

单词 有生命
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects. 这个年龄的儿童还不能分辨有生命和无生命的物体。朗文写作活用〔ALIVE〕How can you get angry with a car? It's an inanimate object! 你怎么对汽车发火?它是个没有生命的物体!朗文写作活用〔ALIVE〕Some languages categorise not only living things as masculine or feminine, but inanimate objects as well. 有些语言中不仅把有生命的物体分为阳性和阴性,无生命的物体也有如此分类。朗文写作活用〔ALIVE〕The new evidence seemed to indicate that life existed on Mars billions of years ago. 这些新的证据似乎表示,火星几十亿年前就有生命存在了。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕Is there life on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗?朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕There has always been a lot of interest in the question of life on other planets. 人们对其他星球上是否有生命的问题总是深感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕A hundred years ago it was widely believed that there was life on Mars. 一百年前普遍认为火星上有生命。朗文写作活用〔Marburg virus〕A filovirus causing an acute, often fatal hemorrhagic disease that was originally transmitted to humans from green monkeys.马尔堡病毒:会引发急性且常有生命危险的大出血的丝状病毒,最初由绿长尾猴传播给人类美国传统〔Mars〕So is there life on Mars? 那么火星上有生命吗?剑桥高阶〔SHOW〕Unfortunately, the photographs can tell us very little about the potential for life on Mars. 遗憾的是,关于火星上是否有生命存在,这些照片能告诉我们的非常少。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕People have been looking for evidence of life on other planets for years. 人们多年来一直在寻找其他星球上有生命存在的证据。朗文写作活用〔THING〕After his stroke, he was able to name inanimate objects like saws and shovels, but unable to name most living things. 中风后他能够叫得出锯子、铲子等无生命物体的名称,但大多数有生命的东西却叫不出来。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Researchers were hoping that the rock samples would give them indisputable proof of life on Mars. 研究人员希望这些岩石样本能成为证明火星上有生命的确证。朗文写作活用〔after〕Do you believe in life after death? 你相信人死后还有生命吗?朗文当代〔animal kingdom〕A main classification of living organisms that includes all animals.动物界:包括所有动物的有生命生物的主要类别美国传统〔animate〕Animals are animate, stones are not.动物有生命,石头没有。牛津同义词〔animate〕The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.讲座是关于古代对有生命物和无生命物的崇拜。韦氏高阶〔animate〕The soul animates the body.灵魂使肉体有生命。21世纪英汉〔animate〕To give life to; fill with life.使有生命;使充满生命力美国传统〔assert〕Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work.科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。美国传统〔attention〕It has come to my attention that you are in danger of your life.我注意到你有生命危险。外研社新世纪〔being〕People expect a horse to perform like a car, with no thought for its feelings as a living being.人们希望马能像汽车一样,完全没有考虑到马作为一种有生命的动物会有什么样的感受。柯林斯高阶〔comprehend〕Laura gasped, hardly able to comprehend that her brother's life was in danger.劳拉深吸一口气,几乎无法理解她哥哥有生命危险。麦克米伦高阶〔cost〕The raid was foiled, but at a cost: an injured officer who was lucky to survive.袭击被挫败了,但也付出了代价:一名警察受了伤,所幸没有生命危险。牛津搭配〔creature〕Blue whales are the largest creatures ever to have lived.蓝鲸是有生命以来最大的动物。剑桥高阶〔danger〕He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.他的车开得太快了,当时我真的觉得自己会有生命危险。剑桥高阶〔danger〕The refugees believe that their lives are in danger.难民认为他们有生命危险。朗文当代〔danger〕Your life is in danger. You must leave.你有生命危险, 必须离开。外研社新世纪〔desert〕A region of permanent cold that is largely or entirely devoid of life.冰原:长久寒冷,几乎没有生命的区域美国传统〔dice with〕You feel that you are dicing with death every time you try to cross that road.每次过那条马路都会让人觉得有生命危险。外研社新世纪〔dumb〕Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects.哑的:缺乏说话能力的。指有生命或无生命的物体美国传统〔earth〕The island was there before there was life on earth.在地球上有生命以前,这个岛就存在了。牛津搭配〔exist〕Does life exist on Mars? 火星上有生命吗?韦氏高阶〔exist〕Does life exist on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗?牛津高阶〔exist〕There is no evidence that life exists on other planets.没有证据表明其他行星上有生命存在。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕He fled on Friday, saying he feared for his life.他星期五逃走了,说是担心自己有生命危险。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕She claimed that she shot the burglar because she was in fear for her life.她声称,她朝入室窃贼开枪是因为担心自己有生命危险。韦氏高阶〔give〕The moon gives no sign of life.月球上没有生命的迹象。英汉大词典〔grave〕Do you think there's life beyond the grave? 你认为死后有生命吗?文馨英汉〔hit on〕Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。21世纪英汉〔hylozoism〕The philosophical doctrine holding that all matter has life, which is a property or derivative of matter.物活论:认为所有的物质都有生命,生命是物质的财富或属性的哲学思想美国传统〔inanimate〕He looks at me as if I'm an inanimate object.他看着我的样子好像我是个没有生命的物体。剑桥高阶〔inanimate〕Stones are inanimate.石头是没有生命的。韦氏高阶〔inculcate〕He tried to inculcate a respect for all living things in the boy.他设法教育这个男孩要尊重一切有生命的东西。外研社新世纪〔indwell〕To exist as an animating or divine inner spirit, force, or principle.永存:作为一个有生命的或神圣的内在精神、力量或信念而存在着美国传统〔in〕Their lives were in danger.他们有生命危险。麦克米伦高阶〔lifeless〕The surface of the moon is arid and lifeless.月球表面干旱,没有生命。朗文当代〔life〕He believed his life was in danger.他觉得自己有生命危险。麦克米伦高阶〔life〕Is there life on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗?朗文当代〔life〕The body was cold and showed no signs of life.那躯体冰凉,显现不出有生命的迹象。牛津高阶〔life〕While there is life, there is hope.【谚】(只要)有生命,就有希望(在);留得青山在,不怕[依旧有]没柴烧;留得五湖明月在,不愁无处下金钩。文馨英汉〔living〕The sun affects all living things (=people, animals, and plants) .太阳与一切有生命的物体息息相关。朗文当代〔lose〕He's lost a lot of blood but his life is not in danger.他失血很多,但是没有生命危险。朗文当代〔no〕There is no life on Mars.火星上完全没有生命。文馨英汉〔outer space〕Is there life in outer space? 外层空间里有生命存在吗?韦氏高阶〔peril〕Jensen feared that his life was in peril.詹森担心他会有生命危险。麦克米伦高阶〔physiological〕Being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning of a living organism.生理的,生理机能的,生理上正常的:根据有生命的有机体正常功能的,或具有此特征的美国传统〔physiology〕All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts.生理,生理机能:对有生命的生物或任一组成部分的所有功能美国传统〔physiology〕The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.生理学:对有生命的有机体及其组成部分的功能进行的生物学研究美国传统〔planet〕Is there life on other planets? 其他行星上有生命吗?朗文当代〔planet〕She believes there is life on other planets.她相信其他行星上有生命存在。牛津搭配〔possible〕It is possible that life exists on other planets.其他星球上也可能有生命存在。韦氏高阶〔pronounce〕Reality TV was officially pronounced dead by the critics.评论界正式宣布电视真人秀没有生命力。牛津搭配〔protoplast〕Biology The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.【生物学】 原生质体:植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜美国传统〔shortage〕Lives are being put at risk because of staff shortages.由于人手不足,许多人都有生命危险。牛津搭配〔sign〕The only sign of life in the house was the light from a television.屋里唯一有生命的迹象是电视机发出的光亮。麦克米伦高阶〔soul〕The animating and vital principle in human beings, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.精神:人类所具备的有生命力以及充满生机的本性,具有思考、行动以及感情等能力,通常被认为是永恒的实体美国传统〔spirit〕The vital principle or animating force within living beings.活力:生命体中最主要或有生命力的力量美国传统〔steroidogenesis〕Production of steroids by living organisms.类固醇生成:有生命的生物类固醇的制造美国传统〔stuntman〕A man who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.替身演员:在需要胆量或有生命危险的场景中替代演员的人美国传统〔stuntwoman〕A woman who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.特技女演员:在需要胆量或有生命危险的场景中替代演员的女性特技演员美国传统〔thrift〕Vigorous growth of living things, such as plants.茁壮成长:如植物等有生命的东西茁壮地成长美国传统〔untreated〕It is a form of anaemia which is nearly always fatal if left untreated.这是一种贫血病,如果不进行治疗的话会有生命危险。剑桥高阶〔viable〕There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human foetus can be considered viable.关于人类胎儿在何时可被视为已有生命的问题仍处于争论中。剑桥高阶〔wight〕A living being; a creature.生物:有生命的东西;生物美国传统〔without〕Without water, there would be no life on Earth.地球上没有水就没有生命。韦氏高阶〔world〕Are there other worlds than ours? 除了我们地球之外还有其他有生命的天体吗? 英汉大词典All living creatures that we know about contain carbon.我们所知晓的所有生命体中都含有碳元素。剑桥国际He always looks at me as if I'm an inanimate object.他看着我时总好像我是件没有生命的物体。剑桥国际He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.他车开得这么快,令我感到有生命危险。剑桥国际He spoke up for me when I was in trouble, and in doing so, risked his own life.每当我有麻烦时,他就站出来为我讲话,这样做他自己是有生命危险的。剑桥国际His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave. 他不再有生命危险了,但那真是死里逃生。译典通Life on other planets is a possibility. 其他行星上有生命是可能的。译典通Reproduction is one of the essential properties of a living organism.繁殖是有生命的生物的最重要的特性之一。剑桥国际Stones, cars and houses are inanimate.石头、汽车和房子是没有生命的。剑桥国际The doctor listened to the old man's heart, but she could find no sign of life.医生听着老人的心脏,但找不到有生命的迹象。剑桥国际The ex-President has been taken into protective custody (=given police/army protection) because his life is in danger.前总统受到监视性保护,因为他有生命危险。剑桥国际The world contains things which are animate, such as animals, and things which are inanimate, such as rocks.世界包含着动物等有生命的东西和岩石等无生命的东西。剑桥国际




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