

单词 某些
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENTALLY〕Teachers often unintentionally favor certain students. 老师往往会不知不觉地偏爱某些学生。朗文写作活用〔ADVANTAGE〕There has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of making certain types of drugs legal. 关于让某些药物合法化的利弊,人们讨论得很多。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality. 顾客们往往把某些品牌和高质量联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔In many ways〕In some ways the movie is brilliant, but in other ways it is just horrible.这部电影在某些方面很出色,但在其他方面的确很糟糕。韦氏高阶〔LITTLE〕The car just needs a couple of dabs of paint here and there, and it'll be fine. 这辆汽车只要在某些地方补点油漆就可以了。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕Only certain members of the police force are allowed to carry arms. 只有某些警察可以携带武器。朗文写作活用〔abide〕Some features were abiding.某些特征依然存在。21世纪英汉〔activate〕Biology To convert (certain biological compounds) into biologically active derivatives.【生物学】 使活化:变(某些生物复合物)为生物性能活跃的派生物美国传统〔analogy〕Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.相似,类似:不同事物的某些方面具有的相似性美国传统〔axis〕A center line to which parts of a structure or body may be referred.中轴:结构物或人体的某些部分可被参照的中心线美国传统〔bisque〕An advantage allowed an inferior player in certain games, such as a free point in tennis, an extra turn in croquet, or an additional stroke in golf.让分:某些比赛中允许对较弱选手的一种有利条件,如网球中的让分,槌球游戏中的外加局或高尔夫球中的追加击球美国传统〔break-journey〕You cannot buy a break-journey ticket on certain long-distance trains.乘坐某些长途火车时,你是买不到可中断旅程的火车票的。剑桥高阶〔buck〕This means big bucks for someone.对某些人来说这是一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔canon〕A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows.教士会会员:按照一种共同的教规生活并且受到其宣誓约束的某些宗教团体的成员美国传统〔caveat〕The spokesperson caveated the statement with a reminder that certain facts were still unknown.发言人对陈述做了限定,提醒大家某些事实尚未知晓美国传统〔cell wall〕The rigid outermost cell layer found in plants and certain algae, bacteria, and fungi but characteristically absent from animal cells.细胞壁:细胞最外层的硬质部分,存在于植物和某些水藻、细菌和真菌中,但在动物细胞中明显缺失美国传统〔climb〕To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.攀援向上:朝向上的方向生长,如某些植物,通常以缠绕茎干或卷须向上攀援美国传统〔cloudy〕Not transparent, as certain liquids.朦胧的:不透明的,如某些液体美国传统〔concubine〕In certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status.妾,小老婆,如夫人:在某些社会中,例如中国的封建社会,充当男人第二个妻子的女人,她们一般很少有法定权利和社会地位美国传统〔confirmation〕The police are seeking independent confirmation of certain details of the story.警方正在寻找案件某些细节的独立证据。牛津搭配〔connotation〕The term 'native' has acquired pejorative connotations among some groups.native (土著)一词在某些群体中逐渐有了贬低的意味。牛津搭配〔consequence〕The Act could have certain unintended consequences.这项法案可能会带来某些意外结果。牛津搭配〔corner〕We don't have enough money to pay for everything, so we'll have to cut corners somewhere.我们的钱不够支付全部费用,所以必须在某些方面节省。韦氏高阶〔crepuscular〕Zoology Becoming active at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds.【动物学】 黄昏时出没的:蝙蝠、某些昆虫和鸟类等在黄昏时或黎明前活动的美国传统〔death wish〕A suicidal urge thought to drive certain people to put themselves consistently into dangerous situations.自杀冲动:一种逼得某些人不断把自己置于危险境地的想法美国传统〔docent〕A teacher or lecturer at some universities who is not a regular faculty member.大学教师:某些大学的教师或讲师,但不是固定教职员美国传统〔dope〕Chemistry An absorbent or adsorbent material used in certain manufacturing processes, such as the nitroglycerin used in making dynamite.【化学】 吸收剂:用于某些制造工艺中的吸收剂或吸附剂,如用于制造炸药的硝化甘油美国传统〔eat〕Inflation has eaten away at the value of some of their assets.通货膨胀使他们某些资产的价值下跌了。英汉大词典〔empty〕Some parts of the city are desperately overcrowded while others are relatively empty.这个城市的某些地区拥挤得要命,而其他地区则相对较空。牛津搭配〔eyestalk〕A movable stalklike structure in certain crustaceans, such as crabs and shrimp, that bears an eye at the tip.眼柄:在某些甲壳类动物中,如蟹和虾,末端生有眼睛的可动的柄状结构美国传统〔fad〕Most children have food fads at some time.大多数孩子在某一阶段都会盲从某些食物。牛津搭配〔food poisoning〕Poisoning caused by ingesting substances, such as certain mushrooms, that contain natural toxins.有毒食物中毒:由于食用某些含有毒素的物质如某些蘑菇而引起的中毒美国传统〔habitable〕Some areas of the country are just too cold to be habitable.这个国家的某些地区过于寒冷,不适宜居住。剑桥高阶〔hamal〕A porter or bearer in certain Moslem countries.搬运工:在某些穆斯林国家的搬运工美国传统〔hell〕Often Hell The abode of condemned souls and devils in some religions; the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan. 常作 Hell 地狱:某些宗教中被判有罪的灵魂或魔鬼居住的地方;邪恶之人死后永远受惩罚的地方,由撒旦统治美国传统〔hierarchy〕The church hierarchy faced resistance to some of their/its decisions.教会统治集团面临对他们的/它的某些决定的抵制。韦氏高阶〔hijack〕Every religion gets hijacked by certain special-interest groups at certain times.每种宗教在特定时期都会被某些特殊利益团体所控制。外研社新世纪〔husk〕The outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or seeds, as that of a walnut or an ear of corn.果壳,种膜:某些水果或种子的外膜或绿色的外壳,如胡桃或玉米穗的壳和膜美国传统〔ignorance〕Shoppers have had enough of unhelpful and uninterested shop staff treating them with ignorance and rudeness.购物者受够了某些店员的气, 他们对顾客既不帮助也不关心, 不理不睬, 粗鲁无礼。外研社新世纪〔impugn〕All I can hope is that the good name of the Bank will not be impugned in some way.我所希望的,就是该银行的好名声不要在某些方面受到质疑。柯林斯高阶〔instrumentation〕Some of the instrumentation is exquisite, particularly for harp and flute.某些段落的配器非常细腻, 尤其是竖琴和长笛部分。外研社新世纪〔invest〕The constitution had invested him with certain powers.宪法已赋予他某些权力。外研社新世纪〔juice〕Certain scenes were juiced up for commercial purposes.为商业目的增添了某些镜头。麦克米伦高阶〔knobkerrie〕A short club with one knobbed end, used as a weapon by warriors of certain South African peoples.圆头棒:一种有球形顶端的短棒,被某些南非民族的武士用作武器美国传统〔law〕Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.某些土地所有者目无法纪。他们横行霸道, 鱼肉乡民。外研社新世纪〔lead poisoning〕Some types of paint on toys can cause lead poisoning in children.玩具上的某些涂料会导致儿童铅中毒。剑桥高阶〔legislation〕Certain animals are protected under/by state legislation.某些动物受到州法的保护。韦氏高阶〔lose〕Poetry always loses something in translation.诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。牛津高阶〔masked〕Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.有覆盖物的:具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些昆虫的蛹美国传统〔medicine dance〕A ritual dance performed by some Native American peoples to obtain supernatural assistance, as in healing or crop control.驱魔舞:某些北美印第安人祈求天佑来治病或控制庄稼生长等跳的宗教仪式性的舞蹈美国传统〔mildew〕A superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper, or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp conditions.变色,退色:某些有机物质,如布料、纸张或皮革,其表面由菌类作用而形成的薄层或褪色,尤其在潮湿的环境中美国传统〔moral〕If we accept that certain babies should be allowed to die, we place doctors in a moral dilemma .如果我们同意应该让某些婴儿死去,我们就把医生置于道德上的两难境地了。朗文当代〔muzzle〕The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.鼻口部:某些动物(比如狗)的头部向前突出的部分,包括嘴、鼻和下巴;(动物的)口鼻部美国传统〔obviously〕Obviously, they've had sponsorship from some big companies.很显然,他们已经得到某些大公司的赞助。柯林斯高阶〔peg〕Unemployment provides a peg for some politicians to hang their complaints about the government on.失业问题为某些政治家提供了抱怨政府的根据。英汉大词典〔penicillate〕Having or resembling a tuft or brush of fine hairs, as those on caterpillars and certain grasses.有细毛的:如毛虫和某些草上具有的或类似的细毛簇或毛刷的美国传统〔petiole〕Zoology A slender, stalklike part, as that connecting the thorax and abdomen in certain insects.【动物学】 柄,腹柄:一种细长的茎状部位,如在某些昆虫中连接胸部和腹部的物体美国传统〔pleomorphism〕Biology The occurrence of two or more structural forms during a life cycle, especially of certain plants.【生物学】 多型现象:一个生命循环中两个或多个结构形态的现象,尤指某些植物美国传统〔predestine〕God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.上帝预定某些人永生而另一些人永远不能得救。21世纪英汉〔pressurized〕Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters.某些种类的食物也可以装入密封的金属罐里。柯林斯高阶〔prevail〕Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups.那些观念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。牛津高阶〔provoke〕Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people.乳制品可能会引起某些人的过敏反应。牛津高阶〔pubescence〕A covering of soft down or short hairs, as on certain plants and insects.被短柔毛:覆有的一层柔软绒毛或短毛,比如在某些植物和昆虫和身体上美国传统〔pulse〕The edible seeds of certain pod-bearing plants, such as peas and beans.如豌豆和豆类等某些结荚植物的可食性种子美国传统〔rampant〕A rich soil makes some plants too rampant.肥沃的土壤使某些植物长得过于繁茂。英汉大词典〔rap〕For some people, rap — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise.对某些人来说,说唱乐——嘻哈一族的音乐——简直就是噪音。柯林斯高阶〔reign〕In some quarters optimism reigned supreme.在某些人们中间乐观情绪极为普遍。英汉大词典〔relation〕He established a relation between asthma and certain types of work.他证实了哮喘与某些工种之间的关联。牛津搭配〔semipalmate〕Having partial or reduced webbing between the toes, as some wading birds do.具半蹼的:足趾之间有部分的或退化的蹼的,例如某些涉水鸟美国传统〔skill〕Students need to possess certain basic skills by the time they finish school.学生到毕业时必须掌握某些基本的技能。朗文当代〔smuggle in〕Some wine has been smuggled in.某些酒是走私运进来的。21世纪英汉〔sophisticated〕In some ways Canada is more sophisticated than its giant southern neighbour.就某些方面来说,加拿大比它南面强大的邻国更为先进。英汉大词典〔speculum〕A transparent spot in the wings of some butterflies or moths.透明斑:某些蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上的透明斑点美国传统〔squamulose〕Having a thallus consisting of numerous squamules. Used of certain lichens.有一个包括许多小鳞片的叶状体的用于某些地衣美国传统〔supervisor〕One who is an elected administrative officer in certain U.S. counties and townships.镇长:美国某些州民选的镇长,(县属的)区长美国传统〔tariff〕The US could impose punitive tariffs of up to 100% on some countries' exports.美国可能会对某些国家的出口商品征收高达 100% 的惩罚性关税。牛津搭配〔tetrapterous〕Having four wings, as certain insects.四翅的:有四个翅膀的,如某些昆虫美国传统〔thermoluminescence〕A phenomenon in which certain minerals release previously absorbed radiation upon being moderately heated.热致发光:因温和加热某些矿物而释放先前吸收的射线的现象美国传统〔thermostable〕Unaffected by relatively high temperatures, as certain ferments or toxins.恒温的:如某些发酵剂或毒素等不受相对高温影响的美国传统〔titubation〕The staggering or stumbling gait characteristic of certain nervous disorders.蹒跚的步态:某些神经疾病中常见的摇摇晃晃或跌跌撞撞的步伐美国传统〔transfer〕Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.某些种类的财产在死亡时自动转让。外研社新世纪〔trope〕Music A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies.【音乐】 附加句:某些中世纪祈祷文的歌唱部分中作为装饰的词或词组美国传统〔turn over〕The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son.国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。柯林斯高阶〔unsay〕To retract (something said).收回(说过的某些话)美国传统〔use〕We need to recognize that certain uses of the land upon which we live are simply wrong.我们需要认识到, 我们对自己生活的这片土地的某些使用方式是完全错误的。外研社新世纪〔vague〕Some aspects of the law were somewhat vague and ill-defined.这项法律的某些方面有点含糊不清。麦克米伦高阶〔vegetable silk〕Any of several silky fibers from the seedpods of certain plants, such as the kapok.植物丝:从某些植物的心皮获取的几种丝状纤维的统称,如木棉美国传统〔village〕In some U.S. states, an incorporated community smaller in population than a town.社区:在美国某些州郡,人口少于市镇的没有加盟的社会团体美国传统〔way〕In some ways, the official opening is a formality.从某些方面来说,正式的开幕仪式只不过是走个形式。柯林斯高阶〔web〕A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.虫网:由线状的丝构成的精致组织,最典型的是蜘蛛或某些昆虫的幼体吐出的组织美国传统Certain drugs can make you sink into (= become so that you are in) a deep sleep.某些药品能使你陷入沉睡。剑桥国际Some Internet retailers are struggling to make money.某些网络零售商正奋力赚钱。牛津商务Some artificial sweeteners are thought to cause blurred vision, dizziness, headaches and nausea in some people.有人认为一些甜味素会使某些人视力模糊、头晕目眩、头痛或恶心。剑桥国际Some brands of running shoe are far more covetable than others.某些牌子的跑鞋比其他的更值得拥有。剑桥国际Some of the bank's practices were not compliant with the law.某些银行的某些做法不符合法律要求。牛津商务Some of the statements in the brochure are misleading.手册中的某些话容易使人误解。牛津商务The disease seems to be specific to (= only found in) certain types of plant.这种疾病似乎只是某些植物所特有的。剑桥国际There are strict controls on the export of certain chemicals.某些化学品的出口有十分严格的控制。牛津商务This acid is a waste product of the production of certain plastics.这种酸是生产某些塑料制品时产生的废料。牛津商务Violence on TV may turn out to be a potent influence on some young people. 电视里的暴力行为也许会对某些青年人产生很大的影响。剑桥国际




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