

单词 派对
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔New Year's Eve〕On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。柯林斯高阶〔abiding〕My abiding memory of him is of his singing to a small private party.我始终记得他在一次小型私人派对上唱歌的样子。外研社新世纪〔apart〕A few little things apart, the party was a great success.除了几件小事之外,那次派对非常成功。文馨英汉〔attention〕He likes telling jokes and being the centre of attention at parties.他喜欢讲笑话,成为派对上的焦点。剑桥高阶〔ball〕Everyone had a ball at the party.每个人在派对上都玩得很痛快。韦氏高阶〔birthday〕Anne's birthday party 安妮的生日派对朗文当代〔block party〕An outdoor public party organized by the residents of a neighborhood or city block.街区聚会,小区派对:由附近地区或城市街区的居民组织的户外公众聚会美国传统〔bring〕Would you like me to bring anything to the party? 要我带点什么东西到派对上来吗?朗文当代〔caution〕He cautioned that opposition attacks on the ruling party would not further political co-operation.他告诫说,反对派对执政党的攻击并不能增进政治合作。柯林斯高阶〔centenary〕The club will hold a party to celebrate its centenary.这个俱乐部要举行一个派对以庆祝其成立 100 周年。牛津搭配〔cop off〕He copped off with one of the girls at the party.他在派对上与其中一个女孩搞到了一起。韦氏高阶〔cost (you) a dime/nickel〕Come to my party. It won't cost a dime. = It won't cost you a penny.来参加我的派对吧,免费的。韦氏高阶〔costume〕You're invited to a costume party! 欢迎参加化装派对!韦氏高阶〔date〕Can I bring my date to the party? 我可以把男朋友带到派对上来吗?朗文当代〔defiant〕The hardliners are angrily defiant of the government's refusal and threaten to take action.强硬路线派对政府的拒绝愤怒地表示挑战,并威胁说要采取行动。英汉大词典〔disappointment〕To Edward's disappointment, Gina never turned up at the party.爱德华感到扫兴的是吉娜始终没在派对上出现。朗文当代〔disgruntled〕Mary is still disgruntled about missing the party.玛丽对于错过那次派对仍然感到不悦。文馨英汉〔doing〕The surprise party was not all our doing; we had lots of help.这个惊喜派对不光是我们的功劳;我们得到了许多帮助。韦氏高阶〔do〕They are having a big do tonight.今晚他们将举行盛大的聚会[派对]。文馨英汉〔draw〕He drew the short straw and had to drive everyone to the party.他抽到倒霉签,要开车送所有的人去参加派对。朗文当代〔draw〕The winning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Party.获奖的票将在圣诞派对上抽取。朗文当代〔dressed up〕You don't have to get dressed up for this party.你不必为了这个派对盛装打扮。外研社新世纪〔drip〕Don't invite that drip to your party! 别邀请那个乏味无聊的家伙参加你的派对!韦氏高阶〔each〕Not every child enjoyed the party.并非每个孩子在派对上都玩得开心。朗文当代〔excitedly〕They were excitedly discussing plans for a party at the weekend.他们正兴奋地讨论周末开派对的计划。文馨英汉〔feast〕Every guest brought a different dish to the party, and we had quite a feast.每位参加派对的客人都带来一道不同的菜肴,令我们大饱口福。韦氏高阶〔for〕The party was scheduled for 7:00.派对定在 7 点举行。柯林斯高阶〔frontal〕After the election, the party launched into a frontal assault on the British media.大选过后,该党派对英国媒体发起了正面抨击。朗文当代〔give〕We're giving a small party for dad's birthday next week.下个星期爸爸生日,我们要为他举行一个小小的派对。朗文当代〔go to sleep〕After the party, I just wanted to go to sleep.派对结束后,我只想去睡觉。韦氏高阶〔gold〕She came to the party dripping with gold (=wearing a lot of gold) .她披金戴银地来到派对上。朗文当代〔go〕Are you going to Manuela's party? 你去参加曼纽拉的派对吗?朗文当代〔grace〕With typical bad grace, they refused to come to the party.他们就是这样不大方,不肯来参加派对。朗文当代〔graduation〕We had a party to celebrate her graduation from high school.我们举行了派对庆祝她高中毕业。韦氏高阶〔gung-ho〕Mrs Mahmood had organized the street party with her customary gung-ho zeal.马穆德夫人以她一贯的积极和热忱组织了街道派对。剑桥高阶〔host〕They hosted a dinner party on Saturday.他们星期六时主办了一场晚宴派对。韦氏高阶〔in an unguarded moment〕I let the secret about the surprise party spill out in an unguarded moment.我一不留神把举办惊喜派对的秘密说了出来。韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕Deciding to have the party outdoors was sheer inspiration.决定举办露天派对纯属心血来潮。韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕She had a sudden inspiration. They would have the party outdoors! 她突然灵机一动:他们可以开露天派对!韦氏高阶〔keep up〕I hope our party didn't keep you up all night! 我希望我们的派对没有耽误你睡觉!韦氏高阶〔keep〕She can keep her wild parties and posh friends – I like the quiet life.随她去参加那种狂野派对、交富贵朋友吧,我喜欢过安静的生活。朗文当代〔ken〕I didna ken you were having a party.我不知道你们正在开派对。外研社新世纪〔knees-up〕After the wedding there was a bit of a knees-up.婚礼之后是一小会儿喧闹的派对。朗文当代〔latch〕He latched onto Sandy at the party and wouldn't go away.在派对上他缠住桑迪不放。朗文当代〔legitimate〕Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.反对派对政府统治的合法性提出了质疑。朗文当代〔luridly〕The press luridly reported his wild parties and feuds with other celebrities.报纸把他的狂欢派对以及他与其他名人之间的不和写得骇人听闻。外研社新世纪〔maximum〕You may invite a maximum of 10 guests to the party.你最多可以邀请10位宾客参加派对。韦氏高阶〔meant〕Parties are meant to be fun.派对就是为了乐和一下。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕Did you meet anyone interesting at the party? 你在派对上遇到过令你感兴趣的人吗?韦氏高阶〔miss〕I was sorry I missed you at Pat's party - I must have arrived after you left.很遗憾没有在帕特的派对上看到你——我准是在你离开后才到的。剑桥高阶〔mistletoe〕They were kissing under the mistletoe at the office party.办公室派对上,他们在檞寄生枝条下亲吻。剑桥高阶〔mix〕There was an odd mix of people at Patrick's party.帕特里克的派对上有形形色色的人。剑桥高阶〔move〕The Opposition moved an amendment to the Bill.反对派对法案提出修正案。牛津高阶〔night〕So whose party were you at last night?那昨天晚上你去参加谁的派对了?外研社新世纪〔nob〕She threw a party and invited all the local nobs.她举办了个派对,邀请了所有当地的大人物。韦氏高阶〔noisemaker〕All the guests had noisemakers and party hats.所有客人都有噪音发生器和派对帽。韦氏高阶〔on〕Is the party still on tonight or have they cancelled it? 今晚的派对照常举行,还是他们把它取消了?朗文当代〔opportunism〕The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition's concern for the environment was political opportunism.能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。柯林斯高阶〔opportunism〕The Energy Minister said that the opposition's concern for the environment was political opportunism.能源部长说, 反对派对环境问题的关切是政治机会主义。外研社新世纪〔outfit〕She bought a new outfit for the party.她为了这次派对买了套新衣服。朗文当代〔over〕There was a little food left over from the party.派对上剩下了一点点食物。朗文当代〔party favor〕All the children received party favors.所有孩子都收到了派对小礼物。韦氏高阶〔party〕I have never enjoyed party games .我从来都不喜欢玩派对游戏。朗文当代〔party〕I'm organizing a surprise party for my sister.我正在给姐姐组织一个惊喜派对。牛津搭配〔party〕She is a hard-drinking, non-stop party girl.她是一个拼命喝酒、马不停蹄的派对女孩。牛津搭配〔party〕The couple met at a party.那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。柯林斯高阶〔party〕The girls were having a slumber party.姑娘们正在开睡衣派对。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The children were at fever pitch (= very excited) the day before the party.派对的前一天孩子们特别兴奋。剑桥高阶〔prior to〕Prior to dinner, photographs of the wedding party will be taken.晚宴前将会拍摄婚礼派对照。韦氏高阶〔set〕Nina's set on going to the party.尼娜铁了心要去参加这次派对。朗文当代〔seventeenth〕She didn't have a party on her sixteenth birthday, so she wanted to have one on her seventeenth.她16岁生日时没有搞派对, 所以想在17岁生日办一下。外研社新世纪〔shoot up〕They shot up before the party.派对开始前他们注射了毒品。韦氏高阶〔simple〕I throw a lot of pool parties here for the simple reason that there's more pool space than I have at my own house.我在这儿举办了多场泳池派对, 完全是因为这里泳池的空间比我家里的大。外研社新世纪〔sleepover〕Our daughter is having a sleepover for her friends tomorrow.我们女儿明晚要为来家过夜的朋友们开派对。韦氏高阶〔smashing〕We gave a party and everybody came and I think it was a smashing success.我们举办了一个派对,所有人都来参加了。我认为派对非常成功。柯林斯高阶〔some〕Some of the people at the party had too much to drink.派对上有些人喝多了。韦氏高阶〔splendid〕I think a party is a splendid idea! 我认为举行派对是个非常好的主意!麦克米伦高阶〔stand-in〕Gilbert failed to find a stand-in and so could not go to the party.吉尔伯特找不到人临时替他,因此无法参加派对。朗文当代〔stock〕I have to stock up on snacks for the party.我得为派对备足点心。朗文当代〔suck〕People who went to the party said it sucked.去参加派对的人都说它很糟糕。韦氏高阶〔sure〕It's sure to be a great party.这一定会是个很棒的派对。韦氏高阶〔surprise party〕He walked into a surprise party with seventy guests.他走到了一个七十人的惊喜派对上。外研社新世纪〔surprise〕Is the party a surprise? 那个派对是个惊喜吗?韦氏高阶〔swing〕By midnight the end-of-course party was in full swing.到了半夜,庆祝课程结束的派对进入了高潮。朗文当代〔themselves〕Did the children enjoy themselves at the party? 孩子们在派对上开心吗?剑桥高阶〔this〕They didn't expect this many people to come to the party.他们没想到会有这么多人来参加派对。韦氏高阶〔thrash〕Harry always invited Charlie when he threw a thrash in his office.哈里在办公室开派对时总不忘叫上查利。柯林斯高阶〔throw〕Let's throw a party to celebrate.咱们开个派对庆祝一下。韦氏高阶〔trip〕The party was quite a trip.这个派对相当令人兴奋。韦氏高阶〔unbend〕He unbent a little at the party.他在派对上放松了一点儿。韦氏高阶〔unknown〕Unknown to me, she'd organized a party for my birthday.她为我组织了生日派对,我却还蒙在鼓里。剑桥高阶〔unmitigated〕The party was an unmitigated disaster.这场派对是一场彻头彻尾的灾难。韦氏高阶〔valued〕Having a mid-morning party certainly adds novelty value.在上午10点左右开派对一定会增加新鲜感。柯林斯高阶〔wasted〕I saw him before the party and he was already wasted.我在派对开始前见过他,那会儿他已经酩酊大醉了。韦氏高阶〔wear down〕She pleaded until she had worn her parents down and they agreed to let her go to the party.她不断恳求,直至说服了父母同意让她去参加派对。韦氏高阶Most people view the existence of a strong opposition as vital to a healthy democracy.许多人认为存在一个强大的反对派对于健康的民主极为重要。剑桥国际The clothes he wore to the party were in keeping with the occasion. 他去派对穿的衣服与那里的气氛很协调。译典通The party was a drag, so we left early. 派对开得单调乏味,所以我们提早走了。译典通There will be a gala party tonight in honor of Madonna. 今天晚上将会有一个向玛丹娜致敬的豪华派对。译典通We should have invited a few more goers to liven the party up a bit.我们应该多请一些活跃的人把派对搞得更活跃一些。剑桥国际




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