

单词 某部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assign〕To place (a person or a military unit) under a specific command.把…编制:把(某人或某部队)置于特定的命令下美国传统〔backache〕Discomfort or a pain in the region of the back or spine.背疼:后背或脊柱的某部分的疼痛或不舒服美国传统〔blastema〕A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.胚基:身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力美国传统〔bonnet〕A removable metal plate over a machine part, such as a valve.阀帽:机器某部分上可移动的金属盘,比如阀上的美国传统〔carry on〕Every week a fresh scandal emerges about ministers carrying on with film actresses and call girls.每个星期都传出新的丑闻,说某某部长和女演员或是应召女郎胡搞。柯林斯高阶〔constrictor〕One that constricts, as a muscle that contracts or compresses a part or organ of the body.收缩肌:收缩性事物,如收缩或压迫身体某部分或某器官的肌肉美国传统〔corona〕Anatomy The crownlike upper portion of a bodily part or structure, such as the top of the head.【解剖学】 冠部:身体某部分或结构的冠状顶部,如头顶美国传统〔depressor〕Any of various muscles that serve to draw down a part of the body.降肌:用于消耗身体某部分的肌肉美国传统〔diagonal〕Something, such as a row, course, or part, that is arranged obliquely.斜行物:于倾斜位置上的某物,如一行、方向或某部分美国传统〔discharge〕To relieve (a part) of excess weight by distribution of pressure.减轻超重的压力:用分布压力来减轻(某部分)的负荷美国传统〔electrophysiology〕The electric activity associated with a bodily part or function.电现象:与活体某部分或活体功能有关的电活动美国传统〔evaginate〕To cause (a body part) to turn inside out by eversion of an inner surface.使翻出,使外翻:将(身体某部分)里面翻到外面,将内表面翻出使突出美国传统〔foreside〕The front or upper side or part.前部,上部:在某侧或某部分的前部或上部美国传统〔incrustation〕Biology A coating of hardened exudate or other material on a body or body part; a scale or scab.【生物学】 痂壳:身上或身体某部分覆盖着的一层分泌液硬化物或其他物质;鳞或痂美国传统〔kinetoplast〕An independently replicating structure lying near the base of the flagellum in certain protozoans.动力体:在特定的原生物中位于鞭毛某部附近的独立复制的细胞结构美国传统〔levator〕Anatomy A muscle that raises a bodily part.【解剖学】 提肌:能够提举身体某部位的肌肉美国传统〔motion〕A meaningful or expressive change in the position of the body or a part of the body; a gesture.姿势的变化:身体或身体某部位有意义的、有表达力的位置改变;手势美国传统〔mouth〕The opening to any cavity or canal in an organ or a bodily part.出口处:器官或身体某部位上通向任何洞腔或通道的开口处美国传统〔participate〕To partake of.得到或接受某部分东西美国传统〔placenta〕Botany The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.【植物学】 胎座:开花植物子房内的某部分,胚珠可附于其上美国传统〔posterior〕Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure.后部的,后面的:位于某部分之后的,在结构之尾部的美国传统〔screw〕To rotate (a part) on a threaded axis.旋转:使绕轴旋转(某部分)美国传统〔set〕The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.支撑:身体某部的支撑或承载美国传统〔situs〕Position, especially normal or original position, as of a body organ or part.位置:位置,尤指通常或最初的位置,例如身体器官或某部分美国传统〔tribespeople〕The people of one's own tribe.某部落居民:自己部落中的人美国传统〔unnamed〕The story was leaked by an unnamed ministry spokesman.内情是未透露姓名的某部发言人泄露出来的。外研社新世纪A collagen implant/injection is a medical operation which changes the shape of part of the body in order to make it more attractive.胶原蛋白的植入/注射是一种能改变身体某部分的形状,从而使其更吸引人的手术。剑桥国际The idea is that if one part of the system fails, the others continue to run.这个构思是,如果系统的某部分出故障,其他部分也能继续运行。牛津商务




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