

单词 来事
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔auspice〕Observation of and divination from the actions of birds.占卜:通过观察鸟类的行为发现未来事物的预兆美国传统〔chaotic〕Things often appear chaotic to the outsider.在外人看来事情常常显得一片混乱。牛津搭配〔clear〕To rid of impurities, blemishes, muddiness, or foreign matter.使完美:去除杂质、污渍、污泥或外来事物美国传统〔dopester〕One that analyzes and forecasts future events, as in sports or politics.预测者:政治、体育等活动中对未来事件的分析者和预测者美国传统〔event〕The decisions we take now may influence the course of events(= the way things happen)in the future.我们现在作出的决定可能会对未来事情的发展产生影响。牛津高阶〔flash-forward〕A literary or cinematic device in which the chronological sequence of events is interrupted by the interjection of a future event.超前叙述:一种在一系列按时间顺序发生的事件中插入未来事件的文学或电影的表现手法美国传统〔futurity〕A future event or possibility.选景:未来事件或可能性美国传统〔jeer〕The young painter's works were jeered at at first,but later they proved to be very valuable.那位年轻画家的作品起初受到嘲弄,但后来事实证明那些作品是非常有价值的。21世纪英汉〔kill〕I got the story from John, who was apparently in at the kill.这事的经过我是从约翰那里听来的,看来事件发生时他在场。 英汉大词典〔manner〕Things had been done in the same manner for centuries.几百年来事情都是这么做的。麦克米伦高阶〔opening〕Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.在这次比赛中获胜是她未来事业发展的良好开端。牛津高阶〔or〕Things have been going very well recently. Or they were, until two days ago.近来事情进展得一直都很顺利。或者说,直到两天以前还一直很顺利。剑桥高阶〔predestination〕The act of God foreordaining all things gone before and to come.注定命运:上帝预先注定所有已去或将来事物的行为美国传统〔profound〕My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.我祖父对任何新生或外来事物有一种根深蒂固的不信任。剑桥高阶〔projection〕A prediction or an estimate of something in the future, based on present data or trends.预测,估计:基于当前资料或趋势的预言或对将来事物的估计美国传统〔re-collect〕To calm or control (oneself).使镇定下来:使(自己)平静下来事得以控制美国传统〔result〕You took a great risk, though in the result it did not turn out so badly.你冒的风险太大了,纵然后来事情并没弄到糟透的地步。英汉大词典〔soothsayer〕One who claims to be able to foretell events or predict the future; a seer.预言者:宣称能预知未来事件或预言未来的人;先知美国传统〔soothsaying〕The art or practice of foretelling events.预言(艺术):预测未来事件的艺术或实践美国传统〔success〕We are sad to see Hiroko go, and wish her every success in the future.我们对裕子的离开依依不舍,并祝愿她将来事事成功。牛津搭配〔wish〕We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你将来事事成功。剑桥高阶〔xenophobe〕A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.恐外者:对于外来事物,尤对陌生人或外国人特别恐惧或憎恨的人美国传统My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.我祖父对任何新生事物或外来事物有一种极度的不信任。剑桥国际This is a good way to get on the inside track for future career opportunities.这是一个对将来事业有利的好方法。牛津商务We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你在将来事事成功。剑桥国际Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.赢得这场比赛为她未来事业发展创造了良机。牛津商务




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