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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔(from) side to side〕waving the flags from side to side 来回挥动着旗子韦氏高阶〔SIDE〕towards the side, or from side to side 侧向地,或左右来回地朗文写作活用〔agitatedly〕pacing back and forth agitatedly 焦躁不安地来回走动韦氏高阶〔backwards〕walk backwards and forwards 来回走动英汉大词典〔couch potato〕couch potatoes flicking through endless satellite TV channels. 在无数个卫星电视频道之间来回换台的电视迷柯林斯高阶〔couch potato〕couch potatoes who flick through satellite TV channels来回翻看卫星电视频道的电视迷外研社新世纪〔dark〕a shadowy figure in a black Homburg traversing the fogbound park. 头戴黑色翘边帽的神秘人在因浓雾而进退不能的公园来回徘徊 美国传统〔flick〕a cow flicking its tail back and forth 来回甩着尾巴的牛韦氏高阶〔fro〕moving to and fro. 来来回回的移动美国传统〔harried〕harried businessmen scurrying from one crowded office to another在拥挤的办公室之间来回奔忙的商人外研社新世纪〔mess around〕the young men seen 'messing around' on platform 14在14号站台“来回游荡”的这群年轻人外研社新世纪〔pace〕paced the floor nervously. 在地板上紧张地来回踱步美国传统〔reel〕reel in a dance 跳舞时来回打旋英汉大词典〔restless〕restless pacing up and down 焦躁的来回踱步英汉大词典〔return〕a return fare 来回票价朗文当代〔return〕a return ticket 来回票朗文当代〔return〕the return half (来回票的)回程票 英汉大词典〔round-trip〕a round-trip ticket 来回票 英汉大词典〔round-trip〕a round-trip ticket 来回票文馨英汉〔roundtrip〕a 300-mile round trip from Los Angeles to Palm Springs 从洛杉矶到棕榈泉 300 英里的来回旅行牛津搭配〔saw〕a speaker who saws the air with his arms. 演讲者的手臂在不断地来回挥动美国传统〔seesaw〕a seesaw price situation. 价格来回波动柯林斯高阶〔shrug〕answer sb.'s questions with shrugs 一再耸肩来回答某人的问题英汉大词典〔shuttlecock〕shuttlecock behind a counter 在柜台后来回奔忙英汉大词典〔shuttlecock〕to shuttlecock to and fro来回不停地移动21世纪英汉〔strut〕a pompous lecturer strutting back and forth across the stage; 一个在台上趾高气扬地来回走的演讲者;美国传统〔swing〕a woman in a tight red dress, walking with a slight swing to her hips. 身着红色紧身连衣裙、走路时臀部来回轻微扭动的女人柯林斯高阶〔tool〕tooled up and down the roads. 在路上驾车来回行驶美国传统〔trip〕stride up and down in short trips 迈着轻捷的小步来回走动英汉大词典〔waggly〕comparative wagglier, superlative waggliest来回摇摆的外研社新世纪〔wheel〕furiously wheel the dials back and forth 怒气冲冲地来回拨着电话拨号盘英汉大词典




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