

单词 父亲
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FATHER〕like a father 像父亲般的朗文写作活用〔absently〕absent fathers who fail to pay towards the costs of looking after their children. 那些不在子女身边、未能支付抚养费的父亲柯林斯高阶〔acquiescence〕with the acquiescence of one's father 经父亲的默许英汉大词典〔ascend〕ascended the throne upon the death of her father. 在她父亲去世后继承王位美国传统〔bitterness〕his bitterness towards / toward his own father 他对自己父亲的怨恨牛津搭配〔black〕wear black for one's father 因父亲逝世而穿丧服英汉大词典〔devastating〕the devastating news that her father was dead 她父亲去世的惊人消息牛津高阶〔dismissal〕his callous dismissal of her father's illness 他对她父亲的病麻木不仁,不闻不问牛津搭配〔dutiful〕a dutiful servant/daughter/father 尽职的仆人;孝顺的女儿;尽职的父亲韦氏高阶〔emulous〕boys emulous of their fathers 想胜过父亲的男孩文馨英汉〔fatherless〕a fatherless child 没父亲的孩子韦氏高阶〔fatherless〕fatherless children 没有父亲的孩子剑桥高阶〔father〕a married father of two 有两个孩子的已婚父亲牛津搭配〔frantic〕a frantic search for her father 疯狂地搜寻她的父亲朗文当代〔ghost〕the ghost of her father that had come b ack to haunt her 回来缠绕她的她父亲的幽灵牛津高阶〔goofy〕childhood memories of a goofy, embarrassing dad对一个令人难为情的傻父亲的童年记忆外研社新世纪〔grossly〕a father earning £20,000 gross a year. 一年总收入为两万英镑的父亲柯林斯高阶〔illegitimate〕the father of three illegitimate children有3个私生子的父亲外研社新世纪〔ironhanded〕one's father's ironhanded rule 父亲的严厉管教英汉大词典〔joy〕the joys of fatherhood 做父亲的乐趣牛津高阶〔learn〕learn (sth) from sb I learned a lot from my father. 我从父亲那里学到了很多。朗文当代〔memoirs〕his brief memoir of his father's life 他关于父亲一生的简短回忆录牛津搭配〔memory〕still haunted by memories of his father's death 对父亲的去世仍然无法释怀牛津搭配〔papa〕papa , from French papa , father. papa , 源自 法语 papa , 父亲. 美国传统〔papa〕pappus , pope , from Greek pappas , father, and pappos , grandfather. pappus , pope , 源自 希腊语 pappas , 父亲, 和 pappos , 祖父. 美国传统〔parental leave〕fathers who take parental leave 休育儿假的父亲们牛津高阶〔paternal〕one's paternal estate 从父亲继承的遗产英汉大词典〔paternity〕children who are ridiculed because their paternity has been exposed由于父亲家世被揭露而遭到奚落的孩子们外研社新世纪〔phantom〕the phantom of his dead father 他已故父亲的幽灵牛津高阶〔proud〕the proud father of a 5-month-old baby son为其5个月大的儿子而得意的父亲外研社新世纪〔puritanical〕puritanical fathers. 古板严厉的父亲柯林斯高阶〔putative〕the putative father of this child 这孩子的推定的父亲牛津高阶〔retirement〕the house that his father had bought for his retirement他父亲为退休而购买的房子外研社新世纪〔sepulchre〕to sepulchre one's parent埋葬父亲(或母亲)21世纪英汉〔side〕a cousin on my father's side(= a child of my father's brother or sister) 我父亲那边的表亲牛津高阶〔sternness〕with fatherly sternness以父亲般的严厉外研社新世纪〔supposed〕a foundling's putative father; 一般认定的该孤儿的父亲;美国传统〔unswerving〕her unswerving belief in her father's innocence她坚信父亲是清白的外研社新世纪〔widowed〕her widowed mother/father 她寡居的母亲/鳏居的父亲韦氏高阶〔widow〕his widowed father 他鳏居的父亲牛津高阶




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