

单词 某项
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Most kids can do something in the art line.大多数孩子可以参加某项艺术活动。柯林斯高阶〔REAL〕If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate. 如果某个学生因确实存在的宗教原因而不愿参加某项学校活动,那就不必参加。朗文写作活用〔advocacy journalism〕Journalism in which the writer or the publication expresses a subjective view or promotes a certain cause.偏袒性报道,鼓吹式新闻:作者或出版物表达主观意见或鼓吹某项事业的新闻报道美国传统〔assess〕To set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a tax or fine).确定金额:确定或决定(某项付费,如税或罚款)的金额美国传统〔assign〕To select for a duty or office; appoint.选派:为某项任务或工作选派;委派美国传统〔back〕To withdraw from (an enterprise or a plan) before completion.中途退出:在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出美国传统〔bail〕To abandon a project or enterprise.放弃,撒手:放弃某项计划或事业美国传统〔bill〕When a bill is passed in Parliament it becomes law.一旦某项法案在议会通过,便成为法律。剑桥高阶〔black-market〕To trade (something) in the black market.做黑市交易:在黑市中做某项交易美国传统〔bring〕To cause to adopt an opinion or take a certain course of action.说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动美国传统〔change〕She was holding some heavy change for him — money from the sale of some property.她替他保管着一大笔款子,是出售某项产业所得的钱。英汉大词典〔departure〕A starting out, as on a trip or a new course of action.旅途或某项行动新过程的开始美国传统〔detail to〕The soldier was detailed to some duty.该战士被指派执行某项任务。21世纪英汉〔detail〕A discrete part or portion of a work, such as a painting, building, or decorative object, especially when considered in isolation.细部:某项作品(例如绘画、建筑、装饰)的一部分,尤指这些部分被分开来独立考虑的部分美国传统〔devote〕To give or apply (one's time, attention, or self) entirely to a particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person.奉献:将(某人的时间、精力或自己)完全奉献给某项特别的活动、事业、目标或某个人美国传统〔disown〕The spokesperson disowned a published statement.发言人否认某项发表的声明是他说的。21世纪英汉〔dust〕To go about a task with great energy and speed.干得起劲:以极大的精力和速度做某项任务美国传统〔equity〕The residual value of a business or property beyond any mortgage thereon and liability therein.财产价值:一笔生意或某项财产除去抵押品和负债后的剩余价值美国传统〔exclusionist〕One that advocates the exclusion of another or others, as from having or exercising a right or privilege.排外主义者:想把他人排除于某项权利或特权之外的人美国传统〔expand〕Mathematics To write (a quantity) as a sum of terms in an extended form.【数学】 展开:以延展的形式记下(数量)某项数美国传统〔fancier〕One who breeds a plant or an animal for those features held to be desirable.饲养者:为达到某项标准而饲养动物或培育植物的人美国传统〔flatly〕Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.有时执行某项特定的任务有固定的价码。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.有时执行某项特定的任务有固定的价码。外研社新世纪〔follow〕She decided not to follow her mother into banking.仿效某人从事某项工作麦克米伦高阶〔habilitate〕To qualify oneself for a post or office.给…资格:使自己具备担任某种职务或从事某项职业的资格美国传统〔job〕When I took on the job, I didn't know what it would involve.开始承担某项任务麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕To persevere in work or an action.坚持做…:继续某项工作或行为美国传统〔legwork〕Work, such as collecting information or doing research in preparation for a project, that involves much walking or traveling about.外出收集情况的工作,外勤,跑腿活儿:一种需要走很多路或到处旅行的工作,如在某项工程的准备期间收集信息或调查研究美国传统〔licentiate〕One who is granted a license by an authorized body to practice a specified profession.领有执照的人:经有关权力单位授予执照,可以从事某项特殊职业的人美国传统〔mandamus〕A writ issued by a superior court ordering a public official or body or a lower court to perform a specified duty.书面训令:高级法院指令某官员或机构或某下级法院去履行某项特定义务的书面文件美国传统〔manpower〕Power in terms of the workers available to a particular group or required for a particular task.劳动力:以可以提供给某个集体或完成某项工作的工人为单位计算的力量美国传统〔markup〕A session of a U.S. congressional committee at which a legislative bill is put into final form.最终审定:美国国会委员会最终通过某项法律议案的一种会议形式美国传统〔pardon〕To let (an offense) pass without punishment.宽恕,原谅:使(某项犯罪)免受惩罚美国传统〔physical examination〕A medical examination to determine the condition of a person's health or physical fitness, especially for a specified activity or service.体格检查:用来确定某人健康状况和身体合格情况的医疗检查,尤指为某项活动或服务所需的检查美国传统〔prior restraint〕Judicial prevention of a statement or other expression from being published.事前限制,预先制止令:司法上预先禁止公布某项陈述或表达意见美国传统〔professional〕A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.专业人员:从事某项职业的人,尤指有学问的职业美国传统〔pro〕One who supports a proposal or takes the affirmative side in debate.赞成者,投赞成票者:支持某项提议或在辩论中正方的人美国传统〔recompense〕Payment in return for something, such as a service.报酬:对某事物,如某项服务,而回报的酬金美国传统〔risk〕The variability of returns from an investment.投资报酬的风险:某项投资返还的机率美国传统〔scutwork〕Monotonous work or menial tasks that have to be done usually as part of a large, complex job or project.枯燥的粗活:单调的工作或卑微的任务,通常作为某项巨大的、复杂的工作或项目的一部分美国传统〔self-sacrifice〕Sacrifice of one's personal interests or well-being for the sake of others or for a cause.自我牺牲:为了别人或某项事业的利益而牺牲个人的利益或幸福美国传统〔shine〕To distinguish oneself in an activity or a field; excel.出类拔萃:在某项活动或某个领域内超群;胜过他人美国传统〔shit-can〕To bring (a policy or program, for example) to an end; terminate.结束:将(某项政策或计划)结束;终止美国传统〔silent partner〕One that makes financial investments in a business enterprise but does not participate in its management.隐名投资人:一个在某项生意上投资但不参加管理的人美国传统〔sophomore〕A person in the second year of carrying out an endeavor.有两年经验者:进行某项努力第二年的人美国传统〔sponsor〕One who assumes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation.发起者,主办者:在开始某项活动、学徒关系及试用期时,主动承担他人责任或一个团体责任的人美国传统〔springboard〕Something that helps to launch a career or an activity.推动力:帮助事业或某项活动发展的力量美国传统〔sue〕To petition (a court) for redress of grievances or recovery of a right.向(法院)起诉:请求(法院)做法律上的补救或恢复某项权利美国传统〔suffrage〕A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office.投的票:在决定有争议的问题或选举某人提任某项职务时投的票美国传统〔support〕These verbs are compared as they mean to give aid or encouragement to a person or cause.这些动词表示帮助或鼓励某人或某项事业时有所区别。美国传统〔syndicate〕An association of people or firms authorized to undertake a duty or transact specific business.辛迪加:授权承担某项责任或进行特定的商业交易的人们或公司的联合体美国传统〔synopsis〕A brief outline or general view, as of a subject or written work; an abstract or a summary.大纲,概要:某项课目或写作作品的简要提纲或概况;摘要或小结美国传统〔tie down〕Students don't want to be tied down to one policy.学生们不想被某项规定限制住。外研社新世纪〔tool〕To provide an industry or a factory with machinery and tools suitable for a particular job.提供装备:为企业或工厂提供适合于某项具体工作的工具和装备美国传统〔top banana〕The head person, as of a group or project.头头:某个集体或某项事业中的领袖人物美国传统〔tracking〕You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time.你会因过于专注某项活动而失去时间概念。柯林斯高阶〔want〕To wish to join a project, business, or other undertaking.需要:希望加入某项工程、业务或其它事情美国传统〔want〕To wish to leave a project, a business, or other undertaking.想要出去:希望离开某项工程、业务或其他事情美国传统〔war cry〕A phrase or slogan used to rally people to a cause.号召性口号或标语:用来把人们号召到一起从事某项事业的口号或标语美国传统〔warm〕Sports To prepare for an athletic event by exercising, stretching, or practicing for a short time beforehand.【体育运动】 做热身活动:为准备某项体育比赛而在赛前很短一段时间内做锻炼、伸体或练习等美国传统〔warm〕To make or become ready for an event or operation.使做准备工作:对某项事件或行动做好准备美国传统〔warning〕Counsel to desist from a specified undesirable course of action.告诫:使结束某项特定的不受欢迎的行为的劝告美国传统〔warranty〕Justification or valid grounds for an act or a course of action.依据:为某一行为或某项事业提供支持证明其有效之事(物、言辞等)美国传统〔wash〕To cause (an event) to be rained out.使(某项事件)被取消美国传统〔wash〕To refuse to accept responsibility for.拒绝接受某项义务美国传统The cashier had rung up one of the items twice.出纳员将某项款额在现金出纳机中输入了两次。牛津商务




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