

单词 流动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOME〕Migrant workers are to be accommodated near the place where they work. 要给流动工人在他们工作地点附近的地方提供住宿。朗文写作活用〔Labrador Current〕A cold ocean current flowing southward from Baffin Bay along the coast of Labrador and turning east after intersecting with the Gulf Stream.拉布拉多寒流:一股从巴芬湾沿拉布拉多半岛东岸向南流动的大洋寒流,它与墨西哥湾流汇合后转向东流美国传统〔MASH〕Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.流动军队外科医院美国传统〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕The computer automatically shuts off the pump when no water is flowing. 如果没有水在流动,电脑会自动关掉水泵。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕There is increasing social mobility among senior white collar workers, who are able to move quite rapidly between organizations. 高级白领的社会流动性越来越大,他们能够在企业之间迅速流动。朗文写作活用〔affluence〕A flowing to or toward a point; afflux.流注:向某处流动;流向美国传统〔airflow〕A flow of air.气流:空气的流动美国传统〔backwash〕A backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft.喷气流:向后流动的空气,如由飞机的螺旋桨引起美国传统〔bar〕The curfew has effectively barred migrant workers from their jobs.宵禁实际上使得流动工人无法上班。牛津搭配〔bayou〕A sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands, marshes, or plantation grounds.长沼:一个蜿蜒流过低地、沼泽或庄园土地的流动缓慢的溪流美国传统〔bloodmobile〕A motor vehicle equipped for collecting blood from donors.流动献血车:为献血者抽血的机动车美国传统〔bloodstream〕The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an organism.血流:在有机体循环系统中流动的血液美国传统〔bookmobile〕A truck, trailer, or van equipped to serve as a mobile lending library.流动图书馆:一辆用作流动性的借书图书馆的货车、挂车或有篷运货箱美国传统〔boomer〕A transient worker, especially in bridge construction.流动工人:暂时的工人,尤指桥梁建筑工人美国传统〔carny〕A person who works with a carnival.流动游艺团的工作人员美国传统〔characteristic〕Mobility is the defining characteristic of modern life.流动性是现代生活的限定性特征。牛津搭配〔circulate〕Air can circulate freely through the tunnels.隧道里空气流动通畅。牛津搭配〔circulate〕Steam circulates in the pipes.蒸汽在管道中循环流动。韦氏高阶〔circulation〕Movement or passage through a system of vessels, as of water through pipes; flow.流动:沿容器系统的运行或穿行,如水沿管道流动;流动美国传统〔circus〕A traveling company that performs such entertainments.马戏团:表演马戏的流动团体美国传统〔cock〕A faucet or valve by which the flow of a liquid or gas can be regulated.活塞:一个能调节液体或气体流动的龙头或阀门,美国传统〔course〕The blood courses through the veins.血液在血管中流动。文馨英汉〔creep〕A slow flow of metal when under high temperature or great pressure.蠕变:金属在高温或高压下的缓慢流动美国传统〔current assets〕Cash or assets convertible into cash at short notice.流动资产:现金或在提前很短的时间内通知能兑换成现金的资产美国传统〔current assets〕The company lists its current assets at $56.9 million.该公司流动资产总额为5,690万美元。外研社新世纪〔current income〕Investment income earned from interest, dividends, rent, and similar sources, as opposed to that derived from increases in asset value.流动收入,非固定收入:从利息、股息、房租及同样来源所赚来的投资收入,与从财产价值增加所得来的收入相对美国传统〔cyclosis〕The streaming rotary motion of protoplasm within certain cells and one-celled organisms.胞质环流:在某些细胞或单细胞微生物中的细胞质的环状流动美国传统〔devolve〕Archaic To cause to roll onward or downward.【古语】 使滚向前(或向下):引起向前或向下流动美国传统〔douche〕Douche the leaves under cold running water.用流动的冷水冲洗这些树叶。外研社新世纪〔energetics〕The study of the flow and transformation of energy.力能学:研究能量的流动及转变的学科美国传统〔equatorial current〕One of the surface currents drifting westward through the oceans at the equator.赤道洋流:在赤道附近的海洋中向西流动的表面洋流美国传统〔floater〕An insurance policy that protects movable property in transit or regularly subject to use in varying places.流动财产保险单:为保护流通中的动产或定期在各地使用的流动财产而投保的一种保险单美国传统〔floating〕Available for use; in circulation. Used of capital.流动财产的:可供使用的;在流通领域的。用于指资本美国传统〔flow〕An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs.需要降低利率以促使更多资金流动及创造工作岗位。外研社新世纪〔flow〕Liquids flow.液体能流动。牛津同义词〔flow〕To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.流,流动:如同有了液体特性似的连续不断地移动或流淌美国传统〔fluxion〕A flow or flowing.流动,流出物美国传统〔flux〕The rate of flow of fluid, particles, or energy through a given surface.流动率:流体、微粒或能量通过一设定的表面时流动的速率美国传统〔funnel〕A conical utensil having a small hole or narrow tube at the apex and used to channel the flow of a substance, as into a small-mouthed container.漏斗:一种顶端有一小洞或窄管用于输导流动物质进入小口容器的圆锥形器皿美国传统〔gandy dancer〕An itinerant laborer.季节流动工美国传统〔gene flow〕Transfer of genes from one population to another of the same species, as by migration or the dispersal of seeds and pollen.基因流动:基因从一族群向另一相同族群种源的转化,以迁徙或种子和花粉的撒播为方式美国传统〔grade〕Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades.下级职员的流动率高得出奇。外研社新世纪〔hydrodynamic〕Of, relating to, or operated by the force of liquid in motion.流体力学的:属于,与有关,或者由流动液体之动力作用的美国传统〔ice〕Glaciers are moving rivers of ice.冰河是犹如河水般流动的巨大冰体。柯林斯高阶〔impeller〕One that impels, as a rotating device used to force a fluid in a desired direction under pressure.推动器:用来使液体在压力下按需要的方向流动的旋转装置,可以起推动作用的东西美国传统〔jobless〕Many of the rural jobless moved into the towns.农村的许多失业人员流动到城镇。麦克米伦高阶〔liquid〕She has very few liquid assets as most of her wealth is tied up in property.她的流动资金很少,大部分财产都投到了房产上。剑桥高阶〔liquid〕The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.银行有充足的流动资产维系运营。外研社新世纪〔migrant〕In the mid-nineteenth century there were perhaps 800,000 seasonal migrants each year.在19世纪中叶, 每年的季节性流动农业工人可能会有80万。外研社新世纪〔mobile〕Increasing car ownership has made the population more mobile.汽车拥有量的增加使人口的流动性更大了。麦克米伦高阶〔mobility〕A car would give you greater mobility.汽车将使人们具有更大的流动性。麦克米伦高阶〔mobility〕The degree of economic mobility is different in different societies.在不同的社会里,经济流动性的程度是不同的。韦氏高阶〔movement〕The agreement governs the free movement of goods between countries.该协议规范各国间货物的自由流动。麦克米伦高阶〔peregrine〕Roving or wandering; migratory.流动的或移动的;有移动倾向的美国传统〔peripatetic〕Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence.她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。柯林斯高阶〔perk up〕Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined.任何能节省公司成本并增加流动资金的办法都被认真研究过。外研社新世纪〔picket〕Flying pickets arrived from all over the country.流动宣传员从全国各地纷纷抵达。牛津搭配〔public〕The company went partially public and acquired a large amount of liquid capital to put to good use.这家公司发售了部分股票,因而得到一大笔很有利用价值的流动资本。英汉大词典〔puddle〕The gravel was puddling with the spring water.砂砾随着流动的泉水在翻滚。英汉大词典〔quick assets〕Liquid assets, including cash on hand and assets readily convertible to cash.速动资产:流动资产,包括手中的现金以及可随时兑现成现金的资产美国传统〔running〕Wash the lentils under cold running water.用流动的凉水冲洗小扁豆。外研社新世纪〔running〕Wash the lentils under cold running water.用流动的凉水冲洗小扁豆。柯林斯高阶〔run〕A movement or flow.移动,流动美国传统〔run〕The window panes were running with condensation.凝结的水珠在窗玻璃上流动。柯林斯高阶〔sealing wax〕A resinous preparation of shellac and turpentine that is soft and fluid when heated but solidifies upon cooling, used to seal letters, batteries, or jars.封蜡,火漆:一种加热时柔软流动而冷却即凝固的富含虫胶和松脂的树脂品,用于给信件、电池或罐子封口美国传统〔seize〕To cohere or fuse with another part as a result of high pressure or temperature and restrict or prevent further motion or flow.卡住,咬住:因高压或过热而与其它部分连接或融合,从而限制或阻止进一步移动或流动美国传统〔standing〕Not flowing or circulating; stagnant.不流动或不循环的;停止不前的美国传统〔stiff〕Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.用硬毛刷在流动凉水下刷洗这些河蚌。外研社新世纪〔streamline〕A contour of a body constructed so as to offer minimum resistance to a fluid flow.流线型:为液体流动提供最小阻力而建造的形体的轮廓美国传统〔streamline〕A line that is parallel to the direction of flow of a fluid at a given instant.流线:在一定的距离内与液体流动方向平行的线条美国传统〔stream〕To flow in or as if in a stream.流动:在或似乎在河流中流动美国传统〔thin〕Aspirin thins the blood, letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels.阿司匹林可以稀释血液, 使其在变窄的血管里更顺畅地流动。外研社新世纪〔torpedo〕An explosive fired in an oil or gas well to begin or increase the flow.井底爆炸器:在油井或气井中引爆的爆炸物,用来引起或抬高油或气的流动美国传统〔traffic〕Widening the road would improve traffic flow.拓宽道路将加快车辆流动。牛津搭配〔tripping〕Speaking or flowing easily; fluent.轻松表达的,快速流动的;流利的,流畅的美国传统〔turgid〕The river rolled darkly brown and turgid.河水流动不畅,翻着浊黄的浪花。剑桥高阶〔turnover〕Low pay accounts for the high turnover .低薪是人员流动率高的原因。朗文当代〔turnover〕The company has a high turnover rate.这家公司人员流动性很大。韦氏高阶〔uniformly〕All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.所有流动的水看似一成不变,但实际上内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向移动。柯林斯高阶〔viscous〕Having relatively high resistance to flow.粘滞性的:对流动有较高抵抗力的美国传统〔vole〕He goes the vole — has been soldier,ballad singer,travelling tinker,and is now a beggar.他行行都干过——当过兵、唱过山歌、当过流动补锅匠,而现在是个叫化子。英汉大词典〔waste material〕Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动, 输送氧气和养分, 清除组织里的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔water wheel〕A wheel propelled by falling or running water and used to power machinery.水轮:用冲下或流动的水推动的轮子,用于带动机器美国传统〔whoosh〕A swift movement or flow; a rush or spurt.冲出,喷射:飞快的移动或流动;冲出或喷射美国传统〔wind〕A movement of air generated artificially, as by bellows or a fan.气流:(如用风箱或扇子等)人工引起的空气流动美国传统A small change in interest rates can cause a large capital flow.利率的微小变化能够导致大量资金流动。牛津商务Asset sales are intended to improve the company's liquidity.出售资产是为了提高公司的资产流动性。牛津商务French and Spanish companies particularly value mobility for senior managers.法国和西班牙的公司尤其重视高层管理人员的流动性。牛津商务In an illiquid market the only way to sell shares fast is to accept a lower price.在非流动性市场中,快速出售股票的唯一途径就是接受较低的价格。牛津商务In this highly liquid market, prices are relatively stable.在这个高度流动性市场里,价格相对稳定。牛津商务Limited upward mobility (= moving towards a higher social position and becoming richer) can lead to discontent among young people.有限的上行社会流动会引发年轻人的不满。牛津商务Melt the chocolate to a pouring consistency.把巧克力熔成可流动的黏稠液态。剑桥国际Shorter contracts have meant an increasingly transient workforce.短期合同意味着劳动力的流动性越来越大。牛津商务Some companies provide handheld computers for their mobile workers.有些公司为他们的流动工作人员提供手提电脑。牛津商务The bank is required to have a liquidity ratio of 25%.要求银行有 25% 的流动性比率。牛津商务The river flows between its steep banks.河流在陡峭的河岸之间流动。剑桥国际They have a strong position and are among the most liquid companies in the industry.他们处于强势地位,在这行业中属于资产流动性最高的公司之一。牛津商务We may have to reduce our working capital in order to pay off some of the debts.我们可能不得不减少流动资本以偿还部分债务。牛津商务You can purchase a floater to cover movable property such as tools and equipment.你可以买一份保工具和设备等动产的流动财产保险。牛津商务You used to be able to see contortionists at the circus or in travelling shows.过去能在马戏团或流动演出团中看到柔术表演。剑桥国际




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