶〔flushed with success〕Flushed with success after their surprise win against Italy, The Pirates are preparing for Saturday's game against the Red Sox.意外战胜意大利队之后,志得意满的海盗队正在为周六对阵红袜队做准备。剑桥高阶〔freebooter〕A person who pillages and plunders, especially a pirate.劫掠者:掠夺或抢劫者,尤指海盗美国传统〔freeboot〕To act as a freebooter; plunder.做海盗;抢劫美国传统〔harass〕Pirates harassed the villages along the coast.海盗不时骚扰沿岸村庄。英汉大词典〔harry〕The pirates harried the towns along the coast.海盗抢劫沿海城市。英汉大词典〔infest〕The waterway is infested with pirates.这条航道有大批海盗出没。英汉大词典〔lair〕The village was once a pirates' lair.这个村子曾一度是海盗藏匿之处。柯林斯高阶〔lair〕The village was once a pirates' lair.这个村庄以前是海盗的老巢。外研社新世纪〔lash〕The pirate captain beat his crew with a lash.海盗船长用鞭子抽打他的船员。英汉大词典〔level〕The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.在国家联盟季后赛中, 辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。外研社新世纪〔level〕The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。柯林斯高阶〔massacre〕The Cougars massacred the Bucs last night, 38-7.美洲虎队昨晚以 38-7 大败海盗队。朗文当代〔moss-trooper〕A plunderer; a marauder.强盗;海盗美国传统〔part〕He was a pirate in the school play and certainly looked the part.他在校园剧里演一个海盗,看上去还真像。牛津搭配〔peg leg〕The pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch.这个海盗有一条假腿, 一只钩子手, 还戴着一只眼罩。外研社新世纪〔picaroon〕A pirate ship.海盗船美国传统〔picaroon〕A pirate.海盗美国传统〔picaroon〕To act as a pirate.当海盗,作海盗美国传统〔pillage〕The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast.北欧海盗沿着海岸大肆奸淫劫掠。21世纪英汉〔piracy〕Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea lanes.在世界商业航线上,海盗抢劫仍然十分猖獗。剑桥高阶〔piracy〕Robbery committed at sea.海盗行为,海上劫掠美国传统〔piracy〕Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy.其中7名渔夫因海盗行为遭正式起诉。柯林斯高阶〔pirated〕In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.19世纪时海盗猖獗。柯林斯高阶〔pirate〕A ship used for this purpose.海盗船:用于此目的的船美国传统〔pirate〕In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.在19世纪, 海盗在海上猖獗。外研社新世纪〔pirate〕One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.海盗,海上劫掠者:未受任何主权国家委派的海上抢劫或从海上来到陆地上抢夺的人美国传统〔pirate〕Some plunderers pirated the passengers' properties on the high seas.一些抢劫犯在公海以海盗方式掠夺旅客的财物。21世纪英汉〔pirate〕To act as a pirate; practice piracy.当海盗;从事劫掠行为美国传统〔plank〕The pirate knew he'd walk the plank.海盗早知道他会“走跳板”。外研社新世纪〔play at〕Ed played at being a pirate.埃德假扮海盗。外研社新世纪〔play at〕Ed played at being a pirate.埃德扮海盗玩。柯林斯高阶〔play〕Let's play at pirates! 咱们扮海盗玩吧!牛津搭配〔play〕Let's play pirates.咱们假扮海盗玩吧。牛津高阶〔play〕Let's play that we are pirates.咱们来扮海盗玩。英汉大词典〔pretend〕They were pretending that their bed was a pirate ship.他们把床假想成海盗船。外研社新世纪〔prey〕In those far-off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe.在那遥远的古代,北欧海盗经常掠夺欧洲海岸一带。英汉大词典〔raid〕The town suffered several raids by Vikings.这个城镇遭到了北欧海盗的数次袭击。牛津搭配〔rover〕A pirate vessel.海盗船美国传统〔rover〕A pirate.海盗美国传统〔sea king〕A Viking pirate chief of the early Middle Ages.海贼王:中世纪早期的北欧海盗首领美国传统〔sea rover〕A pirate ship.海盗船美国传统〔sea rover〕A pirate.海盗美国传统〔sea〕We're reading an adventure story about piracy on the high seas.我们正在读一篇公海海盗的历险故事。麦克米伦高阶〔skald〕A medieval Scandinavian poet, especially one writing in the Viking age.吟唱诗人:中世纪斯堪的纳维亚诗人,尤指海盗盛行时期的创作诗人美国传统〔skull and crossbones〕A representation of a human skull above two long crossed bones, a symbol of death once used by pirates and now used as a warning label on poisons.骷髅画,骷髅旗:在两根相交的长骨上的人的头盖骨的表示,曾被海盗用来作为死亡的象征,如今被用作有毒物品上的警告性标签美国传统〔skull〕The ship was flying a pirate flag with the skull and crossbones on it.那条船挂着一面画有骷髅头的海盗旗。牛津搭配〔snug〕The pirate ship was snug in harbour.海盗船躲进港口。英汉大词典〔spoil〕The pirates divided the spoils among themselves.海盗们瓜分了赃物。韦氏高阶〔theme〕We themed it as a pirate party.我们把它设计成海盗聚会的风格。外研社新世纪〔treasure〕Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.海盗故事中经常包括搜寻宝藏。剑桥高阶〔tribute〕The pirates demanded tribute from passing ships.海盗向过往船只勒索钱财。英汉大词典〔walk〕To be forced, as by pirates, to walk off a plank extended over the side of a ship so as to drown.走跳板:被海盗等逼迫走出伸出船边缘的木板而被淹死美国传统In late Anglo-Saxon times, England was under constant attack from the Vikings.在盎格鲁-撒克森时代后期,英格兰经常被北欧海盗袭击。剑桥国际In story books, pirates usually wear eye-patches and have parrots on their shoulders.故事书中,海盗总是戴着眼罩,肩上站着鹦鹉。剑桥国际It is said that the pirates buried their treasure on this island. 据说海盗把他们的金银财宝埋藏在这个岛上。译典通Jo had an infection in her eye and had to wear a patch over it, which made her look like a pirate.乔一只眼睛发炎,不得不戴了个眼罩,这使她看上去像个海盗。剑桥国际Let's make believe we are pirates and search for treasures.让我们扮作海盗去寻宝藏。剑桥国际Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea-lanes.在世界商业航线上,海盗抢劫仍然猖獗繁盛。剑桥国际Pirate ships used to fly the skull and crossbones (= a flag with this sign on it).过去海盗船飘骷髅旗。剑桥国际Rookie (= new and without much experience) quarterback Harold Matthews led his side to a 20-17 win over the Minnesota Vikings last weekend.上周末初出茅庐的四分卫哈罗德·马修斯带领他的队以20比17胜了明尼苏达海盗队。剑桥国际Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands. 成群结队的海盗船还在较小的岛屿附近游荡。译典通Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.海盗的故事常包括搜寻被埋藏的珍宝。剑桥国际The American Coast Guard dispatched 6 cutters in one swoop to surround the pirate ship. 美国海岸巡防队一口气派出了六艘巡逻艇将海盗船团团围住。译典通The Jolly Roger has a white skull and crossbones on it.海盗黑旗上有一个白色头骨和两条交叉股骨。剑桥国际The Redskins were outplayed (= defeated) by the Minnesota Vikings.印第安人队被明尼苏达海盗队击败。剑桥国际The Vikings used to harry the English coast. 北欧海盗过去常常侵袭英国沿海地区。译典通The Vikings were cruel and bloodthirsty warriors.北欧海盗是残忍嗜血的好斗者。剑桥国际The boat was boarded by a gang of four pirates, who overpowered its seven-man crew and handcuffed them together below deck.四个海盗上了船,打败了七个船员,把他们铐在舱底。剑桥国际The children love his tales about pirates and smugglers.孩子们喜欢他那些关于海盗和走私犯的故事。剑桥国际The football club have entered a float decorated like a pirate ship in the carnival parade.在欢庆游行典礼上,足球俱乐部成员进入了一辆装饰得像一艘海盗船的彩车里。剑桥国际The pirates buried their treasure. 海盗埋藏了他们的财宝。译典通The shore batteries fired at the pirate boat. 海岸砲兵向海盗船开火。译典通The site where the Viking ship was found has been preserved for public viewing.发现北欧海盗船的地点已经受到保护,供公众参观。剑桥国际This was the island where buccaneers hid their loot. 这是过去海盗们藏赃物的岛屿。译典通We had a (Br and Aus) fancy-dress/(Am) costume party (= a party where people wear clothes that make them look like someone or something else) and four people came as pirates.我们举行了一个化装舞会,有四个人打扮成海盗。剑桥国际




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