

单词 来人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aaron〕In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.亚伦:《旧约》中摩西的哥哥,帮助他引导希伯来人逃出埃及美国传统〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Baal〕Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false idols by the Hebrews.太阳神:古代闪米特人所信奉的当地的丰饶之神和自然之神,希伯来人认为是邪神美国传统〔DO/NOT DO〕Our cat's favourite pastime is sitting at the window and watching the people walk by. 我家的猫最大的消遣是坐在窗边看人来人往。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕In years to come, people will look back on the 20th century as a turning point in history. 将来人们回顾今日,会觉得20世纪是历史的一个转折点。朗文写作活用〔HABIT〕It was a small rural community, and its people felt deeply suspicious of foreigners and their strange ways. 那是一个小小的乡村地区,那里的人对外来人员以及他们奇怪的行为方式深表怀疑。朗文写作活用〔Hebraic〕Hebraic traditions 希伯来人的传统韦氏高阶〔Hebraic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Hebrews or their language or culture.希伯来的:希伯来人的,希伯来语的,希伯来文化的,与其有关的或有其特征的美国传统〔Hebraism〕A manner or custom characteristic of the Hebrews.希伯来人的习俗:希伯来人的方式或风俗美国传统〔Hebraism〕The culture, spirit, or character of the Hebrew people.希伯来人的思想体系:希伯来民族的文化,精神或品质美国传统〔Hebrew〕A member or descendant of a northern Semitic people, claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.希伯来人,犹太人:北方闪米特民族的一员或后裔,自称是亚伯拉罕、以撒克和雅各的后代;古以色列人;犹太人美国传统〔Hebrew〕Hebrew customs希伯来人的风俗外研社新世纪〔Hebrew〕The Semitic language of the ancient Hebrews.希伯来语:古代希伯来人使用的闪含语美国传统〔Indonesian〕A native or inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago.马来人:马来群岛的土人或居住者美国传统〔Israel〕Judaism The Hebrew people, past, present, and future, regarded as the chosen people of God by virtue of the covenant of Jacob.【犹太教】 上帝的选民:希伯来民族,希伯来人的过去、现在和将来,被看作是上帝凭借着雅各的契约而选中的民族美国传统〔Jew〕A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the ancient Hebrews and sharing an ethnic heritage based on Judaism.犹太教徒:古代希伯来人的广泛分布的后代子孙,他们沿袭着犹太教的种族传统美国传统〔Joshua〕In the Old Testament, a Hebrew leader who succeeded Moses as leader of Israel.约书亚:《圣经·旧约》中希伯来人的领袖,继摩西作为以色列的领袖美国传统〔Malay〕A member of a people inhabiting Malaysia, the northern Malay Peninsula, and parts of the western Malay Archipelago.马来人:居住在马来西亚、马来半岛北部和马来群岛西部部分地区的人中的一员美国传统〔Malay〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Malays or their language.马来语的,马来的:属于或与马来人或其语有关的或有此特征的美国传统〔Malay〕The three main racial groups in Malaysia are the Malays, the Indians, and the Chinese.马来西亚的三大种族群体分别是马来人、印度人和中国人。外研社新世纪〔READ〕Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated. 几百年来人们已经变得更健康,能读写的人更多,受教育程度更高了。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake. 多年来人们都以为这幅画是梵高的真迹,但它实际上是赝品。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The new system is designed to spread payments over several months but the net effect is that people pay more in total. 这个新制度是为了把款项分摊在几个月里支付,但是最后的结果是合起来人们付得更多。朗文写作活用〔Tobit〕In the Old Testament, a Hebrew captive in Nineveh.多比:在《旧约全书》中被囚在尼尼微的一个希伯来人美国传统〔alien〕A person who is not included in a group; an outsider.局外人,外来人:被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人美国传统〔anno Hebraico〕In a specified year of the Jewish calendar.希伯来人纪元:犹太人日历中的特定年美国传统〔awareness〕Environmental awareness has increased over the years.这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。牛津搭配〔battered〕The child had suffered what has become known as ‘battered baby syndrome’.那孩子患的是后来人称“受虐儿童综合症”的疾病。牛津高阶〔bear〕A voice was borne upon the wind.风中传来人语声。英汉大词典〔blatant〕Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.外来人员会继续受到最露骨的歧视。柯林斯高阶〔blessed〕The small clouds did not bring blessed rain.小片的云没有带来人所渴望的雨。英汉大词典〔brain drain〕Britain has suffered a huge brain drain in recent years.英国近年来人才外流现象十分严重。剑桥高阶〔bustle〕The house bustled with people and activity.屋里人来人往,活动频繁。21世纪英汉〔bustle〕The pier is always bustling with people.码头上总是人来人往,一片繁忙。韦氏高阶〔caller〕She ushered her callers into a cluttered living-room.她把来人领进凌乱不堪的客厅。柯林斯高阶〔ceaseless〕There's a ceaseless stream of people passing through.这里人来人往, 川流不息。外研社新世纪〔clannish〕The college faculty can be pretty clannish, so it's difficult to be an outsider there.那所院校的教师可能非常抱团,外来人在那里处境困难。韦氏高阶〔consensus〕There seems to be a consensus that the plan should be rejected.看来人们一致同意放弃这一计划。牛津高阶〔corban〕A sacrifice made to God by the ancient Hebrews at the Temple in Jerusalem.祭品:古代希伯来人在耶路撒冷地圣殿献给上帝的供物美国传统〔covetous〕Her red Lamborghini Diablo sports car always attracts covetous stares.她的红色兰博基尼迪亚博罗跑车总是引来人们垂涎的目光。外研社新世纪〔dead〕Inflation has been a dead issue in recent years.近年来人们对于通货膨胀问题谈论不多。英汉大词典〔discontented〕There were discontented murmurs from the people in the hall.大厅里传来人们不满的嗡嗡议论声。外研社新世纪〔discussion〕The smoking ban is a major topic of discussion these days.禁烟令是这些天来人们讨论的主要话题。韦氏高阶〔end〕Her resignation ends months of speculation about her future.她的辞职为数月来人们对她未来的种种揣测画上了句号。剑桥高阶〔essentially〕It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.几个世纪以来人们一直相信伟大的作家、作曲家和科学家从根本上就与普通人大不相同。柯林斯高阶〔explosion〕There has been a recent explosion of interest in the sport.近来人们对这项运动的兴趣骤然高涨。麦克米伦高阶〔fathom〕For years people have been trying to fathom (out) the mysteries of the whale's song.多年来人们一直试图弄清鲸鱼歌声之谜。剑桥高阶〔flare〕It looked as if long-feared violence might flare up.看起来人们长期担心的暴力活动似乎会加剧。麦克米伦高阶〔gaze〕He gazed absently at the passing crowd.他漫不经心地看着人来人往。牛津搭配〔grab〕The title appears to be up for grabs, as there has not been a dominant 1,500m runner this season.由于本赛季没有实力突出的1,500米长跑运动员, 看起来人人都可争夺冠军。外研社新世纪〔grand central station〕My hospital room was like Grand Central Station with everybody coming and going.我的病房就像纽约的中央火车站,整天人来人往。牛津高阶〔grandmother〕Alcohol, the grandmother of all mood-enhancing drugs, has been a prominent part of human existence for several thousand years.酒是所有提神药物之母, 是几千年来人类生活的重要组成部分。外研社新世纪〔haul〕It's illusory to think success in life in the long haul has to do with how successful you are at work alone.认为未来人生的成功只与工作的成功有关是一种错误的观念。外研社新世纪〔hum〕By nine o'clock, the restaurant was humming.到九点钟时,餐馆里已经熙熙攘攘,人来人往。朗文当代〔idol〕They would warn the Hebrews against the worship of idols or rival gods.他们会警告希伯来人不要信奉除上帝之外的偶像或异教神祇。外研社新世纪〔infect〕His courage infected the followers.他的勇气激励了后来人。21世纪英汉〔jostle〕You get 2,000 people jostling each other and bumping into furniture.会有2,000来人推来挤去, 不时撞在家具上。外研社新世纪〔keep〕The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime.多年来人们一直受到残暴统治的压制。牛津高阶〔lately〕Optimism about the U.S. economy has been a rare commodity lately.近来人们对美国经济鲜有乐观情绪。外研社新世纪〔long〕Smoking has long been linked to lung cancer.长期以来人们就把吸烟和肺癌联系在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔machine gun〕There came the sound of men shouting and a burst of machine-gun fire.传来人们的喊叫声和一阵机关枪扫射声。朗文当代〔meter〕Someone from the gas company came to read the meter(=to check how much gas has been used).煤气公司来人查表了。麦克米伦高阶〔migrant〕Others will melt into the migrant communities in big cities.其他人将会融入大城市的外来人口社区。外研社新世纪〔migrant〕Shanghai's migrant population is believed to be around three million unregistered people.据信上海未登记在册的外来人口有300万左右。外研社新世纪〔movement〕Recently there's been a movement (= a change in attitude) away from processed food towards / toward fresh food.近来人们由吃加工食品转为吃新鲜食品。牛津搭配〔outsider〕They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions.他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。牛津高阶〔parang〕A short, heavy, straight-edged knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a tool and weapon.帕兰刀:马来人和印度尼西亚人用作工具或武器的一种短且很重的直边短刀美国传统〔people watch〕He loves to people watch. Sometimes he'll sit in a tea-house and look at the people going by for hours.他喜欢观察人,有时他坐在茶馆里一连几小时看人来人往。21世纪英汉〔per〕I'm sending a parcel to you per bearer.我请来人送上包裹一件。21世纪英汉〔pick sb/sth off〕It is relatively easy for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest.新来人员较易挑选最有利润的业务而忽略其他业务。剑桥高阶〔pleasant〕It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass.坐在路边咖啡馆看着人来人往真是惬意。朗文当代〔positive〕There was a very positive response to our new design - people seemed very pleased with it.我们的新设计得到了非常积极的回应——看来人们对该产品非常满意。剑桥高阶〔prerogative〕Employment decisions have long been regarded as a management prerogative.长期以来人员聘用决策一直被视为管理部门的特权。外研社新世纪〔press〕Mr King seems certain to be pressed for further details.看来人们一定会竭力要求金先生提供进一步的细节。柯林斯高阶〔proa〕A swift Malayan sailboat with a triangular sail and a single outrigger.马来帆船:马来人的速度很快的帆船,只有一根叉架和三角帆美国传统〔public〕I avoid working in areas which are too public.我避免在人来人往的地方工作。外研社新世纪〔revolutionary〕The 20th century brought about revolutionary changes in our lifestyles.二十世纪带来人们生活上的巨大转变。剑桥高阶〔scratch〕People have been scratching their names on this rock for years.许多年来人们都在这块岩石上刻写名字。剑桥高阶〔serve〕Let this incident serve as a reminder to future generations.让这件事成为后来人的警示美国传统〔somewhere〕There must be somewhere around 100 people here.这里肯定有一百来人。韦氏高阶〔stranger〕They are regarded as strangers in the village.他们被村民视为外来人。外研社新世纪〔suspicion〕There has long been a suspicion that the painting is a fake.长期以来人们一直怀疑这幅画是赝品。韦氏高阶〔swoop down on〕They swooped down on the newcomers and robbed all out of them.他们向新来人猛扑过去,并抢走了他们身上的所有东西。21世纪英汉〔teraph〕A small image or idol representing an ancient Semitic household god.(古希伯来人的)家神像:代表古代犹太人家神的小的像或神像(复数)美国传统〔time-waster〕The internet has replaced television as the biggest time-waster ever invented.互联网已取代电视成了有史以来人类发明的最能用来浪费时间的活动。剑桥高阶〔toe〕The threat of inspections kept us all on our toes (= made sure we kept everything up to standard and were ready). () 可能要来人视察,这让我们保持着警觉。牛津搭配〔transpire〕As it transpired, the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City.后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。柯林斯高阶〔watch〕I sit by the window and watch people walking past.我坐在窗边,看着人来人往。剑桥高阶〔witness〕Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.近年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。牛津高阶Even from distance I could tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man was David. 尽管在远处我也能从这细长的身躯辨别出来人是大卫。译典通I've had to sit about all day waiting for someone to come and repair the television.我一整天不得不干等着来人修理电视机。剑桥国际Ireland has suffered a huge brain drain in recent years.爱尔兰近年来人才外流十分严重。剑桥国际It is the ancient capital of the kingdom of the Hebrews, Israel.它是希伯来人古王国以色列的首都。剑桥国际My orders are to search everyone's bag as they come in.我的命令是搜查每个进来人的包。剑桥国际She expressed concern over the procedure for the arrest and expulsion of undesirable aliens (= people that the government do not want in the country).她对逮捕和驱逐不受欢迎的外来人的措施表示不安。剑桥国际The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit.这么多外来人口的存在使社区精神遭到了破坏。剑桥国际These thieves operate with terrifying stealth--they can easily steal from the pockets of unsuspecting travellers.这些贼偷起东西来人不知,鬼不觉----他们能从毫无戒备的游客的口袋中轻易地偷东西。剑桥国际They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions.他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。牛津商务This is a region in which outsiders are regarded with suspicion bordering on outright hostility.在这个地区,人们用接近于公开的敌意怀疑地看待外来人。剑桥国际With so many comings and goings in this office I just can't seem to concentrate.办公室里人来人往,我就是没法集中注意力。剑桥国际




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