

单词 烟草公司
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MONEY〕a ban on tobacco company sponsorship of sports events 禁止烟草公司对体育赛事的赞助朗文写作活用〔bandwagon〕tobacco companies that were hard hit by the nonsmoking bandwagon. 受到戒烟潮的严重冲击的烟草公司美国传统〔charge〕the charge that tobacco companies target young people with their ads 对烟草公司把广告瞄准青少年的批评朗文当代〔consumer〕claims that tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking. 声称烟草公司未能警示消费者吸烟的危害柯林斯高阶〔consumer〕claims that tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking声称烟草公司没有警告消费者吸烟有害外研社新世纪〔culturally〕the sponsorship of sports and cultural events by tobacco companies. 烟草公司对体育赛事和文化活动的赞助柯林斯高阶〔cultural〕the sponsorship of sports and cultural events by tobacco companies烟草公司对体育和文化活动的赞助外研社新世纪〔sponsorship〕tobacco sponsorship of Formula One 烟草公司给一级方程式赛车的赞助牛津搭配




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