

单词 熟练地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN CHARGE OF〕The family business was skilfully managed by her elder brother, Michael. 家族企业由她哥哥迈克尔熟练地管理着。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕A guard frisked him expertly, then led him into a large room. 一名卫兵熟练地搜了搜他的身,然后把他领进一个很大的房间。朗文写作活用〔adeptly〕Most restaurant staff can communicate adeptly in both English and Cantonese.大多数餐馆员工可以熟练地用英语和粤语交流。外研社新世纪〔a〕Sales staff must have a good working knowledge of French.销售人员必须相当熟练地掌握足以应付工作的法语知识。麦克米伦高阶〔bilingual〕Using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.能熟练地使用两种语言的:使用或能使用两种语言的,尤指同样或几乎同样流利地美国传统〔block〕She expertly blocked all her opponent's punches.她熟练地挡住了所有对手的出拳。麦克米伦高阶〔boggle〕To botch; bungle.笨拙地干;不熟练地工作美国传统〔corkscrew〕He took the bottle with the corkscrew and expertly opened it.他拿起那个带瓶塞钻的瓶子,熟练地打开了瓶盖。英汉大词典〔cut〕The barber cuts with a deft hand.理发师熟练地修剪。英汉大词典〔deft〕He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush.他用画笔熟练地勾上几笔,这幅画就完成了。牛津高阶〔dip〕Blake jumped in expertly; the boat dipped slightly under his weight.布莱克很熟练地跳上了船,他的重量使小船微微向下沉了沉。柯林斯高阶〔disrobe〕The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.护士熟练地脱去了较老病人的衣服。21世纪英汉〔dress〕The nurse dressed the wound expertly.护士熟练地敷药包扎了伤口。21世纪英汉〔dribble〕He skillfully dribbled the soccer ball towards the goal.他熟练地把足球运到球门区。韦氏高阶〔execute〕The landing was skilfully executed.熟练地完成了着陆。柯林斯高阶〔expertly〕Shopkeepers expertly rolled spices up in bay leaves.店主熟练地将调料卷进月桂树叶里。柯林斯高阶〔expert〕The roads were icy but she stopped the car expertly.道路结了冰,可她却非常熟练地把车停了下来。牛津高阶〔field〕He fielded the ball expertly.他熟练地把球接住了。牛津高阶〔forge〕The smith forged the horseshoe with great skill.那铁匠非常熟练地锻造马蹄铁。21世纪英汉〔gamesman〕One who plays a sport or game, especially skillfully or avidly.竞技者:参与体育运动和游戏的人,尤指熟练地或热心地美国传统〔gunman〕A man skilled in the use of a gun.射手:能熟练地使用枪枝的人美国传统〔hacker〕One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.电脑爱好者:能熟练地使用电脑或进行电脑编程的人;电脑爱好者美国传统〔hand〕It won't take one long to get one's hand in at cards.学会熟练地玩纸牌不需花费很长时间。英汉大词典〔land〕He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.他绷紧身体起跳,熟练地落在另一边。牛津搭配〔linguist〕Her brother was an accomplished linguist.她的哥哥能熟练地说好几种语言。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕I watched the pilot expertly manipulating the controls in front of him.我看着飞行员熟练地操作他面前的控制仪。麦克米伦高阶〔manipulate〕Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory chopsticks with great dexterity.史密斯先生非常熟练地使用象牙筷。英汉大词典〔manipulate〕She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted.她熟练地操作着灯光,以达到她想要的效果美国传统〔manipulate〕The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。柯林斯高阶〔manoeuvre〕Hooper started the car and manoeuvred out of the parking space.胡珀发动车后熟练地驶出了停车位。外研社新世纪〔manoeuvre〕She managed to manoeuvre expertly into the parking space.她熟练地将车子驶进了车位。朗文当代〔masterly〕With the skill of a master.熟练地:具有精通者的技术地美国传统〔operator〕He was a shrewd operator who skilfully manipulated the press.他是个熟练地操纵着新闻界的精明人。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.他熟练地撬开每一把锁,把每个抽屉里的文件都偷走了。柯林斯高阶〔pilot〕He skillfully piloted the ship into port during the storm.暴风雨中他熟练地引领船只驶入港口。韦氏高阶〔position〕He maneuvered the car into position.他熟练地将车开进车位。韦氏高阶〔professionally〕The problem was dealt with very professionally.这个问题被熟练地解决掉了。韦氏高阶〔riffle〕He has riffled the cards skilfully.他熟练地将牌洗好。21世纪英汉〔screw round〕He screwed the end round expertly.他手法熟练地把末端猛转过来。外研社新世纪〔sharpshooting〕High proficiency in shooting firearms.准确射击:高度熟练地使用射击火器美国传统〔skilful〕The girl has grown more skilful with the computer.这女孩已能更熟练地操作电脑了。英汉大词典〔skill〕She performed the task with great skill.她极其熟练地完成了任务。牛津搭配〔snap〕She snapped a rubber band deftly around a roll of bills.她熟练地把橡皮筋往一卷钞票上一箍。英汉大词典〔tool〕He tooled skillfully along the path.他熟练地驾车沿小路行驶。21世纪英汉〔watch〕Watch how well she handles the ball.看她是如何熟练地控制球的。麦克米伦高阶〔zigzag〕Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.他熟练地左一拐右一拐地绕过深沟,穿过了原野。柯林斯高阶〔zigzag〕Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.他很熟练地避开深沟, 左曲右拐地穿过了田野。外研社新世纪Adults are quite capable of learning to ski expertly, if they are serious enough.如果够严肃认真,成年人是很可以熟练地掌握滑雪技术的。剑桥国际He masterfully handled the whole situation using diplomacy and tact.他运用外交手腕,熟练地应付了整个局面。剑桥国际He paddled the canoe handily. 他十分熟练地用桨划独木舟。译典通He performs his duties very ably.他熟练地履行着自己的职责。剑桥国际She had made an inexpert attempt to ice the cake.她不熟练地试图为蛋糕加糖饰。剑桥国际She was fluent in her own language by the age of two, and in French by the time she was five.她两岁时能熟练地讲母语,五岁时能熟练地讲法语。剑桥国际The girl had grown more skilful with the sewing-machine. 那女孩已能更熟练地使用缝纫机了。译典通The osteopath carefully manipulated my damaged shoulder.整骨医生仔细而又熟练地给我推拿受伤的肩。剑桥国际With one dexterous movement, he flicked the omelette over in the pan.他熟练地一掀,把平底锅里的煎蛋饼翻了个身。剑桥国际




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