

单词 流入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕Thousands of gallons of oil flowed into the river when an oil pipeline burst. 一条油管爆裂后,数千加仑原油流入河中。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕The world must make a more determined effort to stop the flow of arms to trouble spots. 世界各国必须更加坚决地努力阻止武器流入不安定地区。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The company is charged with polluting the River Mersey by allowing crude oil to enter the river. 该公司因任由其原油流入默西河对其造成污染而遭检控。朗文写作活用〔Delaware Bay〕An estuary of the Delaware River emptying into the Atlantic Ocean between eastern Delaware and southern New Jersey.特拉华湾:特拉华河流入大西洋的河口,位于特拉华州东部和新泽西州南部之间美国传统〔FLOW〕Oil flowed from the tanker into the sea. 石油从油轮流入海中。朗文写作活用〔Inari〕A lake of northern Finland with an outlet to the Arctic Ocean. The island-studded lake is a tourist attraction.伊纳里湖:芬兰北部湖泊,有一出口流入北冰洋。湖内散布众多岛屿,是旅游胜地美国传统〔Wollaston Lake〕A lake of northeast Saskatchewan, Canada, draining into the Churchill and Mackenzie river systems.沃拉斯顿湖:加拿大萨斯喀彻温省东北部湖泊,流入邱吉尔河和马更些河水系美国传统〔admit〕There were no windows to admit air.没有窗子可使空气流入。英汉大词典〔canalize〕To provide an outlet for; channel.疏导,流入渠道:为…提供一个出口;导引美国传统〔catadromous〕Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish.因产卵顺流入海的:在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类美国传统〔channel〕The molten metal channels into the troughs.熔化的金属液流入槽中。21世纪英汉〔coaming〕A raised rim or border around an opening, as in a ship's deck, designed to keep out water.舱口栏板:船的甲板上围绕舱口通道的高边缘栏板或边缘,用于防止水流入美国传统〔confine〕Here the river is confined in a narrow channel.这条河在这里流入狭窄的河糟。牛津高阶〔crack〕With technical details of the security system already circulating on the Internet, instructions for cracking it will almost certainly make their way into the computer underground.由于保安系统的技术资料已在因特网上流传,如何侵入该系统的指令也当然会流入非法人员所用的计算机中。21世纪英汉〔crank〕The river comes cranking into the town.那条河曲曲弯弯地流入镇内。英汉大词典〔crimp〕High import duties crimped the flow of foreign goods.高进口税阻碍了外国货的流入。文馨英汉〔crude oil〕A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.1,000吨原油从一艘油轮中泄漏,流入了海洋。柯林斯高阶〔discharge into〕The stream discharges itself into the sea.小河流入大海。21世纪英汉〔discharge〕The River Rhine discharges itself (或its water) into the North Sea.莱茵河流入北海。英汉大词典〔discharge〕The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.流入海洋的石油严重伤害了许多水鸟海兽。21世纪英汉〔disgorge〕The Changjiang River disgorges into the East Sea.长江流入东海。21世纪英汉〔drained〕Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。柯林斯高阶〔drain〕All the water drains into the river.所有的水都流入这条河。外研社新世纪〔drain〕The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded, the swamp drains northward.尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水美国传统〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。英汉大词典〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.圣劳伦斯河容纳五大湖的水。(或:五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。)21世纪英汉〔drain〕The river drains into a lake.这条河流入湖中。牛津高阶〔drift〕They were drifting out to sea.他们漂流入海。牛津搭配〔drive〕The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels.电流流入了驱动车轮的电动机。柯林斯高阶〔effluent〕Effluents from local factories are finding their way into the river.当地工厂排出的废水都任其流入河中。剑桥高阶〔effusion〕The seeping of serous, purulent, or bloody fluid into a body cavity or tissue.渗出:严重的有毒的或血液状液体渗出并流入躯体空穴或细胞组织中美国传统〔emptiable〕The veins empty themselves into the heart.血管里的血液流入心脏。21世纪英汉〔empty into〕The Danube empties into the Black Sea.多瑙河流入黑海。21世纪英汉〔empty〕The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河流入墨西哥湾。朗文当代〔empty〕The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河流入墨西哥湾。英汉大词典〔empty〕The stream emptied itself into the river.溪水流入小河。英汉大词典〔enter〕The river enters the sea near here.河水在这附近流入大海。韦氏高阶〔extravasate〕Pathology To exude from a vessel into surrounding tissue.【病理学】 外渗:从脉管流入周围的组织美国传统〔extravasate〕Pathology To force the flow of (blood or lymph) from a vessel out into surrounding tissue.【病理学】 使从脉管中渗出:使(血液或淋巴)从脉管中流入周围的组织美国传统〔feed〕Oil feeds into [to] the machine through [by] this tube.油经此管流入机器。文馨英汉〔filter〕Water filters through sandy soil and into the well.水滤过沙土流入井内。21世纪英汉〔find〕Rivers find their way to the sea.江河流入大海。英汉大词典〔flow〕Millions of pounds of new investment are flowing into the region.数百万英镑的新投资正在流入该地区。麦克米伦高阶〔flow〕The Sacramento River flows into San Francisco Bay.萨克拉门托河流入圣弗兰西斯科湾。麦克米伦高阶〔flow〕The agreement controls the flow of arms to the continent.这项协议控制武器流入大陆。英汉大词典〔flow〕The number of refugees flowing into the area is still increasing.流入该地区的难民数量仍在上升。朗文当代〔flow〕The river flows into the sea.这条河流入大海。英汉大词典〔flow〕The river flows south-west to the Atlantic Ocean.河水向西南方流入大西洋。外研社新世纪〔flow〕These gates regulate the amount of water flowing into the canal.这些闸门调节流入运河的水量。朗文当代〔flow〕This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs.这可以防止空气任意流入肺部。牛津高阶〔flow〕This river flows into the sea.这条河流入大海。21世纪英汉〔fracture〕A fractured pipe at a steelworks has leaked 20 tons of oil into the Severn estuary.一家钢铁厂的管道断裂,致使20吨油泄漏,流入塞文河口。剑桥高阶〔gate〕The channel through which molten metal flows into a shaped cavity of a mold.闸道:熔化的金属液流入模型型腔的通道美国传统〔grid〕Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.电力可以从风力发电机流入输电网。牛津搭配〔harmony〕He looked more relaxed, as if some of the harmony from his surroundings had flowed into him.他显得放松了些, 仿佛周围一些悦耳的声音已流入心田。外研社新世纪〔incurrent〕Affording passage to an inflowing current.向内流的; 流入的:为向内流动的液体提供通道的美国传统〔inflow〕America continues to attract an inflow of foreign investment capital.美国持续吸引外国投资资本的流入。外研社新世纪〔inflow〕The campaign has seen a massive inflow of funds/money/cash in recent months.这场运动近几个月内获得了大量的资金/金钱/现金流入。韦氏高阶〔inflow〕The capital inflow in the first quarter was $171 million.第一季度的资金流入是1.71亿美元。英汉大词典〔influent〕Flowing in or into.流入的,注入的美国传统〔inrush〕A sudden rushing in; an influx.涌入;闯入:突然地闯入;流入美国传统〔inset〕An inflow, as of water.如水的流入美国传统〔intake〕An opening by which a fluid is admitted into a container or conduit.入口:流体流入容器或管道的入口美国传统〔internal secretion〕A secretion that is produced by an endocrine gland and discharged directly into the bloodstream; a hormone.内分泌物:由内分泌产生并且直接流入血液的分泌物;激素美国传统〔inward〕Inward foreign investment helped India achieve strong annual growth rates.外资流入让印度实现年度高增长。剑桥高阶〔meet〕That's where the river meets the sea.这条河就在这里流入大海。牛津高阶〔mingle in〕Three streams mingle in this river on its way to the sea.这条河在流入大海途中有三条小河汇入。21世纪英汉〔minimal〕A minimal amount of raw sewage goes into the harbour.极少量未经处理的污水流入港口。麦克米伦高阶〔mouth〕A natural opening, as the part of a stream or river that empties into a larger body of water or the entrance to a harbor, canyon, valley, or cave.河口:一个自然形成的开口,作为溪流或河水的一部分,可通过此口流入更大的水域或港湾、峪或洞的入口美国传统〔pour〕The Changjiang River pours itself into the sea.长江流入大海。21世纪英汉〔primary〕Alternating current flows into the primary coil.交流电流入初级线圈。外研社新世纪〔put〕The river puts into a lake.这条河流入一个湖。英汉大词典〔ran〕All rivers run into the sea.条条河水流入大海。21世纪英汉〔regulate〕The dam regulates the flow of water into the river.大坝调节流入河流的水量。韦氏高阶〔run into〕All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.屋顶上的雨水都流入管道中。21世纪英汉〔run〕The Rhine runs into the North Sea.莱茵河流入北海。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The river runs down to the valley.这条河流入山谷。韦氏高阶〔run〕The river runs into the gulf.这条河流入海湾。韦氏高阶〔run〕The river runs into the lake.该河流入该湖。文馨英汉〔run〕There were cisterns to catch rainwater as it ran off the castle walls.雨水顺着城堡的墙壁流下时会流入蓄水池。柯林斯高阶〔secondary〕In the secondary stage the effluent flows into another tank.在第二阶段, 废水流入另外一个水箱。外研社新世纪〔sinus venosus〕The first chamber in the heart of fish, amphibians, and reptiles, which receives blood from the veins and contracts to force the blood into the atrium.静脉窦:鱼、两栖动物和爬行动物心脏的第一腔,它接收体静中的血以迫使血液流入心脏美国传统〔stem〕Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.奥地利已派出 3 个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。柯林斯高阶〔ton〕Hundreds of tons of oil spilled into the sea.数百吨石油溢出流入大海。柯林斯高阶〔triad〕The river flows through a triad of mouths into the sea.这条河经三个河口流入大海。英汉大词典〔trickle〕He felt a warm trickle of blood run down his arm.他感到一股温暖的血液涓涓流入他的手臂。牛津搭配〔vena cava〕Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.腔静脉:把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一美国传统〔wash〕Much foreign money washed into that oil-producing country.大量外币流入那个产油国。英汉大词典〔way〕The river finds its way to the sea.那条河流入大海。 英汉大词典Capital is flowing back into the country.资本正重新流入这个国家。牛津商务Cash inflow for the half year was $3.5 m.半年的现金流入量是 350 万元。牛津商务Rivers find their way to the sea. 江河流入大海。译典通The River Tees empties into the North Sea.提兹河流入北海。剑桥国际The department's main goal is to reduce the amount of illegal drugs entering the country.这个部门的目标是减少非法毒品流入境内。剑桥国际The pipe was found to be disgorging dangerous chemicals into the sea.人们发现危险的化学物质正通过这条管道流入大海。剑桥国际The rainwater ran along the gutter into a grating at the side of the road. 雨水沿著排水沟流入了路边的阴沟格栅。译典通The river Thames flows into the North Sea. 泰晤士河流入北海。译典通There has been a constant flow of investment into the region.投资源源不断地流入这个地区。牛津商务They are looking for ways of stemming the flow of drugs into the country.他们正想办法来制止毒品流入国内。剑桥国际To prevent inflation, the government controls the flow of new money into the economy.为防止通货膨胀,政府控制新资金流入到经济中。牛津商务




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