

单词 染上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕It is not clear why the disease affects some people and not others. 不清楚为什么有些人会染上这种病,有些人则不会。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕You cannot get a virus from an email message alone. 单收到电子邮件是不可能染上病毒的。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Martin came back from Africa with malaria, and he was in a pretty bad way for months. 马丁在非洲染上了疟疾回来,好几个月来病得很重。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Anyone can catch the disease -- not just homosexual men or drug addicts. 人人都可能染上这种病——不只是男性同性恋者或吸毒者。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Brendan has a cold. He must have picked it up at school. 布伦丹得了感冒。他肯定是在学校里传染上的。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Doctors believe he may have contracted the illness while he was in Africa. 医生认为他可能在非洲时染上了这种病。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have contracted the disease in her area. 查默斯医生试图了解在她负责的地区有多少人可能染上该病。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Luke has measles. I hope I don't catch it. 卢克得了麻疹,我希望我没传染上。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Orwell contracted tuberculosis during the war and eventually died from the disease. 奥韦尔在战时染上肺结核,后来死于该病。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕She thinks she picked up some kind of mystery virus while she was on vacation. 她觉得自己在度假时染上了某种神秘的病毒。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go. 建议去印度旅行的人在出发前打疫苗以防止染上伤寒等传染病。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Young schoolkids are always catching various bugs. 小学生经常会传染上各种各样的小毛病。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Kristen has the flu, so I guess we'll all catch it. 克里斯滕得了流感,我估计我们都会传染上。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕The book gave me an understanding of what it must be like to be addicted to drugs. 这本书让我了解到染上毒瘾是怎么样的。朗文写作活用〔affect〕Only men appear to be affected by the disease 似乎只有男性才会染上这种疾病。韦氏高阶〔afflict〕Most patients/people who are afflicted with the disease die within one year.染上这种病的人,大多数一年内去世。韦氏高阶〔bag〕His friends got him involved in the narcotics bag.他的朋友们使他染上了吸毒的恶习。英汉大词典〔catch〕Anton caught malaria in Mali, and nearly died.安东在马里染上了疟疾,差点丢了性命。朗文当代〔catch〕Brian caught chickenpox from his nephew.布赖恩是从他侄子那儿染上的水痘。麦克米伦高阶〔clap〕He got the clap.他染上了淋病。韦氏高阶〔come down with sth〕I think I'm coming down with flu.我想我染上流感了。剑桥高阶〔come down with〕Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.托马斯周末染上了水痘。外研社新世纪〔come down with〕Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.托马斯周末染上了水痘。柯林斯高阶〔contact〕Medicine A person recently exposed to a contagious disease, usually through close association with an infected individual.【医学】 接触者:通常由于与患者有密切来往而在近期内可能被染上传染病的人美国传统〔contract〕He contracted malaria while he was travelling.他旅行时染上了疟疾。剑桥高阶〔contract〕She has contracted a severe fever.她感染上了严重的热病。21世纪英汉〔contract〕Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.那里的成年人当中有三分之二染上了艾滋病。朗文当代〔creep〕A scarlet flush was creeping into her cheeks.她的双颊渐渐染上一抹绯红。麦克米伦高阶〔delirious〕He suffered an attack of malaria and was delirious.他染上了疟疾,神志不清。朗文当代〔demon〕She had her demons and, later in life, they drove her to drink.她精神颓废,后来染上了酗酒的恶习。剑桥高阶〔diseased〕Clear away dead or diseased plants.清除掉枯死和染上病虫害的植物。外研社新世纪〔diseased〕Clear away dead or diseased plants.清除掉枯死和染上病虫害的植物。柯林斯高阶〔drink〕After her retirement from the stage she took to drink (=started drinking too much alcohol) .她退出舞台生涯后就染上了贪杯的毛病。朗文当代〔drink〕She took to drink(= often drank too much alcohol)after her marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后,她染上了酗酒的恶习。牛津高阶〔dyed-in-the-wool〕Dyed before being woven into cloth.生染的:织成布匹以前染上色的美国传统〔dye〕A purple may be made by dyeing a blue over a red.在红颜色上面染上蓝色就可得到紫色。英汉大词典〔dye〕The dye has come out in the wash.染上的颜色一洗就褪色了。外研社新世纪〔dye〕To take on or impart color.染上或粘上(颜色)美国传统〔enough〕They had been unfortunate enough to become infected with the virus.他们感染上这种病毒真是够不幸的。麦克米伦高阶〔estimate〕It is not easy to estimate how many people have the disease.很难估计有多少人染上了这种病。朗文当代〔experience〕From personal experience, she knew and understood the problems of alcohol addiction.她有切身体会,知道并理解染上酒瘾所带来的种种问题。朗文当代〔flavour〕The intervention of the authorities gave union struggles a decidedly political flavour.当权者的干预给工会的斗争染上了明显的政治色彩。牛津搭配〔flu〕I often have [catch, get] (the) flu.我常患[染上]流行性感冒。文馨英汉〔from〕Gray caught smallpox from his nephew.格雷是从他侄子那里染上天花的。朗文当代〔get into〕His influence got me into bad habits.他的影响使我染上了恶习。21世纪英汉〔go around〕There's a nasty cold going around: I hope you don't catch it.现在重感冒流行,我希望你别染上。韦氏高阶〔grow on〕Be careful,a bad habit like that can grow on a person.多加小心,一个人会逐渐染上那种恶习。21世纪英汉〔habit〕He fell/got into some bad habits after graduating from college.大学毕业后他染上了一些坏习惯。韦氏高阶〔habit〕I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I'm afraid I've picked up (= caught) some of his bad habits.我是跟我男友学的开车,恐怕我已经染上了他的一些坏习惯。剑桥高阶〔hang around with sb〕I got into drugs because I was hanging around with the wrong people.我染上了毒瘾,这是因为我与坏人混在一起。剑桥高阶〔holiday〕He caught malaria while on holiday in Africa.他在非洲度假时染上了疟疾。朗文当代〔hopelessly〕She was hopelessly addicted to tobacco.她不可救药地染上了烟瘾。韦氏高阶〔hope〕I hope you didn't pick up bad habits.我希望你没有沾染上坏习惯。英汉大词典〔illness〕The mystery illness affected hundreds of people.有数百人染上了这种怪病。牛津搭配〔infect〕All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.所有的西红柿植株都染上了一种病毒。剑桥高阶〔infect〕He was infected with AIDS.他染上了艾滋病。韦氏高阶〔infect〕She was infected with tuberculosis.她被传染上了肺结核。21世纪英汉〔lapse into〕Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour.青少年有时会感到压力过大无法应对, 于是渐渐沾染上不良习气。外研社新世纪〔lay up〕I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.我染上了急性风湿,卧病在床。柯林斯高阶〔maculation〕The act of spotting or staining or the condition of being spotted or stained.斑点,污点:染上斑点或玷污的过程或被染上斑点或被玷污后的状态美国传统〔many〕As many as (= the surprisingly large number of) 6,000 people may have been infected with the disease.可能有多达6000人已染上此病。剑桥高阶〔mess〕A lot of the kids had been messing around with drugs.许多小孩沾染上了毒品。麦克米伦高阶〔monkey〕Mr. Brooks knows he has a monkey on his back and would like to think he’s trying hard to shake it.布鲁克斯先生知道他染上了毒瘾, 而且心里更愿意相信他正在努力戒掉。外研社新世纪〔narcotic〕Both parents were addicted to narcotics.父母都染上了毒瘾。麦克米伦高阶〔nonresistant〕Not resistant, especially to a disease or an environmental factor, such as heat or moisture.易染上的:不抵抗的,尤指对疾病或环境因素,如热或湿气美国传统〔pestiferous〕Infected with or contaminated by an epidemic disease.染上瘟疫的:患有传染病或被传染病污染的美国传统〔pestilent〕Infected or contaminated with a contagious disease.得了传染病的:患有或被染上传染病的美国传统〔pick sth up〕He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business.他到该国出差时染上了疟疾。剑桥高阶〔pick up〕He's been picking up some bad habits from his friends.他不经意地染上了朋友身上的一些坏习惯。韦氏高阶〔pick〕I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere.我似乎从什么地方染上了重感冒。牛津高阶〔plague〕Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。外研社新世纪〔plague〕Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。柯林斯高阶〔precaution〕What precautions can you take against flu?有什么方法可以预防染上流行性感冒?牛津同义词〔prick〕You can get some diseases from cuts or needle pricks.割伤或针孔可能会使你染上某些病。麦克米伦高阶〔slide into〕He has slid into bad habits.他已染上恶习。21世纪英汉〔slide〕Murphy gradually slid into a pattern of drug abuse.墨菲逐渐染上了嗜毒的恶习。朗文当代〔slip〕Bad habits are slipping into your speech.你的谈吐正染上不好的习惯。英汉大词典〔smallpox〕In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox.1742 年,他染上了致命的天花。牛津搭配〔strongly〕There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.猫很有可能是吃了受污染的宠物食品而染上这种疾病的。柯林斯高阶〔take ... up〕The animal took up the disease.那个动物染上了病。21世纪英汉〔take to〕He took to drinking after he lost his job.失业后他染上了喝酒的嗜好。韦氏高阶〔telling〕There's no telling what diseases a person can get.很难预料人会染上什么病。外研社新世纪〔tinged〕The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.起居室被透过窗帘照进来的阳光染上了一丝金黄色。柯林斯高阶〔tinge〕The ink tinged his fingers blue.墨水把他的手指染上了点蓝色。韦氏高阶〔tinge〕The light of the setting sun tinges the buildings with delicate colours.落日的余晖给建筑物染上一抹柔和的色彩。朗文当代〔vaccine〕The vaccine protects babies and children against tuberculosis.这种疫苗能防止婴幼儿染上肺结核。牛津搭配〔vice〕Such men are prone to vice.这些人容易染上不良习气。韦氏高阶〔zoned out〕He was always zoned out on drugs back then.那时他染上了毒瘾,终日昏昏沉沉的。韦氏高阶A decontamination programme to rid the island of anthrax spores released in a germ warfare experiment was completed recently.这个岛在一次病毒战的实验中染上泄漏的炭疽芽孢,为净化该岛而进行的消毒工程最近圆满完成了。剑桥国际All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.那些番茄植株都染上一种病毒。剑桥国际Although it is colourless, quartz is often tinted by impurities and is found in a variety of colours, such as purple, brown, yellow and pink.尽管石英本身是无色的,但它常常被杂质染上颜色,所以被发现时常带有多种色彩,例如紫色,褐色,黄色和粉色。剑桥国际Apples, pears and potatoes can all suffer from different types of scab.苹果、梨和土豆都会染上各种疮痂病。剑桥国际As many as (= The surprisingly large number of) 6 000 people may have been infected with the disease.可能已有多达6 000人染上此病。剑桥国际HIV-infected children, he said, were outcasts -- rejected by schools and hospitals alike.他说,传染上艾滋病毒的孩子是被遗弃者----遭到学校和医院的拒绝。剑桥国际He got a sexually transmitted disease.他传染上了性病。剑桥国际He had slid into bad habits. 他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯。译典通His pants leg was torn and bloodied when he fell. 他跌交时裤腿破了,还染上了血。译典通I think I must be coming down with flu because I've been feeling wretched all day.我想我一定是染上了流行性感冒,我一整天都不舒服。剑桥国际She must have caught the disease from him. 她准是从他那里传染上这病的。译典通The ward was full of children infected with TB.病房里住满了感染上结核病的孩子。剑桥国际




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