

单词 火药
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NERVOUS〕In a highly charged press conference, Armstrong defended his attack on the children. 在一个火药味很浓的新闻发布会上,阿姆斯特朗为自己攻击儿童的事作了辩护。朗文写作活用〔acrimony〕The campaign has been marked by acrimony on both sides.参加竞选活动的双方火药味十足。麦克米伦高阶〔aggressive〕Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.别人一提到他的名字,她就马上变得火药味十足。牛津搭配〔anticipate〕The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder.中国人早于欧洲人发明了火药。英汉大词典〔belligerent〕The belligerent statements from both sides have led to fears of war.双方充满火药味的声明引发了对战争的担忧。外研社新世纪〔black powder〕An explosive mixture of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur, formerly used in firearms.黑火药:硝石、木炭和硫磺的易爆混合物,曾用于火器美国传统〔blank cartridge〕A gun cartridge with a charge of powder but no bullet.空包弹:有火药但无弹头的子弹美国传统〔cap gun〕A toy pistol with a hammer action that detonates a mildly explosive cap.玩具手枪:一种玩具手枪,其所带铁锤撞针可引爆一张爆炸性微小的火药纸美国传统〔chain reaction〕The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions.火药立即点燃,引发一连串爆炸。柯林斯高阶〔cordite〕A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.无烟线状火药:一种无烟炸药,由硝化纤维素、硝化甘油和凡士林组成,在丙酮中溶解,风干并压成绳状美国传统〔covet〕She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.她毫不隐讳地表示想得到他的工作, 以至于他们之间说话都带着火药味。外研社新世纪〔covet〕She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.她毫不隐讳地表示想得到他的工作,以至于他们之间说话都带着火药味。柯林斯高阶〔fire〕Damp gunpowder will not fire.潮湿的火药不会起火。21世纪英汉〔flashpoint〕It could become the next Balkan flashpoint.它可能成为巴尔干地区的下一个火药桶。柯林斯高阶〔flask〕A container or case for carrying gunpowder or shot.火药筒:一种用于装火药或弹丸的容器或箱子美国传统〔gelignite〕An explosive mixture composed of nitroglycerine, guncotton, wood pulp, and potassium nitrate.葛里炸药,炸胶:一种炸药混合物,由碳酸甘油、棉火药、木浆和钾硝酸盐组成美国传统〔gunlock〕A device for igniting the charge of a firearm.枪机:一种用来点燃火器中火药的装置美国传统〔gunpowder〕Any of various explosive powders used to propel projectiles from guns, especially a black mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.火药:一种爆炸性粉末,用来把发射物从枪枝中推射出来,尤其是硝石,炭和硫磺的黑色混合物美国传统〔heat〕She was trying to take some of the heat out of the argument.她试图让争论的火药味缓和一些。外研社新世纪〔ignite〕The gunpowder sometimes fails to ignite.火药有时候点不着。牛津搭配〔ill-tempered〕An increasingly ill-tempered match saw three players sent off before half-time.在一场火药味越来越浓的比赛中,3名运动员在上半场结束前就被罚下了场。剑桥高阶〔ill-tempered〕It was a day of tense and often ill-tempered debate.那一天的辩论很激烈, 常常透出火药味。外研社新世纪〔ill-tempered〕It was a day of tense and often ill-tempered debate.那天的辩论紧张激烈,常常火药味十足。柯林斯高阶〔ill-tempered〕Six players were sent off in an ill-tempered game.在一场火药味十足的比赛中有六名球员被罚下场。朗文当代〔lock〕A mechanism in a firearm for exploding the charge.枪机:火器中的机械装置,用于引爆火药美国传统〔magazine〕A powder magazine exploded at Delft, destroying the city.代尔夫特的一座火药库曾发生爆炸, 炸毁了该城市。外研社新世纪〔matchlock〕A gunlock in which powder is ignited by a match.火绳枪:用火柴点燃火药的枪机美国传统〔nostril〕The smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils.他吸进了一鼻子的火药味。朗文当代〔overheated〕Things got a little overheated at the meeting.会上的气氛变得有些火药味过浓了。剑桥高阶〔pan〕The small cavity in the lock of a flintlock used to hold powder.火药池:用来装炸药的燧发枪的锁上的小洞美国传统〔percussion cap〕A thin metal cap containing gunpowder or another detonator that explodes on being struck.雷管:一种稀少的金属套,具有火药或其它爆炸物,在受撞击时爆炸美国传统〔powder horn〕An animal's horn capped at the open end, used to carry gunpowder.角制火药筒:在开口处加了盖的动物的角,用来装弹药美国传统〔powder keg〕A small cask for holding gunpowder or other explosives.小型火药桶:用来装枪药或其他爆炸物的小桶美国传统〔powder keg〕The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.新的税收政策是个政治火药桶,会引起大范围的激烈反应。剑桥高阶〔powder keg〕Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.这些问题得不到解决, 该地区就会一直抱着一个火药桶。外研社新世纪〔powder keg〕Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.除非这些问题得到解决,否则该地区会一直是个火药桶。柯林斯高阶〔powder〕An explosive mixture, such as gunpowder.火药:易爆炸的混合物,如弹药美国传统〔powder〕Since the riot, the city has been a powder keg waiting to explode.自那次骚乱以来,这座城市就是一个随时可能爆炸的火药桶。朗文当代〔powder〕The smell of powder was in the air.空气中有火药味。外研社新世纪〔powder〕The smell of powder was in the air.空气里有股火药味儿。柯林斯高阶〔prime〕To prepare (a gun or mine) for firing by inserting a charge of gunpowder or a primer.装填火药:为(枪或地雷)装火药或导火索使其准备射击美国传统〔priming〕The explosive used to ignite a charge.起爆药,引火药,点火药:用来引爆一定量炸药的爆炸物美国传统〔provenance〕Gunpowder has been recognized to be of Chinese provenance.火药被公认是中国发明的。英汉大词典〔reconnoitre〕They were sent to reconnoitre the enemy powder magazine.他们奉命前往侦察敌人的火药库。21世纪英汉〔reinvent〕They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.他们正在重复发明二百年前中国人已经发明的火药。21世纪英汉〔run high〕Emotions are running high between the two teams.两个队之间的火药味很浓。韦氏高阶〔shatter〕An explosion of gunpowder shatters a rock.火药把岩石炸碎。英汉大词典〔shell〕A metal or cardboard case containing the charge, primer, and shot fired from a shotgun.子弹壳:装有火药、引爆剂并由猎枪射出的一个金属或纸板外壳美国传统〔smokeless powder〕A relatively smoke-free propellant charge composed mainly of nitrocellulose, used in projectiles and small artillery rockets.无烟火药:一种基本上无烟的推进器填装物,主要由硝化纤维素组成,用于发射火箭或小型火箭美国传统〔tinderbox〕The area is a tinderbox that could again plunge the country into civil war.这地区是个火药桶,很可能再次使国家陷入内战。朗文当代〔tinderbox〕The country has always been something of a tinderbox because the central state never really managed to establish its authority.由于中央政府从未真正树立其权威, 因此该国一直就像个火药桶。外研社新世纪〔touchhole〕The opening in early firearms and cannons through which the powder was ignited.火门:早期火器和大炮中的开口,由此将火药点燃美国传统〔train〕A string of gunpowder that acts as a fuse for exploding a charge.导火线:一段黑色火药线,用作引爆炸药的引信美国传统〔undercharge〕To load (a firearm) with an insufficient charge.未给…装足火药:给(火器)填充弹药不足美国传统〔wad〕A disk, as of felt or paper, used to keep the powder and shot in place in a shotgun cartridge.弹塞:皮革或纸制的圆盘片,用于滑膛枪弹药筒中保持火药和枪弹的位置美国传统〔wad〕A plug, as of cloth or paper, used to retain a powder charge in a muzzleloading gun or cannon.炮塞(弹塞):一个塞子,如用纸或布制,用于给前装式枪或炮上火药美国传统〔wad〕To hold (shot or powder) in place with a wad.用炮塞将(枪弹或火药)放入位置美国传统Some people have been so upset by flame mail that they have left their jobs.一些人受不了收到的火药味电邮,都辞职不干了。牛津商务Sulphur, which burns with a blue flame and a pungent smell, is used in making matches and gunpowder.硫磺,一种燃烧时会发出蓝色火焰和刺激性气味的化学物质,可用来制火柴和火药。剑桥国际The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder. 中国人先于欧洲人发现火药。译典通The Gunpowder Plot was a secret plan organized by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605.火药阴谋是由盖伊·福克斯在1605年组织的炸毁伦敦议会大厦的秘密计划。剑桥国际The gun was primed and ready. 这砲已装上火药,准备就绪。译典通The incendiary bomb discovered yesterday had not been primed.昨天发现的燃烧弹还未装上火药。剑桥国际




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