

单词 派遣
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕The President is sending three hundred troops to the area. 总统将派遣300名士兵前往该区。朗文写作活用〔At your request〕Troops were sent at the request of our allies.军队应盟国的要求被派遣出去了。韦氏高阶〔LAW〕The soldiers were brought in to restore law and order after the riots. 暴乱后派遣了军队来恢复法律和秩序。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕There have been repeated requests for the United Nations to send peace-keeping forces to the area. 他们已一再要求联合国派遣维和部队到该地区去。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕The President sent federal troops to Grenada to keep the peace. 总统向格林纳达派遣联邦军队以维护和平。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Syria and Israel broke a six-month deadlock in their talks when they sent peace envoys to Maryland. 叙利亚和以色列派遣和平使者前往马里兰州,他们的会谈打破了六个月的僵持局面。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The new leader put down the uprising by dispatching government troops to the area. 新领袖向该地区派遣政府军镇压暴动。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕The French President has sent a mission to the region to try to find a peace formula. 法国总统已派遣外交使团去该地区,试图找到一个和平方案。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕Extra troops were usually a sign of an impending attack. 派遣增援部队通常是即将发动进攻的迹象。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕Bowman had the misfortune of being sent to the area where there was heavy fighting. 鲍曼不幸被派遣到战事酣热的地区。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕Police were called to the hotel after a tip-off. 得到密告后,警察被派遣到这家酒店。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕Lyndon Johnson first sent U.S. combat troops into battle in March 1965. 1965年3月,林登·约翰逊首次派遣美国作战部队参战。朗文写作活用〔accredit〕Australia has announced its intention to accredit an Ambassador to Cambodia.澳大利亚已宣布他们有向柬埔寨派遣大使的意向。外研社新世纪〔accredit〕Our envoy was accredited to the new government.我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。21世纪英汉〔address〕The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.寄送,托运:派遣或寄送船只给代理商店或代理人的行为美国传统〔address〕To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor.寄送,托运:派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人美国传统〔armada〕The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588.*1588 年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。牛津高阶〔assail〕Dividing his command, Morgan assailed both strongholds at the same time.摩根派遣部队同时袭击了两个据点。柯林斯高阶〔assignment〕Joe's still away on assignment for a Swiss newspaper.在执行任务;受派遣麦克米伦高阶〔assign〕British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。牛津高阶〔city editor〕A newspaper editor responsible for handling local news and reporters' assignments.本地新闻主编:负责处理地方新闻和记者派遣的报纸主编美国传统〔commit〕He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.没有国会的完全许可他不能派遣美国军队。外研社新世纪〔conscript〕The conscripts were sent to fight on the other side of the world.那批应征者被派遣到地球的另一端作战。外研社新世纪〔contingent〕NATO agreed to send a peacekeeping contingent of 30 000 troops.北约同意派遣一支 3 万人的维和分遣部队。牛津搭配〔contingent〕Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force.尼日利亚向西非维和部队派遣了一大批军队。柯林斯高阶〔contravention〕Sending the troops was a contravention of the treaty.派遣军队违反了条约。朗文当代〔delegate〕To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative.授权并派遣(他人)作某人的代表美国传统〔detachment〕The dispatch of a military unit, such as troops or ships, from a larger body for a special duty or mission.分遣:为了特殊任务而从一个庞大母体中派遣某一军事单元(如部队或船只)美国传统〔detach〕The convoy left Casablanca on 1 June and, after detaching units to various North African ports, arrived in Tripoli on 8 June without loss.护航舰队6月1日驶离卡萨布兰卡, 将分队派遣至北非各港口, 6月8日到达黎波里, 未受损失。外研社新世纪〔detach〕The general detached a large force to surround the airport.将军派遣一支大部队去包围机场。21世纪英汉〔detach〕The officer detached thirty men to guard the railway station.军官派遣30个士兵去守卫火车站。英汉大词典〔detail for〕The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.主任派遣一小组人去做杂役。21世纪英汉〔detail for〕The special forces especially detailed for the purpose.为此目的而特别派遣的特种部队。21世纪英汉〔detail〕He detailed the third platoon to clear a path.他派遣三排去扫清道路。英汉大词典〔detail〕The infantry officer was detailed to another unit during maneuvers.这名步兵军官在演习期间被派遣到另一支队伍中。韦氏高阶〔detail〕The officer sent a detail of men to guard the railway station.军官派遣一小队士兵去守卫火车站。英汉大词典〔detail〕They were detailed to patrol the border.派遣他们去边境巡逻。21世纪英汉〔detail〕To select and dispatch for a particular duty.选派:为特定任务选定,派遣美国传统〔dispatch to〕The headquarters dispatched troops to the front.司令部迅速派遣部队到前线。21世纪英汉〔dispatch〕He requested the immediate dispatch of supplies/troops.他要求立即调配物资/派遣军队。韦氏高阶〔dispatch〕The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the island.意大利政府正准备派遣 4,000 名士兵搜索该岛。柯林斯高阶〔dispatch〕The act of sending off, as to a specific destination.派遣:派遣前行的过程,如到某一确定地点美国传统〔dispatch〕The emergency required the dispatch of more troops.为应对这一紧急事件, 需要派遣更多的部队。外研社新世纪〔draft into〕Extra police have been drafted into the town after the violence.暴力事件发生之后, 已经向该镇派遣了更多警力。外研社新世纪〔draft〕Four men were drafted to do guard duty.4名士兵被派遣担任警卫。英汉大词典〔embassy〕A mission to a foreign government headed by an ambassador.大使的派遣:由大使派遣的去外国政府的任务美国传统〔embed〕Canada's largest media operation would not embed its staff with coalition forces.加拿大最大的传媒机构不会派遣工作人员跟随联军采访。外研社新世纪〔emissary〕At this point there is no emissary process in place.这时派遣使者的工作还没有准备就绪。外研社新世纪〔enforce〕Troops were sent into the area to enforce the treaty.部队被派遣到这一地区来执行该条约。麦克米伦高阶〔envoy〕The United Nations is sending a special envoy to the area.联合国将向该地区派遣一位特使。朗文当代〔fateful〕He made the fateful decision to send in the troops.他作出了派遣部队这个影响重大的决定。剑桥高阶〔father〕The very neo-cons who fathered this disaster are now calling for more American troops to be sent to Iraq.引发这场灾难的这些新保守主义者现在又在要求派遣更多的美军去伊拉克。外研社新世纪〔front〕The general is sending more troops to the front.将军正往前线派遣更多部队。韦氏高阶〔greenness〕A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness.一家瑞士公司表示愿意向工厂周边派遣小组进行环境检测以协助环境投资者。柯林斯高阶〔infiltrate〕Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.一些国家派遣特工渗入了共和国内部。外研社新世纪〔infiltrate〕To pass (troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory.潜入:偷偷将(如军队)派遣进入敌人占领的地区美国传统〔invigilator〕His party has written to the Electoral Commission to ask for special invigilators.他的政党已经给选举委员会写信请求派遣监督专员。外研社新世纪〔legatine〕Of, directed by, or authorized by a legate.教宗使节的:(罗马教皇的)使节的,受使节派遣的或由使节批准授权的美国传统〔legation〕The act of sending a legate.使节的派遣:派遣使节的行动美国传统〔mend〕He sent Evans as his personal envoy to discuss ways to mend relations between the two countries.他派遣埃文斯作为他的个人特使去商谈改善两国关系的途径。外研社新世纪〔messenger〕An envoy to another person, party, or government.使者:派遣到另一个人、团体或政府处去的使节美国传统〔military〕The military were sent in to break up the demonstration.派遣了军队制止游行示威。朗文当代〔missionary〕One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.传教士:被派遣去传教,尤其是被派遣到一个地区或外国去做宗教或慈善工作的人美国传统〔mission〕To send on a mission.派遣…执行任务美国传统〔monitor〕The UN is sending peace monitors to the area.联合国将派遣和平监督员到该地区。朗文当代〔moral〕The UN feels that it has the moral authority (=influence because people accept that its beliefs are right) to send troops to the area.联合国认为它在道义上有权向该地区派遣部队。朗文当代〔move sb/sth in〕The decision has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting.已决定派遣联合国部队进驻该地区以制止这场冲突。剑桥高阶〔munition〕He had been sent to munitions and had not been out to the front.他已被派遣去从事军火生产工作,没有上前线。英汉大词典〔obviate〕A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.如果能和平解决就没有必要派遣联合国维和部队了。剑桥高阶〔patrol〕A military unit sent out on a reconnaissance or combat mission.侦察队:被派遣的侦察队或战斗团美国传统〔peacekeeping〕The United Nations has decided to send a peacekeeping force into the area.联合国决定向该地区派遣一支维和部队。朗文当代〔proposal〕There was anger at the proposal that a UN peacekeeping force should be sent to the area.有人对向该地区派遣联合国维和部队的建议很恼火。剑桥高阶〔question〕It does call into question the decision to send troops into the area.向该地区派遣军队的决定确实引起了质疑。牛津搭配〔rebel〕They sent in troops to back the rebels.他们派遣军队支持叛乱分子。牛津搭配〔respond〕The US responded by sending troops into Laos.美国的反应是派遣军队进入老挝。朗文当代〔second-in-command〕He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron.他被派遣到香港任C中队的副队长。柯林斯高阶〔send〕Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region..正从临近地区派遣援兵。柯林斯高阶〔send〕Some climbers were sent on to make an advance camp ahead of the main party.几名登山运动员奉派遣赶在大队之前预先去扎营。英汉大词典〔send〕The United Nations is sending troops.联合国正在派遣军队。朗文当代〔shelve〕The President has shelved plans to send more troops to the country.总统已放弃向该国派遣更多部队的计划。外研社新世纪〔ship〕To send, as to a distant place.运送:派遣,比如到一个遥远的地方美国传统〔task force〕The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.美国正要派遣一支海军特遣队赶赴该地区疏散美国公民。柯林斯高阶〔throw ... out〕The general threw out his reserves into the woods.将军派遣预备队进入森林。21世纪英汉〔throw〕Scouts were thrown out into the woods.侦察兵受派遣进入森林。英汉大词典〔token〕The government agreed to send a small token force to the area.政府同意派遣一小支象征性的部队到那一地区。牛津高阶〔troops〕The UN is sending peacekeeping troops into the trouble spot.联合国正向该动荡地区派遣维和部队。牛津搭配〔troop〕Johnson took the popular step of sending in American troops .约翰逊采取了广为民众接受的措施,派遣了美国军队。朗文当代〔troop〕The major powers have said they will not send in ground troops (= soldiers who fight on land).一些大国声称不准备派遣地面部队。剑桥高阶〔whether〕There was a debate over whether or not to send troops.关于是否派遣部队正在争论中。麦克米伦高阶A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN peace-keeping force.如果能和平解决的话就没有必要派遣联合国维和部队。剑桥国际A small group of chosen (=specially picked) soldiers were sent ahead of the main army.一小队经过特别挑选的士兵被派遣到主力的前面去。剑桥国际Both houses of Congress have begun their debate on granting the President authority to commit US troops to war.国会两院都开始了对授予总统派遣美国军队参战的权力一事进行辩论。剑桥国际Four soldiers were detailed to check the road for troops. [+ obj + to infinitive] 4 名士兵被派遣去为军队检查道路。剑桥国际If the violence gets any worse they'll have to send in the troops.如果暴力冲突有任何一点的恶化,他们将不得不派遣部队。剑桥国际Mr. Miller was sent as an emissary for the peace talks. 米勒先生被作为特使派遣去参加和平谈判。译典通The Spanish Armada was sent by the king of Spain to invade England in 1588.西班牙无敌舰队在1588年被西班牙国王派遣去攻打英国。剑桥国际The UN is sending 800 troops to reinforce the army patrolling the border area.联合国正派遣800名士兵去增援在边境地区巡逻的军队。剑桥国际There was anger at the proposal that a UN peace-keeping force should be sent to the area.有人对向那个地区派遣联合国维持和平部队的建议感到愤怒。剑桥国际They are sending a delegation of business people to the talks.他们派遣一个商界人士代表团参加会谈。牛津商务They led/sent a deputation to Parliament.他们带领/派遣代表团来到议会。剑桥国际




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