

单词 木材
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Circassian walnut〕A type of English walnut, patterned with swirls and curves in shades of brown or with occasional black streaks, used for veneer and cabinetwork.英国胡桃木:一种英国胡桃木材,棕色阴影上有螺旋形和弧形图案,偶有黑色条纹,用于薄木板和细木工美国传统〔DESTROY〕The destruction of forests for timber, fuel, and charcoal increased during the 18th century. 为获得木材、燃料和木炭而毁坏森林的情况在18世纪加剧了。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕There isn't enough wood here to build a fire. 这里的木材不够,生不起火来。朗文写作活用〔FOREIGN〕Much of the wood harvested in the northwest is shipped overseas. 西北地区砍伐的木材大部分都被船运至海外。朗文写作活用〔Philippine mahogany〕The wood of any of these trees.菲律宾红柳安木:这种树的木材美国传统〔SAVE〕The house was built of timber salvaged from an earlier building. 这房子是用从以前的一个建筑物里抢救出来的木材建成的。朗文写作活用〔Scotch pine〕The wood of this tree.这种树的木材美国传统〔account〕The region accounts for a large part of usable timber.这地区的出产占可用木材总量的一大部分。英汉大词典〔alder〕The wood of these plants, used in carvings and for making furniture and cabinets.桤木:这种植物的木材,用于雕刻、制作家具和橱具美国传统〔apron〕A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock.船坞平台:船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用美国传统〔bald cypress〕The decay-resistant wood of this plant, used in construction and boat building.裸柏木:这种落羽松的抗腐蚀性木材,用于建筑和造船美国传统〔balsa〕The first surfboards were originally made of balsa.最初的冲浪板是用轻木木材制作的。外研社新世纪〔barter〕They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber.他们一直用小麦换取棉花和木材。外研社新世纪〔bead〕A small, often round piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood, that is pierced for stringing or threading.珠子:小而圆的材料(如玻璃、塑料、木材),其上有可穿在线上的孔美国传统〔black cherry〕The close-grained, reddish-brown wood of this tree, used especially for furniture, cabinets, and musical instruments.黑樱桃木:该种树的纹理细密、红褐色木材,尤其用于制家具、橱柜和乐器美国传统〔board foot〕A unit of cubic measure for lumber, equal to one foot square by one inch thick.板英尺:木材的立方单位,等于厚一英寸,面积为一平方英尺的木材美国传统〔board rule〕A measuring stick for determining board feet.测量木材用的板尺美国传统〔bolster〕More timbers are needed to bolster the roof of the mine.需要更多的木材支撑矿顶。21世纪英汉〔box〕Any of several other shrubs or trees with similar foliage or timber.似黄杨木,似黄杨叶:具有类似叶子或木材的灌木或树美国传统〔bracket〕You'd better bracket those shelves with two-by-fours.你最好用截面为2英寸×4英寸的木材为那些架子做托架。21世纪英汉〔close-grained〕Dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells.木理细致的,纹理细密的:结构或质地细致紧密的,如纹理细密的木材美国传统〔coal〕Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas.如今在大多数地区, 石油和天然气已经取代了煤和木材。外研社新世纪〔concession〕Russia has recently sold timber concessions to Japanese and Korean companies.俄罗斯最近把木材特许经营权卖给了日本和韩国的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔cordwood〕Wood cut and piled in cords.成捆的木材:劈后按捆成堆的木材美国传统〔dry rot〕The house was riddled with dry rot.屋子因木材干腐而变得千疮百孔。柯林斯高阶〔dub〕To strike, cut, or rub (timber or leather, for example) so as to make even or smooth.弄光洁,变光滑:击、切或磨(如木材或皮革)以使变光滑平整美国传统〔easy〕This agency has been far too easy on the timber industry over the years.多年以来, 这个机构对木材业的管理太过宽松了。外研社新世纪〔easy〕This agency has been far too easy on the timber industry over the years.多年以来,这个机构对木材业的管理太过宽松了。柯林斯高阶〔extract〕This material has been extracted from 'Collins Good Wood Handbook'.这些材料摘自《柯林斯优秀木材手册》。柯林斯高阶〔fire〕Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests.在我们建房前我们必须烧制砖块,从森林中采伐木材。21世纪英汉〔fir〕The wood of these trees.这类树的木材美国传统〔flitch〕A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree.料板,板皮:从树干上纵切下的一块木材美国传统〔float〕They floated the logs down the river.他们使木材顺流而下。21世纪英汉〔fusain〕Fine charcoal in stick form, made from the wood of the spindle tree.炭笔:由桃叶卫矛树的木材制成的棒形优质木炭美国传统〔fustic〕The wood of this plant.黄木木材美国传统〔green〕It still smelled new, of green concrete and timber and paint.它闻起来仍是新的, 是新浇混凝土、木材和油漆的味道。外研社新世纪〔hornbeam〕The wood of one of these trees.角木:来自此种树木的木材美国传统〔insulator〕Wood is an excellent insulator.木材是很好的绝缘体。朗文当代〔larch〕The wood of these trees.落叶松木:这种树木的木材美国传统〔lighten〕Use bleach to lighten the wood.用漂白剂把木材颜色漂浅。牛津高阶〔logjam〕An immovable mass of floating logs crowded together.木材堵塞:一堆挤在一起的、无法移动的飘浮的原木美国传统〔log〕A long, thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber.未经刨削的木材:经过修整,未刨削的一段长而粗的木料美国传统〔log〕He logged the timber into 3 foot lengths.他将木材锯成3英尺的段木。21世纪英汉〔lumber〕He was going to have to purchase all his lumber at full retail price.他将不得不把所有木材按零售价分文不少地买下来。柯林斯高阶〔lumber〕Timber sawed into boards, planks, or other structural members of standard or specified length.木材:锯成标准的或特定长度的木板、板条或其他建筑材料的木材美国传统〔make〕Paper is made from wood.纸是用木材制成的。朗文当代〔manage〕All our tropical timber products come from sustainably managed sources.我们所有的热带木材制品都来自可持续经营的林业资源。牛津搭配〔measure off〕The salesman measured off two metres of the wood.售货员量出了二米木材。21世纪英汉〔millwork〕Woodwork, such as doors, window casings, and baseboards, ready-made by a lumber mill.木制品:由木材厂加工成的木制品,如门、窗框和踢脚板美国传统〔opt〕We finally opted for the wood finish.最后我们选择了用木材作终饰。朗文当代〔pignut〕The wood of either of these trees.光滑山核桃木:这两种树任一种的木材美国传统〔pitch〕The timbers of similar houses were painted with pitch.类似房屋所用的木材刷了沥青。外研社新世纪〔plane〕A carpenter's tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing and leveling wood.平刨,木工刨:具有可以调节的刃,用以刨平或修整木材的木工用具美国传统〔preservative〕The wood was treated with preservative.木材做了防护处理。韦氏高阶〔purpleheart〕The purplish heartwood of this tree, used in furniture and turnery.紫心木:这种树木的紫色木材,用于制造家具和细木加工美国传统〔quebracho〕The bark or wood of either of these trees.破斧木皮或木材:这些乔木的任一种的树皮或木材美国传统〔red cedar〕The reddish, aromatic, durable wood of either of these trees.柏木,桧木:这些树之中任一种红色、有香味、耐用的木材美国传统〔resource〕Many of these countries are rich in timber and mineral resources.这些国家中许多都拥有丰富的木材和矿产资源。麦克米伦高阶〔result〕Lumber prices go up, and higher prices for new houses are bound to result.木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。英汉大词典〔runway〕A chute down which logs are skidded.滑道:木材运送时用的溜道美国传统〔scantling〕A small timber used in construction.小梁:建筑用的小块木材美国传统〔seasoned〕Make sure the timber is well seasoned.确保木材已完全风干。外研社新世纪〔season〕Make sure the timber is well seasoned.务必把木材好好风干。英汉大词典〔shittah〕A tree, probably a species of acacia, that was a source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible.塞伊耳相思树:一种圣经中作为一种木材来源而经常提到的树,可能是金合欢树的一个品种美国传统〔shittimwood〕The wood of the shittah, used to make the ark of the Hebrew tabernacle.布迷粒:塞伊耳相思树的木材,用于制作希伯来会堂内的经壁龛美国传统〔size〕Every piece of timber was planed, cut to size and stained with cedar preservative.每根木材都被刨平, 切割成一定尺寸, 并涂上雪松防腐剂。外研社新世纪〔slippery elm〕The wood of this tree.红榆木:这种树的木材美国传统〔source〕All our timber is sourced from sustainable forests.我们所有的木材都来自于可持续森林资源。麦克米伦高阶〔spot〕The wood still has some rough spots.这块木材仍然有些粗糙的斑点。韦氏高阶〔spruce〕The wood of any of these trees.云杉质木材:此类树的木材美国传统〔stem〕Nautical The curved upright beam at the fore of a vessel into which the hull timbers are scarfed to form the prow.【航海】 艏柱:船首的竖立曲柱,船壳木材嵌接其中形成船头美国传统〔stinkwood〕The hard, heavy wood of this tree, used in cabinetwork.臭木木材:这种树的硬而重的木材,用于室内装璜美国传统〔stockade〕A defensive barrier made of strong posts or timbers driven upright side by side into the ground.栅栏:将结实的木桩或木材竖直并排地钉入土地而制成的防御性护栏美国传统〔stringer〕A horizontal timber used to support upright posts.系梁:用于支撑竖杆的水平方向木材美国传统〔stringer〕A long, heavy horizontal timber used as a support or connector.纵梁:用于支撑或联连的长而沉重的水平方向的木材美国传统〔stumpage〕The value of standing timber.未伐的木材的价值美国传统〔tar〕A dark, oily, viscous material, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood, coal, or peat.焦油:一种黑色的油状黏稠物质,主要含碳氢化合物,通过对有机物质(如木材、煤炭或泥炭)进行干馏而制得美国传统〔tendency〕Wood has a tendency to swell if it gets wet.木材有受潮膨胀的特性。英汉大词典〔timber〕Trees or wooded land considered as a source of wood.树木:被看作是木材来源的树木或森林美国传统〔toon〕The wood of this tree.红椿木:用这种树干制成的木材美国传统〔treatment〕This treatment will protect the wood from rotting.这种处理能保护木材不腐烂。韦氏高阶〔treat〕The timber has been treated with chemicals to preserve it.这些木材已经过化学处理以便保存。牛津搭配〔turning〕The shaping of metal or wood on a lathe.车削:用车床使金属或木材成型的过程美国传统〔two-by-four〕You'll need four eight-foot two-by-fours to frame out that wall.要构建那面墙的框架,你需要四块2x4吋、8呎长的木材。剑桥高阶〔unprotected〕Water and other liquids can stain unprotected wood surfaces.水和其他液体会污损未加保护的木材表面。剑桥高阶〔untreated〕Untreated timber rots much faster when it gets wet.未经防腐处理的木材在受潮时腐烂得更快。外研社新世纪〔willow〕The wood of any of these trees.柳木:任何这类树的木材美国传统〔woodworm〕The roof beams were riddled with woodworm.屋顶上的木材被蛀虫咬得满是窟窿。剑桥高阶〔wood〕They stopped encouraging people to cut wood for fuel.他们不再鼓励人们砍伐木材作燃料。麦克米伦高阶〔wood〕This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel.木材:这部分组织经常砍倒并晾干,特别供建筑材料和燃料用美国传统〔zebrawood〕The wood of any of these trees, used in cabinetmaking.牛栓藤木材:这种树的木材,用来制作精细家具美国传统Conifers are an important source of timber for building and the manufacture of paper and furniture.针叶树是建筑、造纸和家具的重要木材来源。剑桥国际Mahogany is a hard wood and pine is a soft wood.红木是一种硬质木材,松木是一种软质木材。剑桥国际Russia has a wealth of coal, timber, diamonds, gold and other minerals.俄国拥有大量的煤炭、木材、钻石、黄金和其它矿产。剑桥国际The logs were stacked in a neat pile.木材被整齐地摆成一堆。剑桥国际The lumber is transported by floating it down the river.木材采用顺水漂流的方式来运输。剑桥国际The window frames were made from softwood.窗框是用软木材制成的。剑桥国际This wood cleaves easily. 这种木材容易开裂。译典通Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island. 木材和石头是这个岛上仅有的原材料。译典通You'll need four eight-foot two-by-fours to frame out that wall.你将需要四根8英尺长的截面为2英寸×4英寸的木材来做那堵墙的边框。剑桥国际




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