

单词 木偶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chikamatsu Monzaemon〕Japanese playwright whose numerous plays, mostly written for the puppet theater, deeply influenced Japanese drama.近松门·左卫门:对日本戏剧有深远影响的日本剧作家,著有大量戏剧,大多数是木偶戏剧本美国传统〔Punch and Judy show〕Joyce Clissold ran a seaside Punch and Judy show.乔伊斯•克利索尔德在海边经营《潘趣和朱迪》木偶戏的表演。外研社新世纪〔Punchinello〕The short, fat buffoon or clown in an Italian puppet show.潘趣乃乐,丑角:意大利木偶剧中演滑稽戏的又矮又胖的人或小丑美国传统〔animatronics〕The technology employing electronics to animate motorized puppets.动画电子学:使用电子装置令电动木偶表演的技术美国传统〔capture〕They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences.他们用木偶来启发小观众的想像力。牛津高阶〔dangle〕He dangled the puppet in front of the children.他在孩子们面前耍木偶。剑桥高阶〔effigy〕A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.雕像:代表可憎的人或一群人的粗糙的图象或木偶美国传统〔entertaining〕The children staged an entertaining puppet show.孩子们表演了一场十分有趣的木偶戏美国传统〔entranced〕The children sat silent on the carpet, entranced by the puppet show.孩子们静静地坐在地毯上看木偶剧,一个个都入了迷。剑桥高阶〔fantoccini〕A play or show employing such puppets.木偶戏:运用这种木偶的演出美国传统〔fantoccini〕Puppets animated by moving wires or mechanical means.木偶:吊线或机械操作的木偶美国传统〔golliwog〕A doll fashioned in grotesque caricature of a Black male.高力华格:奇形怪状的黑色男木偶美国传统〔hand puppet〕A puppet operated by hand.布袋木偶:用手操纵表演的木偶美国传统〔jack-in-the-box〕A toy consisting of a clownlike puppet that springs out of a box when the lid is activated.玩偶匣:当盖子被揭开时,盒子里面象小丑一样的木偶就会跳起来的玩具美国传统〔kachina〕A carved doll in the costume of a particular spirit, usually presented as a gift to a child.雕成克奇纳神的小木偶:穿着克奇纳神服装的雕刻出来的木偶,通常当作给儿童的礼物美国传统〔kokeshi〕Some stalls are selling celluloid masks and kokeshi.有些摊子上出售赛璐珞面具和小木偶。英汉大词典〔manipulate〕The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker.利兹•沃克娴熟地操纵着木偶。外研社新世纪〔marionette〕A jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings or wires attached to its limbs.牵线木偶:关节可以活动的木偶,通过系在其四肢上的线绳从上方来操纵它美国传统〔master〕The director is an unseen puppet master, operating behind the scenes.经理是一位隐身的木偶大师,在幕后掌控一切。牛津搭配〔mime〕Pupils presented a mime and puppet show.学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。柯林斯高阶〔puppeteer〕One who entertains with and operates puppets or marionettes.演布袋戏的人:欣赏或演木偶或牵线木偶的人美国传统〔puppeteer〕The puppeteer had asked children in the audience to come up on stage.木偶剧演员邀请观众席中的孩子们上台。外研社新世纪〔puppetry〕The actions of puppets.木偶的动作美国传统〔puppetry〕The art of making puppets and presenting puppet shows.木偶艺术:制作木偶和表演木偶的艺术美国传统〔puppet〕A female puppet appeared on the stage.一个女木偶出现在舞台上。外研社新世纪〔puppet〕A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires; a marionette.木偶:由身体各部分相连接组成的用线或绳子操纵的形象;牵线木偶美国传统〔puppet〕A small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand.木偶:用布料制成身体及空脑袋的小型人或动物的形象,用于套在手上或用手来操纵美国传统〔puppet〕How do you work these puppets? 你是如何操纵这些木偶的?牛津搭配〔puppet〕I took the children to a puppet theatre.我带孩子们去了木偶剧院。外研社新世纪〔puppet〕Most kids love puppet shows.大多数孩子都爱看木偶戏。麦克米伦高阶〔puppet〕We took the children to a puppet show/theatre.我们带孩子去看了木偶剧。剑桥高阶〔rapt〕The children sat rapt as the puppets danced.木偶跳舞时,孩子们全神贯注地坐在那里看。韦氏高阶〔show〕We had a puppet show for Jamie's birthday party.我们在杰米的生日聚会上看了一场木偶戏。剑桥高阶〔spellbound〕The children were spellbound by the puppet show.孩子们被木偶剧迷住了。韦氏高阶〔string〕The puppet's strings got entangled.木偶的牵线缠在一起了。英汉大词典〔string〕When you pull the strings, the puppet's arms and legs move.你扯动细绳,木偶的手脚就会动。剑桥高阶〔teaching〕She used puppets as teaching aids.她用木偶作教具。牛津搭配〔theatre〕The pier has a unique little puppet theatre.码头有一个独特的小木偶剧院。牛津搭配〔ventriloquism〕The art of projecting one's voice so that it seems to come from another source, as from a wooden figure.腹语术,口技:一种发声的技巧,声音仿佛来自它处,如来自木偶美国传统〔waggle〕They made puppet animals with eyes that move and ears that waggle.他们制作了眼睛会转、耳朵会摇摆的动物木偶。外研社新世纪〔wirepuller〕One who pulls wires or strings, as of puppets.幕后牵线者:如木偶戏中牵金属线或棉线的人美国传统〔wire〕The system of strings employed in manipulating puppets in a show.牵线:木偶表演中用于操纵木偶的一套线美国传统A ventriloquist's dummy is a puppet that ventriloquists operate and project their voice onto, to make it seem as if it were alive.口技艺人的木偶剑桥国际For my birthday I want a puppet with strings that you pull to move its arms and legs.我想要一个可以用细绳拉动手脚的木偶作为生日礼物。剑桥国际He jerked the string and the puppet jumped. 他猛一拉线,木偶就跳动了。译典通I'm thinking of organizing a puppet show for Jamie's birthday party.我正想为杰米的生日组织一次木偶表演。剑桥国际She pulled one of the strings and the puppet's arms jerked upwards.她拉了其中的一根线,木偶的胳膊猛地向上一动。剑桥国际The audience at the back craned their necks to see the puppet show. 后面的观众伸长了脖子看木偶戏。译典通The show ingeniously combined actors and marionettes.这个表演创造性地将演员和木偶结合在一起。剑桥国际We took the children to a puppet show/theatre.我们带孩子们去看木偶戏。剑桥国际




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