

单词 来做
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The longer you vacillate the less time you'll have to do anything worthwhile. 你越是犹豫,余下来做有价值的事的时间就越少。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Don't ask Terry to do it - she'll probably just mess it up. 别叫特丽来做—她一定会把它搞得一团糟的。朗文写作活用〔INVITE〕My father is having some colleagues over from the University tonight. 今晚我爸爸请了几个大学里的同事来做客。朗文写作活用〔I〕Peter and I will do the cooking.我和彼得来做饭。麦克米伦高阶〔MACHINE〕In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers. 在面包房里,揉面这工作很少用手来做,而是由大型机械搅拌器来完成的。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕Kim has to do all the wedding planning, because her fiancé just doesn't have it together. 婚礼的所有安排金都得自己来做,因为她未婚夫根本办不了事。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕In order to overcome their addiction, they have to learn to take one day at a time. 为了戒毒,他们得学会一步一步来做。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕She knelt to say a prayer of profound thankfulness. 她跪下来做祷告,表达深深的感激之情。朗文写作活用〔USE〕An old Chianti bottle can be used as an attractive base for a table-lamp. 意大利基安蒂酒的旧瓶子可以用来做一个漂亮的台灯基座。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕I'm always the one who does the cooking and cleaning and stuff around here. 这里做饭、打扫诸如此类的事情总是我来做。朗文写作活用〔alamode〕A lustrous plain-weave silk fabric for head coverings and scarfs.阿拉莫德绸:一种用来做头巾和围巾的绚丽的平纹丝绸织品美国传统〔a〕Use a good cheese to make the sauce.要用优质的奶酪来做调味酱。朗文当代〔baguette〕A small, narrow loaf of French bread often used for sandwiches.三明治面包:法国面包的小窄条,常用来做三明治美国传统〔barter〕The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter.市场和街道上挤满了前来做物物交换的人。柯林斯高阶〔beg〕In the end they almost begged him to take the job.最终他们几乎是哀求他来做这个工作。牛津搭配〔better〕Have you got nothing better to do than sit there playing that silly game? 你光坐着玩那个破游戏,就找不到更好的事情来做吗?朗文当代〔business〕No, I didn't ask him what he wanted the car for. That's his business.不,我没有问他要车来做什么,那是他的事。韦氏高阶〔carcass〕Buy cheap carcasses for your kitchen units.购买廉价的框架来做厨房橱柜。外研社新世纪〔catheterization〕The surgeon has performed hundreds of catheterizations over the years.这个外科医生几年来做了数百例导管插入手术。韦氏高阶〔chamomile〕The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.黄春菊花序:上述植物的任一种头状花序,用于做花茶且可产生一种商业上用来做调味品或香水的油美国传统〔change over〕She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.她想把用煤气改为用电来做饭。21世纪英汉〔checkup〕She brought in her car for a 30,000-mile checkup.她把车开过来做一次3万英里检查。韦氏高阶〔choose〕Why did you choose me for the job? 你为什么选我来做这项工作?朗文当代〔cloud〕Cook the soup pasta separately as the starch in it can sometimes cloud the liquid.请分开来做意大利面汤, 因为其中的淀粉有时会使汤变浑。外研社新世纪〔coconut milk〕The watery fluid in the central cavity of the coconut, used chiefly as a beverage.椰子汁:椰子壳中的水状液体,主要用来做饮料美国传统〔contention〕The matter of who will do what is no longer in contention.谁来做什么事,这已经不再被争论了。麦克米伦高阶〔cool-headed〕We need a quick-thinking, cool-headed person for the job.我们需要一个思路敏捷、头脑冷静的人来做这份工作。朗文当代〔copper〕He offered to do the job for a few coppers.他说他来做这份工作,给他几个铜板就行。朗文当代〔count〕Used as a title for such a nobleman.伯爵称号:用来做这种贵族的头衔美国传统〔cry out〕The job cries out for someone who's not afraid to take chances.这份工作需要敢于冒险的人来做。韦氏高阶〔darn〕Darn it! I'll have to do it all myself! 真气人!都得由我一个人来做!朗文当代〔daydream〕It's a daydream. He'll never in a million years earn enough money to do it.简直就是做白日梦, 他永远都不可能赚到足够的钱来做那件事。外研社新世纪〔demented〕He had been granted his own TV show by some demented executive.某个古怪的主管已经批准他自己来做一个电视节目。外研社新世纪〔exciting〕Let's do something exciting.我们来做些让人振奋的事情吧。朗文当代〔fill〕We would prefer to fill the position with (= give it to) a recent graduate.我们更想找个应届大学毕业生来做这份工作。剑桥高阶〔future〕It's important to plan for the future.为将来做好打算很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔get-up-and-go〕This job needs someone with a lot of get-up-and-go.这项工作需要一个有点魄力的人来做。剑桥高阶〔get〕I only got round to doing this a few days ago.几天前我才抽出时间来做这件事。英汉大词典〔grit〕A coarse hard sandstone used for making grindstones and millstones.砂石:一种用来做磨石或石磨的粗而硬的砂石美国传统〔guinea pig〕Informal A person who is used as a subject for experimentation or research.【非正式用语】 供实验的人:被用来做实验或进行研究的人美国传统〔have back〕The doctor said he'd like to have me back for more tests next week.医生说他希望我下周再来做几项检查。韦氏高阶〔intrinsic〕There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.这项工作本质上并没有什么使得它更适合女性来做。朗文当代〔jack〕One of the metal pieces so used.金属卡:被用来做这种游戏的金属片美国传统〔kick around〕After graduation, he kicked around Boston for a while, trying to decide what to do next. = After graduation, he kicked around for a while, trying to decide what to do next.毕业后,他在波士顿混了一段时间,想要决定接下来做什么。韦氏高阶〔leave〕It was left to him to make the final decision.最后的决定由他来做。外研社新世纪〔mad〕You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock.你只有一小时来做完游戏, 所以这是一场与时间的疯狂较量。外研社新世纪〔making〕Ducks' eggs are particularly prized for cake making.鸭蛋特别适合用来做蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔melton〕A heavy woolen cloth used chiefly for making overcoats and hunting jackets.麦尔登呢:一种厚重的羊毛料子,主要用来做大衣及打猎用之夹克美国传统〔minute〕Who is going to take the minutes(= write them)? 谁来做会议记录?牛津高阶〔multiply〕We encourage students to multiply and divide without using a calculator.我们鼓励学生不用计算器来做乘除运算。外研社新世纪〔needful〕I rely on you to do what is needful.我指望你来做必须做的事。外研社新世纪〔operation〕Dr Jones will perform the operation.这个手术将由琼斯医生来做。外研社新世纪〔overwhelmingly〕The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。柯林斯高阶〔padding〕A soft material used to make pads or a pad.垫料,衬料:用来做垫或衬的一种柔软的材料美国传统〔paste〕A smooth dough of water, flour, and butter or other shortening, used in making pastry.面团,油酥:由水、面粉和黄油或其它使糕饼变脆的油混和而成的光滑的面团,用来做糕点美国传统〔personally〕In order for me to spend three months on something it has to interest me personally.要想让我花三个月的时间来做什么事, 那必须是我自己感兴趣的事。外研社新世纪〔pinstripe〕A fabric with very thin stripes, often used for suits.细条子织物:非常细的条子织物,常用来做西装美国传统〔pop over〕We'd like you to pop over and see us on weekend.我们请你周末到我们这儿来做客。21世纪英汉〔poplin〕A ribbed fabric of silk, rayon, wool, or cotton, used in making clothing and upholstery.毛葛:由丝、人造丝、羊毛或棉花织成的有罗纹的织物,用来做衣服及装潢美国传统〔pretend〕Children begin to combine several gestures into a sequence in their pretend play.孩子们在角色扮演游戏里开始把几个手势连起来做。外研社新世纪〔private〕The mayor hired a private contractor rather than using city workers to do the job.市长雇了私人承包商而不是市政员工来做这项工作。韦氏高阶〔provision〕He made provisions to donate part of his fortune to charity after he died.他准备在过世后把自己的部分财产捐出来做慈善。韦氏高阶〔proviso〕He agreed to their visit with the proviso that they should stay no longer than one week.他同意他们来做客,但条件是逗留不得超过一周。牛津高阶〔put〕I put aside a day at the end of each month for doing the business accounts.每个月我都腾出一天的时间来做业务账目。麦克米伦高阶〔raft〕We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft.我们把所有能漂浮的东西都捆绑在一起来做一个筏子。剑桥高阶〔ramen〕A Japanese dish of noodles in broth, often garnished with small pieces of meat and vegetables.拉面:日本料理,把面条放在煮肉的原汤中,常用小片的肉或蔬菜来做装饰美国传统〔real〕The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work.这个精明的主管所有重要的工作都有信得过的人来做。柯林斯高阶〔reputable〕If you have a burglar alarm fitted, make sure it is done by a reputable company.如果你想安装防盗报警器,一定要找一家声誉好的公司来做。朗文当代〔robot〕The surgery can be carried out by robots.手术可以由机器人来做。剑桥高阶〔rose water〕A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water, used in cosmetics, as toilet water, and in cookery.玫瑰水,蔷薇水:一种通过蒸馏玫瑰花瓣或把其浸泡在水中制成的芳香剂,用来做花露水等化妆品并用于烹饪美国传统〔roustabout〕A laborer employed for temporary or unskilled jobs, as in an oil field.非技术工:如油田的非技术工等被雇来做不需要技术的短期工作的劳动力美国传统〔settle down〕They quickly settled down to their work.他们很快定下心来做自己的工作。韦氏高阶〔sewing〕Her mother had always done all the sewing.所有的针线活一直都是她母亲来做。柯林斯高阶〔start〕He started his working life as an engineer but later became a teacher.他刚开始工作时是工程师,但后来做了老师。剑桥高阶〔start〕Let's start off with some gentle exercises.我们先来做点强度低的运动。牛津高阶〔sure〕Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully.一定要认真按照操作指南来做。柯林斯高阶〔tailor〕To make (a garment), especially to specific requirements or measurements.裁制:做(一件衣服),尤指根据特殊要求或尺寸来做的美国传统〔theoretically〕Theoretically, Damian's the boss, but I coordinate the team on a day-to-day basis.按理说达米安是老板,但全组日常的协调工作是由我来做的。朗文当代〔time〕Leave the ironing for the time being - I'll do it later.暂且先别烫衣服——我晚些时候来做。剑桥高阶〔trade ... off〕We traded off large and small brushes for rough and fine work.我们交替使用大小刷子来做粗活和细活。21世纪英汉〔up〕The decision is up to you.这个决定由你来做。外研社新世纪〔use〕Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好主意。牛津高阶By not making a decision about what to do, we're just prolonging the agony.不决定下来做些什么,我们恰恰是在延长痛苦。剑桥国际Carpentry isn't really up my street. I'd rather pay someone else to do it.木工活并不合我胃口,我宁愿雇其他人来做。剑桥国际Clay is used for making bricks and pots.粘土是用来做砖和瓦罐的。剑桥国际Despite its benefits , the program isn't always an easy sell.尽管有好处,但这个项目并不容易找到人来做。牛津商务Fuck what he says -- I'll do it my own way.管他妈的说什么----我照自己的方式来做。剑桥国际I don't think he's really experienced enough for this sort of job.我不认为他的经验足够用来做这种工作。剑桥国际In the absence of any more suitable candidates (=because there were not any more suitable ones), we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.由于缺乏更适合的人选,我们决定让康韦先生来做这项工作。剑桥国际It's time for me to move on and allow the company's new management team to do its job.我该让公司的新管理团队来做这份工作,自己做其他事情了。牛津商务Meat jellies are made by boiling animal bones and are often used in meat pies and pates 肉冻是通过熬动物骨头制成的,常用来做肉馅饼和馅饼 。剑桥国际Our purpose is not to do it for you but to teach you to do it by yourself. 我们的目的不是替你做这事,而是教会你自己来做。译典通Owing to its fire-proof characteristics, asbestos is often used to make the main curtain of a stage. 由于石棉有防火作用,它经常被用来做舞台的大幕。译典通She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might like to do in the future but nothing firm.她对将来做什么有些模糊的想法,但没有任何肯定的计划。剑桥国际The actor, wearing a Roman toga and with a laurel wreath on his head, came forward and made a speech.那个演员穿着一件罗马托加袍,头戴一个月桂花环,走到前面来做了一篇演讲。剑桥国际The flooring and landscaping will be done by contractors. 地板铺设和室外美化将由承包人来做。译典通They didn't even consider her for the job because she was 46--it was a typical case of ageism.他们甚至没有考虑让她来做这工作,因为她46岁了----这是一件典型的老人歧视事件。剑桥国际We need someone who is computer-literate (=has had experience working with computers and knows how to use them) to do this job.我们要个懂计算机的人来做这项工作。剑桥国际Whatever that family does, they do with more zest than anybody else.无论那个家庭做什么,他们都以比其他任何人更多的热情来做。剑桥国际White marble is often used for stonecarving because it combines the right level of hardness with tensile strength.白色大理石常被用来做石雕,因为它既有合适的硬度又有抗拉强度。剑桥国际




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