

单词 没有成功
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕Realizing she was getting nowhere with Paul, she approached John. 她意识到和保罗之间没有成功希望了,便去接近约翰。朗文写作活用〔SPY〕Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups have been largely unsuccessful. 警方潜入新纳粹组织的行动基本上没有成功。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕I tried to reassure Billy's mother that it was a passing phase, but I don't think I succeeded. 我试图安慰比利的母亲,说这只是暂时的,但是我想我没有成功。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕The government's campaign to recruit more black police officers has not been a success. 政府为了招聘更多的黑人警员而进行的宣传活动没有成功。朗文写作活用〔albeit〕He tried, albeit without success.虽然没有成功,可他努力了。剑桥高阶〔also〕Our first attempt didn't work, and our second didn't either (NOT also didn't).我们第一次尝试没有成功,第二次也没有。朗文当代〔and〕He tried and tried but without success.他反复尝试,但没有成功。牛津高阶〔and〕She tried and tried but without success.她试了又试,但没有成功。文馨英汉〔attempt〕None of our attempts at contacting Dr James was successful.我们多次试图和詹姆斯博士取得联系,但都没有成功。剑桥高阶〔attempt〕Their first attempt at a solution was unsuccessful.他们解决问题的第一次尝试没有成功。英汉大词典〔attract〕Their attempts to attract the support of peasants and workers failed.他们试图吸引农民和工人支持,但没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔at〕His first attempts at a solution were not successful.他头几次响试解决没有成功。文馨英汉〔bad〕He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.他还没有成功,因为他对成功的渴望还不够强烈。韦氏高阶〔battle〕Doctors battled in vain to save his life.医生们奋力挽救他的生命,但没有成功。牛津搭配〔battle〕We've tried to mend the fence several times, but we're fighting a losing battle .我们多次试图修补围栏,可都没有成功。朗文当代〔because〕The painters try to paint her in vain. Because why? 画家们试图给她画肖像,可是没有成功。这是为什么呢?英汉大词典〔belated〕The statement was a belated acknowledgement that the project had not been a success.这是一个迟来的声明,承认这个项目没有成功。朗文当代〔bid〕Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful.她争取连任的努力没有成功。剑桥高阶〔bleakly〕She thought of herself, bleakly, as having no chance of success .想着自己没有成功的希望,她不禁黯然神伤。剑桥高阶〔build〕The new regime has no successful economic reforms on which to build.新政权没有成功实施可赖以为继的经济改革。柯林斯高阶〔come off〕The experiment did not come off.实验没有成功。21世纪英汉〔cross-breed〕Attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.把它与其他土豆杂交的尝试都没有成功。外研社新世纪〔deal〕The two sides tried and failed to come to a deal.双方都努力想达成协议, 但是没有成功。外研社新世纪〔equanimity〕He tried desperately to maintain equanimity but did not succeed.他拼命想保持镇定,但没有成功。英汉大词典〔fail〕The attempt to bribe the clerk had failed.贿赂办事员的企图没有成功。外研社新世纪〔for〕For all his efforts, he didn't succeed.尽管他再三努力,但还是没有成功。英汉大词典〔futureless〕Having no prospect or hope of success in one's future.无前途的:在某人的将来没有前途或没有成功希望的美国传统〔go/get/head nowhere〕I'm trying to persuade her to come, but I'm getting nowhere.我试着劝说她过来,但没有成功。剑桥高阶〔grandiose〕Not one of Kim's grandiose plans has ever succeeded.金的那些宏伟计划一个都没有成功。外研社新世纪〔honest〕Let's be brutally honest about this: you don't have a hope of succeeding.虽然有点儿残忍,但老实说,你没有成功的希望。牛津搭配〔intimidate〕Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.胁迫人们为执政党投票的企图没有成功。柯林斯高阶〔job〕I've applied for several jobs without success.我已经申请了好几份工作,但都没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔laugh〕He failed to make good and they gave him the laugh.他没有成功,人们都报以嘲笑。英汉大词典〔log out〕If a computer user fails to log off, the system is accessible to all.如果计算机用户没有成功退出,那么谁都可以进入该系统。柯林斯高阶〔out〕The bankrupt tried to get out from under but he couldn't make it.那个破产者试图摆脱困难,但没有成功。 英汉大词典〔oxygenate〕Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed.之前尝试过几次将鱼缸中的水过滤并充氧, 但都没有成功。外研社新世纪〔oxygenate〕Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed.之前尝试过几次将鱼缸中的水过滤并充氧,但都没有成功。柯林斯高阶〔pan out〕Her plans never panned out.她的计划从来没有成功过。韦氏高阶〔pan out〕Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.他们试图开展新的生意,但没有成功。剑桥高阶〔pan〕None of her attempts to get into show business has panned out.她多次想进入表演业的尝试都没有成功。英汉大词典〔pathetic〕He made a pathetic attempt to explain his failure.他试图解释失败的原因,但没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕Jim made a play for head of department, but didn't succeed.吉姆曾竭力谋取部门负责人的职位,但没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔possibility〕There is no possibility of success.没有成功的可能。英汉大词典〔rally〕The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.队长试图振作队伍的士气,但没有成功。牛津搭配〔rejuvenate〕Her efforts to rejuvenate her career have so far been unsuccessful.她振兴事业的努力还没有成功。韦氏高阶〔run〕He ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in New York.他竞选纽约州参议员没有成功。牛津搭配〔sceptic〕Sceptics will argue that no such plan has ever proved successful.怀疑论者会辩称此类方案没有成功的先例。牛津搭配〔soap〕He wanted to get his money back, but it was no soap.他想把钱要回来,但没有成功。英汉大词典〔sorry〕I'm sorry to say that the experiment has not been a success.很遗憾,试验没有成功。英汉大词典〔succeed〕The drug therapy has not succeeded.药物治疗没有成功。朗文当代〔succession〕A whole succession of presidents had tried to resolve the issue without success.历届总统试图解决这个问题,都没有成功。牛津搭配〔success〕I tried to contact him, but without success.我试图联系上他,但没有成功。朗文当代〔success〕She tried to persuade them, without success.她试图说服他们,但没有成功。牛津搭配〔term〕In our terms, the scheme has not been a success.从我们的角度来说,计划没有成功。朗文当代〔then〕William didn't succeed first time, but then very few people do.威廉第一次没有成功,不过,很少有人第一次就成功的。朗文当代〔toward〕Efforts toward peace have been largely unsuccessful.为和平所付出的努力多半没有成功。韦氏高阶〔tried〕He tried to stand on his head but couldn't.他试图倒立,但没有成功。21世纪英汉〔try〕I tried but didn't succeed.我试过,可没有成功。英汉大词典〔try〕I tried everything to lose weight with no success.我试了各种方法减肥,但都没有成功。朗文当代〔unavailing〕Efforts to reach the people named in the report proved unavailing.想办法联系过报告中提到的那些人, 但都没有成功。外研社新世纪〔unsuccessfully〕They tried unsuccessfully to change his mind.他们试图改变他的主意,但没有成功。韦氏高阶〔unsuccessful〕Some workers have tried unsuccessfully to set up their own businesses.一些工人曾试图创办自己的企业,但没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔vain〕I tried in vain to start a conversation.我极力想挑起话头,但没有成功。剑桥高阶〔vain〕The instructor struggled vainly to open his parachute.教官拼命想打开降落伞,但没有成功。朗文当代〔vain〕They made a vain attempt to protect the town from attack.他们企图保护这个镇不受攻击,结果没有成功。麦克米伦高阶〔weak-willed〕My diets are never successful - I'm just too weak-willed.我的减肥计划从没有成功过——我就是意志太薄弱。剑桥高阶〔willpower〕His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed.他多次想单凭意志力戒烟都没有成功。外研社新世纪〔willpower〕His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed.他多次想单凭意志力戒烟都没有成功。柯林斯高阶Geraldine Ferraro tried to become the first woman Vice President of the US, but did not succeed.杰拉尔丁·费拉洛想成为美国第一位女副总统,但没有成功。剑桥国际He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。译典通Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful.她再次竞选的努力没有成功。剑桥国际I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off (=no one laughed).我试图说几个笑话,但都没有成功。剑桥国际I tried to persuade him to come, but I failed.我试图劝他来,但没有成功。剑桥国际I tried to reach him all morning, but without success.我整个上午都试图和他联系,但没有成功。牛津商务I'm trying to persuade her to come but I'm getting nowhere.我试着说服她来,但是没有成功。剑桥国际None of our attempts at contacting Dr James were successful.我们试着与詹姆斯博士联系,但一次也没有成功。剑桥国际None of our attempts to contact Dr James were successful.我们试图与詹姆斯博士联系,但一次也没有成功。剑桥国际She made a vain attempt to persuade him to lend her the money.她想说服他借钱给她,结果没有成功。剑桥国际She tried in vain to attain to fame. 她想出名但没有成功。译典通The police looked for him in vain.警察追捕过他,但没有成功。剑桥国际Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.他们企图开始做新的生意,但没有成功。剑桥国际They tried in vain to take the gun away from him.他们想将他的手枪下掉,但是没有成功。剑桥国际We tried to revive him but without avail. 我们试图使他苏醒,但没有成功。译典通




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