

单词 海盗
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Viking〕a Viking invasion/ship 维京人的侵略;北欧海盗船韦氏高阶〔assign〕a stone cross assigned to the Vikings一个被认为属于北欧海盗的石制十字架外研社新世纪〔beam〕pictures beamed back by the Viking I craft 由北欧海盗一号航天器发射回来的照片英汉大词典〔black〕the pirates' black deeds. 海盗的恶劣行为美国传统〔burial〕a Viking burial site北欧海盗墓地外研社新世纪〔cut-throat〕the pirate captain and his cut-throat crew海盗船长和他嗜杀成性的船员外研社新世纪〔dastardly〕tales of pirates and their dastardly deeds 有关海盗及其暴行的故事朗文当代〔epidemic〕an epidemic of coastal piracy 沿海海盗打劫事件的盛行英汉大词典〔ferret〕ferret the buccaneers out of the colonies 把那些海盗从殖民地赶出去英汉大词典〔high seas〕piracy on the high seas. 公海海盗美国传统〔infall〕infall of pirates 海盗的入侵英汉大词典〔infest〕to be infested with pirates海盗横行21世纪英汉〔king〕the pirate king 海盗首领英汉大词典〔lair〕a pirate's lair 海盗巢穴英汉大词典〔loot〕the accumulated loot of the pirates 海盗们积聚起来的掠夺物英汉大词典〔old-time〕old-time pirates过去的海盗外研社新世纪〔piracy〕piracy on the high seas 公海上的海盗行为韦氏高阶〔pirated〕a lot of pirated editions 许多海盗版[盗印本]文馨英汉〔pirate〕a pirate on the high seas.公海上的海盗。牛津同义词〔pirate〕a pirate ship 海盗船牛津高阶〔pirate〕a pirate ship 海盗船英汉大词典〔pirate〕a pirate ship/costume/captain/movie 海盗船/衣服/船长/电影韦氏高阶〔pirate〕the famous pirate Jean Lafitte 大名鼎鼎的海盗让·拉菲特韦氏高阶〔piratic〕a piratic stronghold 海盗大本营英汉大词典〔prey on〕pirates preyed upon the coast shipping.海盗使沿海航运不得安宁。21世纪英汉〔puffy〕a puffy shirt like the pirates used to wear像过去海盗穿的那种蓬松的衬衫外研社新世纪〔reconstruction〕a life-size reconstruction of a Viking longboat 根据原尺寸重建的北欧海盗船牛津搭配〔reiver〕a sea reiver 海盗英汉大词典〔renegade〕stories about pirates and renegades on the high seas 关于公海上的海盗和不法分子的报道韦氏高阶〔sail〕a pirate ship under full sail 全速行驶的海盗船牛津搭配〔scour〕scour the sea of pirates 扫荡海盗英汉大词典〔second-string〕the Vikings' second-string quarterback 北欧海盗队的替补四分卫朗文当代〔swashbuckling〕a swashbuckling hero/pirate 勇猛的英雄/海盗剑桥高阶〔swashbuckling〕a swashbuckling tale of pirates 一个讲述海盗的传奇历险故事朗文当代〔thieving〕thieving pirates 强取豪夺的海盗朗文当代〔treasure〕a legend about the pirates' buried/sunken/hidden treasure 关于海盗埋藏/沉没/隐藏的财宝的传说韦氏高阶〔treasure〕a p irate's treasure chest 海盗的财宝箱牛津高阶




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